Part 31: Sidequest Hell
Last time, Jade wanted to fly around the Qliphoth to check on something that was bothering him. Sounds serious.
But you know what? Forget that. That isn't happening right now. For the sake of pacing, I'm going to hold off on plot advancement for this update. The fall of Chesedonia and the Rugnica Plains has opened up some sidequesting. In particular, one sidequest that is so involved it requires an update unto itself
just to finish the first part.
Oh, and as per usual this quest has a very strict time limit. If you don't do this pretty much immediately, then you're hosed.

Without further ado:
Remember, the Rugnica Plains are in the Qliphoth now. So before you leave, head over to Engeve.
The animation here is really janky. Cecille just kinda floats forward towards this guy and he falls over.

: Have you forgotten the Daath Convention?! What kind of trash are you to treat prisoners of war like that?

: Shut up! You Kimlascan dogs should be happy you even get to eat scraps off the ground!

: How dare you!

: L-let go of me!

: No, that man is my soldier.

: Do the Malkuth Forces lack even the slightest trace of civility?! That soldier threw our food on the round and then told us to eat it!

: Nevertheless, he is still my soldier... Dirac! Take this man to Haides' Stockade.

: Do you think I didn't hear any of what happened? Telling an enemy general to 'eat scraps' tarnishes the dignity of the Malkuth Forces. I'll listen to your side of it when I speak to you later. Take him away!


Oh. I see what's going on here.

: ...F-fine. That's enough.
And she walks off.

: General Frings! What happened just now...?

: I'm sorry you had to see that. The miasma surrounding us now has left my troops unsettled... by the way, do you know what's happening? What in the world has become of our nation?

: Ah, yes. Let us explain. But let's not stand around out here. Why don't we borrow Rose's home?

: It's difficult to believe, but it agrees with the reports from the troops I sent scouting.

: If there's any message you'd like to convey, I'll be glad to take it to His Majesty.

: For now, we're fine.

: Say, guys, let's go talk to General Cecille. I think we should inform Kimlasca that she's still alive, too.

: Oh, yes. But...

: I don't mind. I'll tell them you'll be coming.

: Thanks!

: Actually...

: The general was trying to save me.

: Save you?

: While we were on the battlefield, a large earthquake suddenly hit, and I almost fell into a fissure. The general came to save me, and...

: Private Hamilton and I were cut off by the cracks in the earth. And then General Frings... rescued us...

: I'm glad you're all right.

: ...It's an embarrassing story, to have my life saved by an enemy general.

: You shouldn't even think such a thing.

: Oh, hey, we'll tell the people in Kimlasca about you. Do you have any messages for them?

: I feel disrespectful asking Your Highness and company to act as messengers for me, but if you don't mind... Please inform Count Almandine that I'm alive, and convey to him my apologies. I believe Count Almandine should be in Kaitzur.

: You don't need to say anything to father?

: ...N-no.

: That's the plan.

: Could I ask you to convey a message? Because the land fell after General Nordheim returned to Grand Chokmah, I've become the acting commander-in-chief here. I'd like to propose a temporary truce.

: That's an excellent idea.

: If they're willing to accept the truce, I'd like to organize a prisoner exchange at Kaitzur.

: Will you release General Cecille?

: Of course.

: ...I can't say I agree with that idea.
Well tough shit: you're a Colonel and he's a Brigadier General.

: I thought you might say that, colonel, But she is not suited to be a prisoner.

: You're being soft, General.

: Aw, come on, Jade. It means they can't afford the resources to take care of an enemy general.

: Your'e an intelligent young lady. Thank you all for your help.
Talk about a one-track mind...

: Hmm... yes, I believe he's reasonably well off, though it seems you're a little late.

: Late? What?

: Nothing. Don't worry about it.
Jade knows what's up.
Okay, so all that shit we just did?
That was Part 1 of 10. And that's not even the ten parts of the whole quest, that's the ten parts that make up the
first part of the quest. Strap yourselves in, folks.
Okay, Kaitzur.
Both sides of the fortress are filled to capacity with wounded soldiers. I like that Abyss portrays the more brutal side of war that most games tend to gloss over.

: I'll begin the preparations at once. You have my deepest gratitude for spending your own time on something like this.
Apparently Almandine is suffering from some temporary amnesia and forgot that he's supposed to be arresting Natalia for being an usurper to the throne. Whatever, just roll with it.

: Shouldn't General Frings be informed?

: Naturally, I will send an emissary from our forces. I cannot possible trouble Your Higness any further...

: Well, if we have reason to go to Engeve anyway, we'll go ahead and tell him. How about that?

: Yes, that sounds good.
Back to Engeve!

: Thank you!

: ...Something's going on outside.

: I can feel monsters nearby!
Thanks, Nils.

: I'm concerned. Let's go see.

: Let's help them!
They're dead.
Oh, never mind. We're saved by Cecille, who is apparently allowed to carry her sword around. Brilliant, Frings.

: ...Now we're... even.

: If the city fell to monsters, there would be no meaning in hiding in the inn. And besides, I am a soldier. I cannot indulge myself in avoiding danger.

: You are a general-class officer. Putting yoursel fin danger to rescue a Recruit or acting rashly to save an enemy general is-

: What about you? You put yourself in danger to rescue me, your enemy, when I was trapped amid those fissures.

: That was...

: You trust me, an enemy general, and grant me freedom... you're a fool.

: ...I'd say that applies to both of us.
I know just the thing to... do we seriously not have a just fuck already smile? You're slacking on the job, goons!

: ...Shall we leave the two of them alone.

: ...Yeah.

: Hmm? Why?

:: You're dense, Natalia. Anyway, we're leaving.

: If one or the other were to leave the military, they might have a chance.

: What? Oh, my! Do you mean the two of them are interested in one another?

: ...Natalia, for a woman, you're really dense.

: The atmosphere between the two of them totally changed midway through.
So... yeah, we've gotten zero instruction on what to do next. But we have to go to Kaitzur. Again. So let's.
If by 'today' you mean the same day we arranged this. We're in the Albiore, so we're traveling way faster.

: So I see.

: We'll do our part, too.

: Understood.

: General Cecille!

: Y-yes, sir!
'Rhymes with Colette... and Ozette...'

: Jozette is General Cecille's first name, right?

: Y-yes, so it seems. A-after I finish investigating the damage here, I intend to return to Engeve. What are you going to do?

: We'll leave the situation in your hands.

: Understood, please take care.

: What is?

: Forbidden love between two enemies!

: I don't think it's forbidden...

: Say, General Cecille was saying she wanted us to go see her. Can we?

: Oh, yeah. At the Kaitzur Naval Port. Let's stop by there.
One direct flight later...

: You had something you wanted to talk to us about, right?

: ...Yes. I'm sorry to trouble you, but I'd like you to give this dagger to General Frings of Malkuth.

: My! But that's...

: Natalia. I don't think it's for us to criticize.

: Huh? What?

: Does giving him a dagger mean somethin?

: Oh yeah, Tear grew up in the Qliphoth.

: And there's no way Luke would know.

: When a woman gives a man a dagger, it symbolizes cutting off all relations with him.

: ...I'm sorry to trouble you.
So, back to Engeve.
Our group's current priority list:
1. Play matchmaker.
2. Save the world.

: I'm sorry to have to leave just as you arrive, but I'm afraid I must head for Chesedonia to speak with the residents of Engeve.

: Um... General Frings...

: General Cecille told us to give you this. Luke, if you would.

He just comes right out and says it without any hesitation at all...

: This is... Jozette... I'm sorry, but could you wait one moment?

: I'm sorry, would you please take this letter to her?

: ...All right.
Not like we have anything better to- OH WAIT.

: When we gave him the dagger, he gave us this for you.

: ...Aslan... I'm sorry to ask this of you, but if it's all right... could I ask you to take me to Astor's mansion in Chesedonia?

: General Frings asked you to come, didn't he?

: ...Yes, it seems best that I refuse him in person.
Seriously, giving us the sword was more or less Cecille breaking up via text message. I hate that shit.

: ...O-okay.

: Then I'll be waiting for you on the Albiore.

: But they're both serious. We have to help them.

: Help which one? And how?

: Yeah, seriously.

: Um, well... I suppose you're right...

: Oh well, let's just play along and try not to get too involved. It's something only the two of them can decide, anyway.
Been awhile since I got to break out the dual
Okay, so Chesedonia, right?

: Aslan...

: Greetings, everyone. We've been waiting for you. I was just speaking with General Frings. We're thinking of slowly moving the residents of Engeve back to their village.

: I see. To relieve the food supply?

: Yes. If Engeve is able to function on its own again, it should help to ameliorate the situation.

: Some of St. Binah's residents also evacuated to Engeve. If things go well, we may be able to restore St. Binah to functionality as well.

: That's an excellent idea. Though I'm worried about the miasma.

: As long as they're in the Qliphoth, that won't change, no matter where they go.

: Yes. And if the cities begin functioning again, they may be able to provide supplies to Kaitzur, and... so...

: You two have something to talk abut, don't you? We'll leave.

: Whaaat?!

: No 'whaaat.' Let's go.
Everybody else but Anise leaves, and these two just throw her a mile long stare each. She finally bolts.

: I... I can't do what you ask. My family owes a debt to Kimlasca. With the responsibility for the Cecille family name on my shoulders, I cannot

: I've heard the rumors.

: Then you should understand!

: Regardless of whether they are true or not, it has no bearing on your virtues. I believe you are the bride to be described in my Score.

: But Duke Fabre and I...
This is a
very subtle little tidbit that most people don't pick up on. General Cecille is in fact Duke Fabre's mistress. This is confirmed in the game's bonus material, specifically the audio drama's IIRC. Because we needed another reason why Duke Fabre is a huge asshole.
Meanwhile, outside:

: That's enough, you two.

: I can't believe your eavesdropping. That's horrible.

: You should be ashamed of yourselves!

: But I'm worried about them...

: I'm just nosy!

: I understand how you feel.

: Hey! You're supposed to scold them.
Jade knows exactly when and where to troll.

: So, how'd things go?

: ...He gave me a ring. He said it was a memento of his mother.

: My! He proposed to you!

: What are you hesitating for?

:Yeah! ...I think you should accept it. It just feels right...

: ...No, I cannot.

: Why?

: He is an enemy soldier. And also, I have a duty to restore the House of Cecille. Please return the ring to General Frings.

: What?! But-!

: Please excuse me. I must be going... thank you.

: It is the duty of royalty to serve the citizens.

: *sigh* I wonder if Frings will take this back. This is getting annoying.

: This is getting exciting!

: ...Ugh... yeah...

: I cannot accept it. Even if she will not accept my feelings, I will always be waiting for her. Please give that ring to her.

:Look... can I say something? I'm not a messenger boy for you two.
Lay. The.
Fucking. Smackdown.

: I-I'm sorry...

: But, really, what are we going to do? Even if we go see Cecille, we don't know if she'll accept it...

: I guess we'll just have to keep going back and forth.

: This is going to be a test of patience...
It already is Luke. It already is.

: This is what happens when you get involved in others' romance. Hah hah hah.
The one redeeming feature of this quest is that Jade is loving every second of it.
Guess where we're going?

: Why are you so set on refusing it? General Frings doesn't mind If you take it even without accepting his feelings. He says he wants you to have it.

: ...But, I mean, you know, taking a ring from a guy you don't even really like is kind of...

: I don't dislike him!
I-It's not like I'm accepting this ring b-becuse I l-like you or anything, baka!

:: Oh...?

: ...Perhaps not all of you are aware, but the House of Cecille was stripped of its nobility. I entered the military to restore my family name.

: Oh yes, I heard that. But even Father wouldn't tell me the details...

: The House of Cecille was banished from royal society as traitors to Kimlasca.

: Yes. My aunt, Eugenie, married a Malkuthian Count. Later, when war broke out, my aunt was stigmatized as a traitor to Kimlasca... so while I appreciate General Frings' feelings, I cannot marry into Malkuth.
And with that, we're finally done! Well, with the first part, anyway. However the rest of this quest is nothing compared to this, so no worries there. Really this quest needed to be broken up across more time, and it really could have used less backtracking. It also lacks any voice acting, which is a shame because a lot of the scenes seem like they really could have been poignant with it.
Next Time: We get back to the plot. The best God General is at it again.
There is no synopsis for this sidequest.