The Let's Play Archive

Tales of the Abyss

by Sydin

Part 34: Bonus: Things You Missed the First Time: Part 1

Things You Missed the First Time: Part 1

We're at the point where all the clues have lined up nicely, so I'm going to make Ingobert, and by extension Kimlasca, look like even bigger dicks. This is never explicitly spelled out in the game, so I might as well point it now.

The thing is Kimlasca is scarily tied to the Score. Much more so than Malkuth, where Peony really didn't give a shit that Luke blew up Akzeriuth, so long as you were going to save his people and try to make ammends. So why is Kimlasca so obsessed with following the Score?

Remember back to when we first made it back to Baticul:


: “Look at this fonstone. This is part of Yulia Jue's Sixth Fonstone, which fell into our nation's territory.”

: “Tear, read the Score that is written on the lower portion of this fonstone.”

: “...Yes, Your Majesty.”

: “He shall be called, 'the light of the sacred flame,' and he will lead Kimlasca-Lanvaldear to new prosperity.”

: “ND2018. The young scion of Lorelei's power shall bring his people to the miner's city. There... and the rest is missing.”

: “That's sufficient. In other words, Luke, you are the chosen youth.”

So even though this was technically part of the Closed Score, it by chance fell into Kimlascan territory, which gave them this knowledge. Now the fonstone cut off early, exactly before explaining that Luke was going to fuck up and spark war. Convenient, eh?

The thing is, the fonstone was damaged or tampered with specifically so that that little detail wouldn't be read. After all, you never read a Score of death, right? Yet they knew: Ingobert, Duke Fabre, and all the rest. They knew that they were sending Luke to his death, and that he would spark a war they were going to win, which would lead to prosperity for their country. And they did this without a second thought.

In fact, back when Ingobert still gave a shit about his daughter, he was very adamant that she not come along.


: “I told you last night, that will not do!”
Why? Because he knew.

So all that shit we went through in the beginning? All those Malkuth soldiers lost on the Tartarus? All that hardship to get that letter of peace to Ingobert?


: “Luke, calm down. The letter from Malkuth has made it here. I won't ignore it. You all must be tired from your long journey. Please, get some rest.”

It meant nothing, because this is a complete lie. Ingobert from the very start had every intention of shitting on Malkuth's peace attempts. That is the true power of the Score.

From the very beginning Luke's own Father, Uncle, and the entire royal court of his country were planning on using him as a pawn to begin their fucking war. And the moment he lived and Natalia became aware of what was happening, they were nothing more than obstacles. Fuck Kimlasca.