Part 39: Princess Natalia
Last time we headed back to Tataroo Valley in order to collect measurements from the planet's core. Now, we've come back to Sheridan to deliver our findings.
But first, a quick rest at the inn.
Hyperresonance Training Finale

: Huh? ...Oh, yes, let's begin.

: But I still can't handle it well enough to use in battle.
This is a fat lie.

: At one point, you couldn't do anything at all. It's quite impressive.

: Tear... thanks for everything.

: Luke...

Thank you!

This is the last of my training. From here on, your training will come from the battlefield. Stay sharp.

I will!

...You've come quite far, Tear.

It's thanks to your instruction, Major.

...Here, take this.

Major, what is this pendant...?

Van gave it to me, to give to you once you had completed your training.

So now we know the history of Tear's pendant. A pity we sold it off.

...My mother?!

Tear... if... if by some chance I should die in battle, open that pendant and look inside.

Major...! What are you saying?!

I said if. I won't die. Not until Van's vision comes to pass.

Major... I'll keep it safe. Thank you.

Yes ma'am!

: I thought you didn't like me teaching you how to control your hyperresonance.

: Wh-what?! No! I was... I was just embarrassed.

: Embarrassed?

: ...I just thought... well... it wasn't cool to learn from a gi- from you...

: What do you mean, it wasn't cool to learn from me?

: Well, I...

: ...Never mind! It's nothing!

: Whatever. I'm really glad you taught me. I'm glad I learned this from you. Thanks.

: ...Thank you, too.



: ...Sh-should we head back?

: Um... right.
With that, our sidequest is complete and I am freed from my self-imposed chains! Be assured, Luke will be putting his new found skills to work quite soon, I assure you.
Now then, plot:
The Tartarus's Final Mission

: We're currently modifying the Tartarus.

: The Tartarus?

: Even the fall into the Qliphoth couldn't break it. It's perfect for a trip to the core.

: The Tartarus is certainly proving itself useful.

: It will still take some time, though. You should go relax in town.
Skit: The Tartarus'Final Job

: SO we're using the Tartarus to stop the core's vibration?

: It was originally a warship, but this certainly seems like a more meaningful use for it.

: I hope it works...

: We'll have to make it work. After all, we need a place onto which the Outer Lands can be lowered.

: I know!

: Hah hah ha. Either way, it looks like this will be the Tartarus' final job.

: Yeah, go Tartarus!
A Call for Peace

: What is it?

: Is it really okay for us to just lower all the land on our own?

: What do you mean?

: It's a really big deal. It'll change the way the whole world works. I was thinking we should explain things to Uncle and Emperor Peony and work together.

: ...But we'd have to go to Baticul to do that.

: Luke...

: They risked their lives for us... for you, Natalia. Now it's our turn to protect them. Let's persuade Uncle to salvage the peace treaty that fell apart. Shouldn't Kimlasca, Malkuth and Daath work together to lower the Outer Lands?

: ...Please, let me think for a bit. I know that's best. But... the fact remains that Father rejected me... I'm scared. I'm sorry.

: We'll just have to wait until Natalia is ready.
We can find Natalia again, but she just runs away again. Nothing to do but sleep.
That evening...
A Childhood Promise

: Who's there?!

: I'm looking for Spinoza. What are you doing here?

: I'm...

: Aren't you going to Baticul?

: You knew?

: ...It's not like you to be scared.

: Well, there are some things that frighten even me.

: Really? Even though you have tens of thousands of Baticul citizens as your allies?

: I know that...

: ...Some day, when we're grown up, let's change this country.

: ...Let's work together to change our country. For the rest of our lives. Together.

: ...I didn't say that because you were a princess. Your birth doesn't matter. Just do what you can.
That was the marriage proposal that Natalia wanted Luke to remember all that time ago. It's a small little scene, but I really like it. It again shows us that Asch is still obviously in love with Natalia, and helps to cement their relationship and mutual understanding. It's also nice to see Asch try to cheer her up, the big softie.

: ...It's not nice to eavesdrop.

: ...I didn't do it on purpose. And it didn't seem like the best time to interrupt them.

: I see.

: If I hadn't been born, Natalia and Asch would have...

: If you hadn't been born, Asch would have died at Akzeriuth as Luke.

: Tear...

: Hypothesizing about not having been born is meaningless. You're living your own life. Experiences that only you know. Feelings that only you feel. Don't deny them.

: ...Yeah. Thanks.

: Then we're going to Baticul now, are we?

: Yes. I will do what I can as princess of no, as a citizen of Kimlasca.

: There you go.

: I'd hoped you'd say that. I wrote a letter to King Ingobert describing everything that's happened, as well as the problems with lowering the Outer Lands.

: Problems? Was there a problem?

: Oh, yeah. The whole reason the Outer Lands were made was to get away from that.

: We'll need more than the cooperation of Sheridan to solve this problem. We'll need Grand Chokmah's fonic researches and Yulia City. But in order to get them...

: We have to get Kimlasca and Malkuth to agree to peace.
Skit: Natalia's Resolve

: I hope the King will understand...

: Me too...

: Luke and Natalia are both taking a significant risk in returning to Baticul. I'm sure he will understand.

: We'll have to make sure he does.

: Yes. The Outer Lands will fall to the Qliphoth very soon. In order to lower them safely, both countries need to cooperate... now, more than ever.

: Yes, they do.

: Natalia, thanks for deciding to go.

: I do not have time to be worrying about the circumstances of my birth. I will do what I must.

: Natalia...

: Natalia, you're great!

: The world will change, one way or another. People must accept that, or they'll have no future.

: Yeah, this isn't the time for a stupid war!

: Both countries need to take a step forward from their history of conflict.

: Yes.

: Okay, let's go!
Skit: Let's Meet With the King

: Now, how to get Uncle to see us...

: Barging right in would lead to unnecessary conflict...

: Don't worry. If I lead the way, the soldiers should allow us through. So let's barge in.

: ...Okay, we're counting on you Ion.

: Yes.

: By my name as Fon Master, I will see the both of you to King Ingobert.
Having the Pope as a party member has a few advantages, you see.
No tricks, no sneaking. We're sailing right up and barging in.
None of the citizens have anything really interesting to say, but almost every guard around here has some unique dialogue, in some capacity.
I really like it. Mostly because of the attention to detail (did anybody else bother talking to all of these guys besides me?) but also because it again serves to characterize them as more than faceless mooks. They're people just like anybody else, and they're also conflicted over being ordered to kill the only Noble who seems to care about them.
This guy is probably my favorite. He's way far off the beaten path, but they gave him unique dialogue anyway.
All the way to the castle.
Forced Entry

: You realize what this will mean...

: Stop.

: ...Y-yes, sir!

: Those who accompany me come under the protection of Daath. If they are treated with any disrespect, Daath will no longer read the Score for Kimlasca.

: Open the way. That's an order from Fon Master Ion.
I don't know why Ion decided to take this level in badass during his short stint away from the party, but I am not complaining.

: ...Let's go, Natalia. This time we'll convince him.

: Right!
And yeah, all these guys have unique dialogue, too.
All right Ingobert, time to-!
...The fuck is he?
Oh, okay.
Honestly I don't know why they did this, because it completely breaks the flow for a new player to spend the next ten minutes turning the castle upside down to find Ingobert's bedroom. Whatever.
Ingobert Part II

: Natalia!

: Wh-where are the guards?!

: M-my daughter died years ago...

: No! The Natalia standing before you is your daughter! Seventeen years worth of memories should tell you that!

: Luke...

: Memories...

: So someone told you she's not your real daughter! So what? That doesn't change your memories! The memories you two share as a family belong to you alone.

: ...I know that. I know that!

: Well, then...!

: Father... Your Majesty. You may call me a criminal if you wish. But please, stop this war with Malkuth!

: I won't ask why you sent emissaries to Akzeriuth. I don't even want to know. But His Majesty Peony the Ninth trusted in me as an emissary of peace.
Bitch. Slap.

: Excuse me, Your Majesty. A monarch need not suffer these youthful tirades. May I suggest we come back at a later date to hear Your Majesty's feelings?

: Jade!

: What if they hide troops to ambush us?

: The people of this city would turn against His Majesty. Just as before. And Fon Master Ion is here as well. We all know what Daath's response would be were the Fon Master to die.

: ...Are you threatening me? Jade the Necromancer?

: Did you think I would enter a situation like this without taking certain precautions?

: ...I will read it and see you in my audience chamber tomorrow.

: Uncle... I trust you.
Well that was certainly heated.
Skit: How will the King Respond?

: Everything rests in the King's hands now.

: But the longer he takes, the more problems we could have.

: Yeah, I just know that Mohs is up to something!

: But the King seemed uncertain. I'm sure he understand what Luke and Natalia are saying.

: I expect he's already made his decision. He just needs a little more convincing. That's why I gave him some time. I wouldn't worry about the outcome.

: If he understands the danger the world is in, then surely...

: We'll find out tomorrow. For now, let's trust in him- in the strength of the Lanvaldear family.

: No, Dad is on my uncle's side... I shouldn't go there now. Let's stay at an inn in the city tonight.

: Hmm?

: You know, what you threatened my uncle with.

: Oh, that. I was just bluffing.
To the inn.
Princess Natalia

: ...We'll persuade him. No matter what.

: He might not come around that easily.

: Natalia...!

: I was a fool. I thought my job was to help the suffering in places like Akzeriuth and the front lines. But I was wrong. I should have stayed by Father's side and admonished him when he strayed down this errant path.

: Natalia. You truly are this kingdom's princess.
Score only knows why.
Kingdom of Light: Revived
The game automatically transitions us to the audience chamber on the next day.
Also, not two word bubbles in and it's the fucking Score again. Kimlasca, I swear.

: The Score is no longer useful. It started to go wrong when I was born.

: ...Replicas.

: Father! Clinging to the Score will no longer bring prosperity! This is the moment the world's leaders will truly be put to the test. We nobles exist precisely for times like this! The royal family does not exist to live in luxury, dependent upon the Score!

: ...What would you have me do?

: Sign a peace treaty with Malkuth and allow us to lower the Outer Lands into the Qliphoth.

: Unthinkable! The Malkuth Empire is our sworn enemy! Only a traitor would suggest such a thing!

: These are merely the ramblings of ignoble imposters...
Ion is like 4/4 right now. I love it.

: No one is born a princess. Only through diligence does one achieve the grace and dignity required of that title.

: I know not whether I possess the grace of which Jade speaks. But you raised me for seventeen years. It is with great pride in that time that I say this now.

:Uncle! Really?!

: No, Your Majesty!

: Don't listen to the babblings of these-
Now you act like a king...

: Father...

: Natalia, you have awakened the love and concern for this kingdom that I had forgotten.

: Father... it hurt not being the princess. But what hurt so much more... was not being your daughter.

: While you do not share my blood, I will never forget our time together... I will never forget the moment you first called me father.

: Oh Father!
...What? You're expecting an uplifting emoticon perhaps? Some words about how I'm happy to see Ingobert has come around? Nope. I don't give a shit if he finally manned up, it doesn't change the fact that not three game play hours ago, this man threw his daughter to the wolves for the flimsiest of reasons imaginable.
Ingobert is forever on my shitlist.

End of story.

: No, they've still got a lot of talking to do. They're going to start over as a family.

: ...Yes, we can't go back to when we didn't know.

: ...Hey, what happened to Mohs?

: It looks like he withdrew to Daath. I doubt he'll do anything immediately.

: To Daath...

: Okay, let's settle things before Mohs can interfere again.

: Then Malkuth is next. Let's go.
Oh well, at least we've gotten this taken care of. Now we can finally get this peace treaty underway.
...Well, we do have one thing to take care of first.
Next Time:
When we got back to Sheridan, Iemon and the others said they were
modifying the Tartarus to use in neutralizing the core's vibration. After all
the time it's been sitting in the port, it's finally got a job to do--and
what a job!
They said it'll still take a while to finish their work, so we handed over
the measurements we'd made and headed outside to kill some time.
Since we had the time, I brought up something that's been bothering me for
a while.
I was wondering whether it was really okay for us to go ahead with the
preparations for lowering the Outer Lands all on our own. If we go and
actually do it without getting permission from Emperor Peony and Uncle,
things might get ugly.
Everybody agreed, but Natalia seemed uneasy. I can't blame her... After
all, Uncle tried to kill both of us, and she thinks she's not a real princess.
Natalia asked us to let her think it over, so we headed for the inn to get
some rest.
I woke up early in the morning at a sound from nearby. Apparently Natalia
had left her room. I was a little worried, so I followed after her, and saw
her talking with Asch. I watched them for a little while, but their
conversation started to get pretty deep and I thought I shouldn't be
listening in. So I headed back to the inn--and there was Tear, who scolded me
for that very thing. I sure do get scolded a lot, don't I?
Seeing Asch and Natalia like that might have made me a bit uncertain of
myself... I started talking about how things might have been if I hadn't been
born. But then Tear said that my experiences and feelings are my own and that
I shouldn't deny them.
Yeah...I wish I could believe that.
I'm sure I'll be able to...someday.
In any case, Asch's encouragement seems to have helped Natalia make up her
mind, so we headed off to Baticul. We've got to convince Uncle somehow.
With Ion's help, we were able to enter Baticul. Last time we ended up
being chased out, but this time we have to convince Uncle, no matter what.
When we saw Uncle, it looked like he really did care about Natalia. Jade
handed him a document explaining the situation, and we left to wait for his
It'll be a whole day before we find out Uncle's decision. We don't dare
stay at my manor, so let's take a room in a city inn for tonight.
When we went to the audience hall the next day, Mohs was there as well,
just as I'd feared. I was worried about how things would go, but it looks
like Uncle decided that we couldn't simply rely on the Score anymore--and
that Natalia was his beloved daughter, connected by blood or not. Uncle and
Natalia made up with each other. I hope they can form a good father-daughter
relationship again.
So we've got Kimlasca's cooperation. Now we need to see about Malkuth--
let's go meet with Emperor Peony.