Part 42: Bonus: Things You Missed the First Time: Part 2
Things You Missed the First Time: Part 2Hey, kids! Time for another installment of "Cryptic Shit you Missed the First Time!"
In this episode, we'll be exploring Guy's family a bit, as well as somehow making Duke Fabre into an even bigger asshole. The rabbit hole never stops getting deeper, does it?
So Guy has revealed that his mother was Eugenie Cecille, of Kimlasca's House Cecille. Haven't we heard that name before?
: Yes. My aunt, Eugenie, married a Malkuthian Count. Later, when war broke out, my aunt was stigmatized as a traitor to Kimlasca... so while I appreciate General Frings' feelings, I cannot marry into Malkuth.
Oh yeah! So if Eugenie was Guy's mother and Cecille's aunt, that means that Cecille is actually Guy's cousin. In fact, this was hinted at several times, beyond the fact that his fake name of "Guy Cecil" is obviously an aberration of his Mother's maiden name.
: The House of Cecille was banished from royal society as traitors to Kimlasca.
Guy knew about the history of the Cecille family.
He expressed concern for her seemingly out of nowhere when she was heading off to the front lines.
: Brigadier General Cecille, at your service.
: Is something wrong?
: N-no, excuse me. I'm Guy. A servant of Luke's.
And he also recognized her the first time we saw her in Baticul, though at the time it just seemed like Guy and his gynophobia again. Take note that he intentionally leaves out his last name here.
So interesting stuff. What about more shit about Duke Fabre that I promised?
: Any fonis is a threat! Women, children, anyone! Show no mercy!
It was asked in the thread if there was a reason behind this order beyond the Duke being comically evil. Well now we know the reason: he wanted to kill not only Eugenie, but also anybody related to her so that he could cover up the fact that the Cecilles really weren't traitors. So he slaughtered the entire house of Gardios and anybody with a connection to them right down to the last maid in order to make sure the truth never got out.
That sounds bad enough, but wait, I have more! Supplementary material to the game shows that Cecille is the Duke's mistress. Also remember that Cecille is trying to restore her house to Noble status. Figured it out yet?
Duke Fabre murdered the entire house of Cecille save Jozette, had their house declared as traitors to the kingdom, and stripped them of noble status. Then he turned to the sole surviving member and told her he'd be more than happy to restore her house to glory, so long as she's willing to not only be his personal toy soldier, but also climb into bed with him.
I am honestly hard pressed to find a bigger asshole in the entire game. I can't think of one. Even Ingobert looks tame compared to this fucker.