Part 67: A Reason to Die
Last time, Luke resolved himself to die, along with all the replicas atop the Tower of Rem, in order to destroy the miasma once and for all.
So let's do this.
Skit: My Worth, My Desire
: Maybe getting rid of the miasma was what I was born for... so wouldn't that mean I can only prove my worth by doing that?
: I don't want to die... but I have to. That's the only thing I'm good for.
: That's the only reason I have to exist... but... I don't want to... I don't want to die...
The Scions of Lorelei
: Looks like Asch isn't here yet.
: ...What happened to her?
: She is one of us, chased out of a city and treated like a slave before coming to this tower.
: You intend to give up your lives to erase the miasma?
: ...We realized that there was no other way. No... we decided it is what we must do.
: You're being persecuted by the originals, just like he is. Yet you'll still disappear for them?
: ...This is not for the originals. It is so our many brethren who have not yet made it here can find a place to live. A new nation will arise from our corpses. Do you not desire our deaths as well?
: I...
: I told you I'd do it, why are you here?!
: Replicas, I am the one who will die with you. Come!
: Asch! Stop this foolishness!
: Listen to her, Asch! Stop!
: Stop trying to tell me what to do! Get out of here! You're a replica, too. If you stay here, you'll be caught up in the reaction and disappear! Who's going to free Lorelei if that happens?!
: You can free Lorelei! I'm going to do this!
: Do you want to die that badly?!
: But I'm a replica! I'm weaker! I couldn't even receive the Jewel to free Lorelei. It needs you, not me. The one who dies here should be the one who's unneeded... the replica... me!
: ...That's enough! 'Unneeded'?!
: No! I can't let you die!
: I agree with Luke. If we must choose one, it should be the original.
: Stay back!
I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die! I... I want to stay here! Not for anybody else... I want to live!
: It's not working...
: The Seventh Fonons that had gathered are dissipating! The miasma won't be neutralized!
: ...The Jewel! The Jewel's power to disperse is interfering!
: Asch?!
: Don't worry. I have no intention of dying with you. I'm just going to give your hyperresonance some power. You can disappear by yourself!
Rebirth of the World
: Augh!
: Ugh!
: Give the surviving replicas a place to live. In return for our lives.
: I, Princess Natalia of Kimlasca, swear on my life that I will fulfill that promise!
: As do I. We won't abandon the replicas... in memory of your sacrifice, like that of my sister.
: M-me, too... you're just like Ion, after all.
: Thank goodness! I thought you were going to disappear...
A bright flash of light appears.
: ...The Jewel of Lorelei.
: This is?! How? I thought you couldn't find it anywhere!
: This idiot accepted it from Lorelei just fine. He just happened to absorb the fonons that compose it into his own body. He was so stupid he didn't realize it until his body began to disintegrate.
: If we were together, the God-Generals would come after us. I'll act on my own until we locate Van and are ready to release Lorelei.
: You used a level of power that should have destroyed you. I'm extremely concerned. Please, get a medical examination in Belkend.
: ...R-right.
All in all, not a bad outcome! Luke survived, the miasma's gone,
and we got the Jewel! Hell yeah! Now we just got to stop that Planet Storm, stomp Van again, and save the world.
...Oh right, we have a doctor's visit first. That shouldn't take too long, right?
The Cost
: Just go!
: ...Well, if he insists.
: Okay, we'll be waiting at the inn.
: Why?
: The fonons binding your cells together are separating and declining dramatically. It's highly likely that very soon, your cells will disintegrate, and you will die.
: Can you cure it if I check in here?
: No, we can only postpone the day you vanish.
: ...Don't tell the others about this.
: But...!
: It's okay. I don't want them worrying about me.
: Very well.
: Uh, he said my blood fonons are a little low, but I'll be fine.
: Really? That's great!
: You sure are tough, Luke!
: I'm relieved.
: Well, I guess we can relax a little, then. You must be tired. Return to Baticul with your report on the miasma, then get some rest. Understand?
: Yes. His Majesty should have returned to the castle from the summit by now.
: Yes. And we still have the task of freeing Lorelei. You have to regain your strength.
: All right.
: You're a naughty boy, telling lies again.
: ...I'll go along with your story. But take care of yourself.
: ...No one can keep anything from you, huh?
: You're just a bad liar.
: Also, let me warn you. Your fonons must be undergoing rapid separation. Don't use your power any more than you absolutely must.
: ...Right. Thanks, Jade.
As per usual, Jade knows everything before we do.
The Jewel of Lorelei is actually an accessory Luke can hold, and since I never play as Luke outside of this LP I'll just leave it up to McTimmy to describe what it does.
McTimmy posted:
The Jewel restores 10%HP/TP every five seconds. It is THE best accessory in the game and is the only thing Luke has over Guy.
So yeah, not too shabby.
We're given free reign to go where we want again and, I'm not even kidding, we have two sidequests to do. They're quick. We have to do this now, and the reward is definitely worth it.
...We also have like a half dozen skits piling up. Let's listen in on our way.
Skit: A Fate of Death
: ...I'm going to... disappear? I'm going to die...? No...
: Just... just when I started really wanting to live...
: I don't want to die... but how long do I even have? Is it going to hurt...? Did the people I killed feel the same way...?
: Did they feel how I do now? I don't want to die... I don't want to die!
Skit: The Jewel of Lorelei
: So this is the Jewel of Lorelei, huh?
: Yeah, it looks like a capacity core.
: Perhaps the Sword and the Jewel served as Yulia's weapon and armor.
: Oh... then shouldn't I give this to you?
: Lorelei entrusted it to you and Asch. It's your responsibility.
: Yeah, and while you're at it, take responsibility for making us go all over the place when you had it the whole time.
: But this whole thing with the Jewel of Lorelei getting broken down into fonons and going inside my body... does this happen a lot?
: It's called the contamination effect.
: But doesn't that require a special kind of fonic arte to occur?
: Replicas' fonons separate easily. As a result, it's also easy for other fonons to get mixed in. If the fonons have similar frequencies, they could easily get taken into a replica's body.
: Oh... and since the Jewel's made of the Seventh Fonon, it got mixed up with the Seventh Fonons in Luke.
: So, you mean that Luke is susceptible to the contamination effect?
: Yes. His fonon frequency is identical to that of the Seventh Fonon, after all.
Skit: A Great Sacrifice
: I wonder if they really accepted their disappearance...
: I don't know. It may be that our lack of acceptance pushed them into the pit of despair.
: Perhaps, but regretting that won't do anything. They died believing that a new nation would be born from them. It's our job to see that gets done.
: Offer a helping hand to the remaining replicas so they can live in this world... I guess that's the one thing we can do for Mary... for the replicas.
: Yes... The fact that we let the replicas die so that we could live... regretting that will accomplish nothing.
: That regret is only selfish sentimentality... though we should not forget it, either.
Skit: The Joy of Life
: The weather sure is nice today!
: ...Luke? What's with you, all of a sudden?
: The sky is so blue... you can see the fonstone ring really well. It's really pretty. Anyway, we've gout our report to do., so let's head to the manor in Baticul!
: ...Luke, do you have a fever?
: Did you hit your head?
: Might you have eaten something bad?
: Stop that! It's just... well, with almost dying and all, I realized how wonderful it is to be alive.
: Hah hah hah. Wow, I never expected to hear YOU say that.
: ...Well, anyway, yeah, it's not bad.
: ...Indeed it's not.
: Colonel, don't be so nice... you're scaring me.
Okay, we've made it to our first destination: The Tower of Rem again.
: ...I heard that he... that Aslan was here. I had something I wanted to give him... but there's no one here anymore, is there...
: ...I'm sorry...
: ...Please don't blame Luke. The General Frings here was a replica. Not the person you loved.
: ...I know. He's already dead. The person who disappeared here together with the miasma was someone else. But... why didn't I accept his proposal back then? If I'd known this was going to happen... I shouldn't have worried about names or honor. I should have gone to his side at once!
: General Cecille, let's go back. You mustn't stay here.
: ...No! I have nowhere to return! What am I supposed to do in a world without him?!
: ...With his dying breath, General Frings asked Yulia to 'please bring happiness... to her.' He was talking about you, wasn't he?
: Aslan...
: Let's go back. General Frings prayed for your happiness to the very end. I can't believe that the happiness he wished for you meant dying to monsters here.
: ...You're right.
: But...
: ...It's all right. I can't yet pull my feelings together, but I want to think about the happiness Aslan wished for me. Oh... let me give this to you, Gailardia. It's the knight's raiment I was going to give Aslan upon our marriage. I brought it to the Tower of Rem, thinking I would at least give it to his replica, but...
: I can't accept something like that...
: There is no one left to claim it. I had thought about offering it at Aslan's grave, but we were never actually married. You're my cousin, and you knew Aslan. I think he would be happy for you to have it.
: ...All right.
: I bid you my leave.
And so ends that sidequest.
Yeah, all of this was to get a costume for Guy.
Here it is, not too bad.
Second sidequest. Let's head to Daath.
Song of Farewell
Not just Daath, but Ion's room specifically. What would prompt you to come here? Fuck if I know, but I hope you did feel the urge, because for a limited time only you can get something really fucking good!
: Tear.
: Ion... why...?
: A memorial service for Fon Master Ion will be held tomorrow. Such services are normally limited to members of the Order, but if you would be so kind as to join us...
: Well go, right?
: Yes. Please allow me to express the grief of the Emperor as well.
: Yes, I also wish to represent Kimlasca-- no, to offer my own feelings and prayers as well.
: Ion was our friend after all.
: ...Tear, I'd like to ask you a favor.
: What is it?
: The fonic hymns...?
: Ion said he liked your hymns. That they felt nostalgic. Yulia's hymns together make another hymn, right? Please... sing the Grand Fonic Hymn.
: But... I don't know the Seventh Hymn.
: Then just the part you do know! Please!
: Go on and sing. Even if it's not complete, I'm sure Ion would appreciate it.
: Tear, I think that song can be a form of prayer.
: ...Okay.
Twei Rei Tsuae Croix Ryo Twei Tusae.
Croix Ryo Tsuae Twei Ryo Rei Nuvu Ryo Tsuae.
Va Rei Zaei Twei Nuvu Tsuae Tyo Tsuae Croix.
Ryo Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va Tsuae Rei.
Va Nuvu Va Rei Va Nuvu Va Tsuae Rei.
I don't know why she only sings five hymns when we know this sixth. I guess they didn't expect me to be that high level yet.
Thank you...
: I'm sure Ion was pleased to see you again.
: What was that in the middle of the service?
: I don't know... but the moment I sang the Fifth Hymn, I felt a power that had never arisen before. I thought I'd understood its symbolism, but...
: Perhaps removing the miasma from your body has enabled you to use higher-level hymns?
: ...At that moment, I heard the Fon Master's voice. I believe that Ion must have lent you his power.
: Yeah, I heard it too.
: Me too... I think Maestro Tritheim's right.
: Perhaps such things are possible.
: But... why?
: What's wrong?
: Even though I don't know it... I felt like I could have sung the Seventh Hymn.
: The one you haven't been taught yet?
: Yes... it must have been my imagination. Perhaps Ion's power granted me that illusion.
Judgment is the Fifth Hymn, and isn't too shabby. For about 10 seconds, it calls down pillars of light that will average 4-6k damage against enemies even on Very Hard. The downside is that it takes a long time to cast, and the pillars are random, so you could hit everybody three times or nobody once. It's a gamble, but can pay off very well.
We're running out of update time, but there's one more plot scene I want to show to wrap this up. So off to Baticul.
Condemned to Watch
: I'll return to the castle. Please come to the audience hall tomorrow.
: Okay. The rest of you, make yourselves comfortable in the manor. I'm going to my room to rest.
: Mieu? What is it?
: I have to tell you a secret.
: Secret? What are you talking about?
: I can't tell you, Master!
: What?!
: Heh heh. Okay, okay. I'll listen. You go get some rest, Luke.
: Fine. I know when I'm not wanted!
Goddamn it Mieu.
Knocking is heard at the door.
: I-I'm here. Come in!
: Oh, it's you. What's with the serious look?
: Is it true that your fonons are separating?
: Who told you that?
: Mieu. He told me what you and the Colonel had discussed.
: That little... damn it...
: How is your condition. Will you get better?
: The doctor said it was too late...
: No!
: Tear, please keep this between us. The only other one who knows is Jade.
: Do you intend to keep them in the dark forever?
: My condition won't change whether I tell them or not. There's no need to worry them.
: Why...? Why are you doing this...?
: If I'm going to die, I want to enjoy the time I have left.
: And every time they do, I'll be reminded that I'm going to die.
: ...See? I'm a coward. I'm already like this now. If the others knew... I'd never stop shaking and crying. I'd crawl into a little shell.
: ...You idiot.
: Yeah, no kidding. I really am... sorry to worry you, Tear.
: Okay. I won't.
Next Time: Unfortunate Parentage
We found the replica Mary at the top of the Tower of Rem, holding an
injured replica. Apparently that replica had been treated as a slave by human
beings, and had barely managed to make it to the tower. I guess there isn't
much room for replicas in the world right now.
The replica Mary agreed to die on the condition that we would guarantee
protection for the remaining replicas. I was still wavering, but Asch came
along and yelled at me. We started fighting over the Sword of Lorelei, and
then I caused a hyperresonance.
To be honest, I don't really remember what happened then. I was probably
thinking a lot about how I didn't really want to die. But in any case, I was
able to grab the Sword of Lorelei from Asch, and I used it to start a
But I wasn't able to eliminate all of the miasma by myself. Then Asch
helped me, and together we neutralized the the cost of thousands
of replica lives.
As can be seen from the fact that I'm writing this, I didn't disappear. In
fact, as a result of my body partially disintegrating, we were able to
acquire the Jewel of Lorelei, which had become mixed in with the fonons in my
At first glance, it looks like things couldn't be better.
But I know the truth. I saw my hand starting to vanish. That may be a sign
that I myself am going to disappear. Fortunately Asch and the others didn't
seem to notice.
In the end, Asch took the Sword of Lorelei with him, while I kept the
Jewel of Lorelei, and we separated. If we stay together, it'll be that much
easier for Master Van to attack us.
Asch left, and we headed for Belkend, so that I could get a thorough
The result of the examination in Belkend was as I expected.
I'm going to disappear. And in the near future, too.
I told the doctor not to tell anyone about it, wanting to keep it a
secret, but Jade realized the truth. He said he wouldn't tell anyone else,
though. Thanks, Jade.
It looks like I don't have much time left, but at last I've finally
started wanting to live. I don't want to die, I don't even want to think
about it, but I don't have a choice, so I want to enjoy the time I have left
with everyone else. I hope I'll be able to fill the rest of this diary with
such good things.
In any case, we need to report to the King, and I could use some rest, so
we decided to head back to Baticul. Let's go.
We decided to save the report to Uncle for tomorrow, and rest at the
mansion today. I guess I might as well head back to my room and take a nap.
I was in my room, thinking about what it would be like to die, when Tear
came in. Apparently she'd heard from Mieu that I was going to disappear. That
Mieu, of all things to babble about... Tear's the one person I didn't want
knowing about it.
Tear told me not to keep anything from her anymore. Yeah, I guess. Now
that she's learned my biggest secret, I don't have anything...well, only one
thing to hide from her.
Thanks, Tear.