Part 80: Bonus Update: Alternate Dialogues
Bonus Update: Alternate Final Boss Dialogues
There is a surprising amount of extra scenes and voice work for the final boss. The version you was was what is considered the Main version, which you get if both Tear and Luke are in your party. There are six other version:
1. Luke but not Tear in the party.
2. Tear but not Luke in the party.
3. Neither Tear or Luke in the party, Guy in the first slot.
4. Neither Tear or Luke in the party, Jade in the first slot.
5. Neither Tear or Luke in the party, Anise in the first slot.
6. Neither Tear or Luke in the party, Natalia in the first slot.
Needless to say, I'll be covering all of them.
Before we begin however, I've also included to additional videos for the final boss, which run from the start of the dialogue with Van before the fight, up until the final anime cutscene begins to play. The first is a clean run, where all the characters are in their default costumes. The second, I put them in the Abyss Rangers outfits, because it completely breaks all drama.

Clean Run
Abyss Rangers Run
Right, let's get started. All of the unique dialogues start during the half-way point of the Van's first form.
Alternate Dialogues
Luke Version

: Ugh!

: You want to free Lorelei from me, don't you? Then show me your fury, your rage!

: I...I will win!

: Too slow!

: That's why I WILL beat you!

: To think you could push me this far... in the end, it seems I have no choice but to unleash this terrible power.

: They've supported me through everything. For their sake, I can't lose.

: No, for my own existence, I will not lose!

: Humph! ...I commend you on making me use this power. I would expect no less from my student. But that too, ends now. Goodbye, Luuuuuke!
The following scene plays instead of Tear's usual singing of the grand fonic hymn in every other ending besides the one where Tear and Luke are in the party. So I'm just showing it in Luke's segment.

: Rrgh!
And then it continues on as normal. It's a pretty badass moment to see Luke slice Van stem to stern, but it's really anticlimactic compared to the usual ending.
Tear Version

: ...The fonic hymns. Their melody will indeed awaken Lorelei. But you don't know the true wish contained in those hymns. They won't work on me.

: No brother... I do know. I can feel the thoughts and emotions Yulia placed in these hymns.

: Vandesdelca! Prepare to die!

: ...I would expect no less from my sister. True heir to Yulia's fonic hymns. It seems I have no choice but to unleash this terrible power.

: Yes. When you use Lorelei's power, your control over it weakens. That is why we will not lose!

: ...Mystearica. Such determination. I hesitated to confront you because I was your brother. But that, too, ends now.
And from then on (as well with all the other versions from here on out) continue on as the Luke ending does.
Guy Version

: To think I would fight you, Gailardia.

: I feel the same. To think Vandesdelca would try to realize such a stupid vision.

: I am thankful to House Gardios for protecting the Fende for ages. It pains me to fight you, to whom I offered my sword when you were young.

: But there's no way either of us will back down.

: Indeed. We are all trying to take the future by different means. We will not see eye to eye.

: You fight in the Albert style. I, the Sigmund. Let's see which is better.

: ...Impressive.

: Not too bad yourself.

: To dispose of you, it appears I must unleash this terrible power within me...

: So I will fight to destroy you with everything I have!

: Farewell, Gailardia Galan!
Jade Version

: Fighting Dr. Balfour. It must be fate.

: I don't care about fate... miracles, faith... any of that. I care only about putting an end to what I began.

: Yes, your replicas advanced research into hyprresonance and caused the destruction of Hod. And at the same time, they have become the way to free the world from the Score.

: At least I can use it more effectively than you!

: Save your jokes until after you've won!

: ...I would expect no less from the Necromancer.

: The fact that I didn't kill you is a sign my skills have dulled.

: To dispose of you, it seems I have no choice but to unleash the terrible power within me!

: Once we strike you down, Luke and Tear will free Lorelei.

: Farewell, Necromancer.
Anise Version

: I didn't think you could fight this well when we made the replica Ion the Fon Master.

: I didn't want to get strong. I just wanted to help Ion. Maybe he was just a replacement for you, but to me...

: Yes, he was. He was so different from his original.

: Of course he was! They were different people! I don't care if the Score says the world will die. You made Ion suffer! You made Florian suffer! You made Sync suffer! I hate you!!!

: Sync would be quite unhappy if he heard that.

: I don't care! I hate you! I'll kill you!

: Heh heh... I thought you merely played with dolls, but it seems I must fight for real...

: If you make fun of Tokunaga, I'll make sure you die in pain! I will destroy you! For Ion!

: Come!
Natalia Version

: You're not bad for a princess who lived in a castle. Perhaps it's Largo's blood in your veins.

: Perhaps, but I am not Largo! Even if the Score has made my fate go wrong, I will change that fate myself!

: Such arrogant strength.

: It is a throne made of the sacrifices of my people. That is why I must protect them! That is what I promised Asch!

: Do you intend to finish what Asch was unable to accomplish?

: I am not that vain. Asch entrusted that wish to Luke. I'll merely take your power for Luke's sake No, for Luke and Asch.

: I see... then I will destroy you with all my might, even if I must unleash this terrible power within me.

: Farewell, Princess Natalia!