The Let's Play Archive

Tales of the Abyss

by Sydin

Part 81: Epilogue: It Ended with a Song


Epilogue: It Ended With a Song

: "Croix Ryo Tsuae Twei Ryo Rei Nevu Ryo Tsuae,"

: “Twei Rei Tsuae Croix Ryo Twei Tsuae,"

: "Va Rei Zaei Twei Nevu Tsuae Ryo Tsuae Croix,"

: "Ryo Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va Tsuae Rei,"

: "Va Nevu Va Rei Va Nevu Va Tsuae Rei,"

: "Croix Ryo Croix Nevu Tsuae Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va,"

: "Rei Va Nevu Croix Twei Rei Rei"

: "Croix Ryo Tsuae Twei Ryo Rei Nevu Ryo Tsuae,"

: “Twei Rei Tsuae Croix Ryo Twei Tsuae,"

: "Va Rei Zaei Twei Nevu Tsuae Ryo Tsuae Croix,"

: "Ryo Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va Tsuae Rei,"

: "Va Nevu Va Rei Va Nevu Va Tsuae Rei,"

: "Croix Ryo Croix Nevu Tsuae Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va,"

: "Rei Va Nevu Croix Twei Rei Rei"

: “You didn't come...”

: “I believe your presence was requested at Luke's coming of age ceremony at the Duke's manor.”

Music: A Wish To The Starry Sky

: “I'm not interested in some ceremony... in front of Luke's grave.”

: “That's why the both of you came here, right?”

: “He said he'd be back. So let the others sit around... and tell stories at his grave.”

: “But I won't be joining them!”

: “We should be heading back soon.”

: “The valley is dangerous at night.”

Music: Overflowing Emotions - Reunion

: “Why are...”

: “...You here?”

“This place has... a nice view of Hod.”

“And also... I promised someone.”