Part 14

You'd think they'd have learned by now


I guess their big plan was to take me on themselves.

Not saying anything, Gandalf? What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

Stop playing peek-a-boo with Fiana!

... okay fine you can go back to playing if you want.

Oh boo fucking hoo. You shouldn't have sided with him, you old prick.

Huh? What did he mean by that?


I think we all know the answer to this one.

Who's the sissy now?

But you're the king...

God damn it, they must have used doubles. What made them think it would have worked?

I get it now. They were a distraction.

Londo Colrission.

Meanwhile, in the dick cave...

Is anyone going to ever actually finish a sentence?

I fight through two or three waves of cavaliers, using a couple of monsters and all the same traps I've been stuck with for ages.

I used my gravity-altering Graviton to crush most of them. The kids called him Murray.

And there you see the aftermath.

So would you say that sword was evil? An evil sword. HMM.

That's a possibility.

Oh you silly boy, you have it all backwards.

Hey thanks, I think I will take that. You can also see Murray in the corner there. I had to use Murray to kill him, as Londo is actually impossible to capture. At any rate, I'll just take this relic back to Satan and...

Aw, man. There was one straggler left.

I summon up a golem to take him out for me.

Yes, thank you Astarte, I already figured that much out.

I can make new traps!

I can't wait to try them out.