Part 15
I can now use the develop screen to make new traps. Hootie f-ing hoo. There are two upgrades for every trap type, and they all cost a shitload of gold to make. Luckily, I amassed a small fortune by not making new rooms and selling everything that wasn't nailed down. Thanks to my penny pinching, I was able to buy almost every single new trap available. So let's see what I bought.

First off, the new spikes. Just as the names lead you to believe, Poison Rod inflicts poison status on a target, and Fire Spikes explode a little when used.

Enhanced cages for more trapping fun! The Volt Cage we saw at the beginning of the game, when I captured Ardebaran.

The Ton Weight leads me to the big-ass ball of doom.

Upgrading the magnet gives me giant wall hands. One of which has the same shocking effect as the Volt Cage

Monty Python bit equivalents of the spike upgrades.

Upgrading the Bear Trap gives me a floor vacuum that'll act like quicksand, and a bear trap that will freeze its victim.

And finally, upgrading the pit gives you a trap that works the opposite way. Now I just need some fresh visitors to test these on.

Well wouldja look at that? Somebody invited one of those perky, adorable, underage anime witches.

Aren't you cute? I just want to keep you in a little jar.

Oh no! Look out, cute anime witch!

Ouch. I guess I'll have to keep you in a jar now, or else you'll leak.

Whoa, you sure have a knack for killing my monsters. What's your name?

... You're kidding.

Moving on...

This is your big plan? A whole army of trained soldiers failed, so you're going to use weak , starving, demotivated, and since they were caught highly-ineffective criminals to kill me?

Sounds like some real winners here.

They suuuure have.

ICE to meet you

Killing trespassers

Hey monkey-arms, does my ceiling look funny to you?

Made ya look!

No. No I am not. He is next door.
"Oh, ok then."

"Hah! Little do you realize, I've been reading this Let's Play! I know all about your pit trap. All I have to do is grab onto the ledge with my massive claws."

Not so smug now, are you?

You know what? I'm out of cornball jokes.

You just go die.

Oh FUCK you, Gandalf! You're just trying to annoy me into insanity, aren't you?