Part 16

Oh wonderful. I was starting to miss

"And all it took was a few deathtraps and seeing my undead sister try to eat me to power me up!"

This is a world where to huge nations are currently at war, and at least one of them is ruled by a big fat dick.

Oh god he really did just pick up some stranger off the street to send to his death. It's like I'm the only sane person in the entire game. I mean, except for the whole killing thing.

Before we begin with this slaughter, I should mention that I now have the biggest monster in the game. Sadly, he can't be used much as he needs a HUGE amount of space.


Holy shit I scared him out of existence.

If I catch you I'm gonna fuck you!

HEY! Ha ha! If I catch you, I'm gonna fuck you!

"You've been chasing me for nine days! Stop trying to fuck me!

I throw a zip-lock bag full of anthrax to stun him for a few seconds.

Hey sissy-boy! Wanna go for a neat ride?


The ride made him sick

You gonna cry now, huh? Baby gonna cwy cuz the big bad scary man's gonna kill him and suck out his soul?

Oh, stop sniveling. It'll only hurt a little.




I... but... he... what?