Part 18

That's... That's a little harsh for border-hopping. I guess Zemekia is behind an iron curtain.

"Nobody tell him where I am!"

Oh for Pete's sake. Nobody ever does anything themselves around here!

Hoffa. Oh geez, I hope he's not here to unionize my monsters.

Well that saves me some trouble.

A time machine? Hmmmm....

I need that very badly.

Such slander!

Oh sure, keep blaming me for everything! I'M the monster just because I'm trying to set the devil loose on Earth.

You're not getting away that easily.

Whoo hoo! Now I just need to figure out how to use it.

In addition to the Hourglass, I bought a new toy. The final upgrade for a ton weight; the Fire Bomb.

Nothing but the best in my house.