Part 2

I think the coast is clear now.

Jesus. Ardebaran let himself go in the last hour or so I spent hiding.

Oh. No time for commerce, my good man. I have adventuring to do!

A clue! If my translation is correct, this means I have to walk into the sun 8 times to progress. I'd better get running.

Inside the room, I find some devices that I can trigger by looking at them. Let's see...

I guess that explains the tablet, then.

Triggering the traps in the right order makes a magic sparkly door open.

It's maaaagic.

Moving on, the secret hallway leads to a locked door and a prison full of coffins. Correction: Coffins and something shiny.

A key! Hooray, progress!

Let's go back to the lobby.

This door leads to another hallway, with the same locked door from earlier and...

A teleporter.

Because stairs are for SUCKERS.

Moving on, the medliverm seems to be full of devices similar to the ones I used a little earlier.



... Traps, eh? Maybe I can use them instead of trying hand-to-hand combat. I'm still a Prince after all, and I am too meek and slender to raise a fist.

Trying to touch the bars electrocutes him.

That is a ring, not a contract, but whatever.

Hell yeah! Every time you capture a victim, you get this lovely choice. I'm going to rip out his soul, since that is so much cooler than killing him outright.

Huh. I never noticed that demonic looking door before... Better see what's behind it.

It's the blue forest lady, looking significantly smaller and less transparent.

Oh, so that's what that ring was for. I thought I was just robbing him.

Okay, so I just made a deal with the devil's liaison and already I have to kill random people. No problem! He's probably still walking around the first floor.

Or, he could have found another secret door. Whatever saves me a trip, I guess.

Yeah, I'm sure you will. Hey, I've got a magic trick to show you. You just need to stand near one of those red blinking triangles.

Oh, this? I... uh... I found it. It was in a cereal box.

Of course not! That would mean I was the new house master, and command all the dark powers therein. Heh heh. And that would be silly.

Fine. Have it your way. I was going to make it quick and painless, but if you're going to be like that then forget it.

And for being such a jerk, I'm gonna eat your soul.

Yummy. Now let's go back to the blue lady of the evening.

Nothing to it, baby.

And the first chunk of the game is finished! Let's check out some stats.

You get bonus MP for things like finishing a chapter quickly, either killing everyone or capturing everyone, unused traps, and other minor events.

And this I am showing because it takes forever to save or load a game. I'm just glad they didn't throw in a couple of load screens in for good measure.
Now that the house is mine, I have some remodeling to do. We'll check up on that next time.