Part 20

All right! Let's play some De-WHU HUH?

I guess my emulator must have glitched or something. I bet if I change discs, I can get Deception to load. Sorry about this, folks. Please bare with me as we go through some technical difficulties.

That's not the Deception screen.

Oh my stars and garters!

I guess I'll keep him.

Who's a good little evil house builder? You are! You are!

Now I'm gonna make him fight for my amusement!

The screen doesn't show it for some reason, but Ardebaran is using an invisible machine gun. Yes, really.

Okay enough of that. Let's go back to the real game.

I would make a joke, but multiple personality disorder is no laughing matter.

Plus, he has a bitchin' eyepatch.

Aw man, he made his personalities manifest in the physical realm. I hate it when that happens.

Oh my Satan will you look at that moustache? Are you an archer or a porn star?

Golem hates moustaches.



Truly, this is a keen archer... I'm going to dip my joke writer in acid for that one.

Boy, will you have egg on your face!

Brownie gets caged, while the other guys die to monsters in unamusing ways.

Oh if that's the case then ok. I was just goofing around.

It took a looooot of spikes to take him down.

And that is that. I suppose I should take that Devil Cane back to Satan now, shouldn't I?

Dammit. I thought I only had to get five relics. Looks like I miscounted.

Oh well, only one left to go.