Part 21

Another princess? Cool, maybe I can get some double-teaming.

Oh for the love of all that is good and pure in this world. You jerkbags already pulled this trick!

Stop. Just stop. I know you're a fake, and this is most likely a trick by Gandalf.

You embarrass both of us by keeping up this ruse.

Sigh. I guess I'll have to go down and show her the real Fiana that I keep in my pokeball.

And it's not really you!

Oh no. It was a trick. Who didn't see that one coming?

YUMPIN' YIMINY! The little bastards trapped me. ME! This injustice will not stand.

You said Mimi is in here? You love her, do you?

Then you can deal with my djinn while I kill her in front of you.

That part was obvious. Nobody else would use such an unimaginative trick.

You know what? I changed my mind. You're free go to.

Of course, I'm lying.

Not so funny when you're the one in the cage, is it?

Don't worry, you'll join her soon.

You seriously expected that to work? Have you gone senile? First, you try to execute me. That didn't work. Not only did it not work, but I gained a castle full of horrors and gained the power and favor of The Devil himself. So you get the bright idea to send some hired soldiers to kill me. None of them ever come back alive. Not a one. After the sixth or seventh try, a normal person would have given up. But you? You just keep on throwing shitty tricks tacked onto disposable help on the off-chance that this time I won't capture them and suck out their souls like it were grape kool-aid. You can't kill me, so stop fucking trying! Just... Stop. Leave me alone. Let me resurrect Satan in peace. Any further harassment, and I will have to summon my lawyer. And that'll take a lot of body parts.

That left a bad taste in my mouth. There's only one thing that can cheer me up.

Killing a little girl!

And not just killing her in some ordinary way. I kill her by dropping bath tubs on her head. Now I feel better.