Part 23


I knew I wasn't going insane! They really did tell me there were only 5 objects.

One of the Legendary Braves has a suspiciously normal name...

Back in the present, I head for that little room the time travelling, monster-making wizard was hiding in. This is where I go to if I want to head back in time.

I made it! The place looks quite different than it does in the present, since this was before Ardebaran made it into the castle we all know and love.

Oh. Hello there.

That's a nice way to greet a stranger!

Now we know why Shelling never had any descendents. I killed him before he could knock anyone up.

As you can see, the Shanty of the Damned is pretty small. This is the only floor, and there's but a few scattered rooms. I am also daunted by not exploring beforehand. I can't build traps in places I haven't been to, which is every darkened out area.

You're being a little generous calling this shack a castle.

Uh... Sightseeing?

So be it! Murray! Crush this pest.

Yes! At last, I can bring the devil back.

... Nothing's happening.

The way she said that doesn't exactly put me at ease. But what's another sacrificed soul to me?