Part 3


to set traps and build rooms and generally have run of the place.

Well aren't you Little Miss Helpful? At any rate, I now have a lot of housecleaning to do.

You can set traps and do other little house things at any time either from the big decorative crystal

or in one of the power rooms hidden around the mansion.

You can also do those things at the start of a chapter, as seen here.

Here is strategy mode. As you can see, I can look at the map, set traps, or add rooms to my home.

Let's do some building first.

Not a lot of decent choices right now, but as the game progresses you'll get a better variety of rooms to make. Each room you build costs gold

Here are the building screens for each floor. Fairly simple layout. The blue squares indicate a teleporter or a power room. The purple room is the evil mirror room of the devil I'm in right now. The little red squares are people. Darkened areas are places I haven't visited yet.

Here, I'm going to add a little hallway

And end it with a room. Hallways are useful, as it gives enemies less room to avoid traps.

Now onto trap making. There are three basic types: Capture, destroy and confuse. They do just what the names imply; capture foes, hurt foes, or make them stumble around in a daze.

The capture traps I have so far. You get more types as you level up, and later on I'll be able to develop better versions of existing traps. Traps cost MP to make, which is another reason why I prefer sucking out a victim's soul to killing them. Each type of capture trap can hold someone for a set number of seconds. The more HP a victim has, the more time it'll take to capture them. Different people have different trap strengths and weaknesses, so the actual capture time you get may vary.

And here are the damage traps I currently have. Power affects how much damage it'll do to someone if it hits, and duration is how many times you get to use a single trap.

And here I've set up a bunch of traps. I have spike traps along the hallways, with cages and cranes at the end.

And here is the minimap you can bring up while running around. You can use it to find traps and enemies.

And finally, the masks Astarte gave me. Using one of these can lure an enemy to your location, or chase them away.

At the end of a chapter, you have the option of luring strangers into your home for body collecting. There are secret character types you get by bringing certain combinations. Right now it's not very useful to attract stronger enemies, but it'll serve a purpose later on. Plus, I could use the extra EXP and MP from the killing.

Despite what the internet tells us, ninjas and pirates can coexist. And they bring along a friend!

Inside that hidden room the scarred soldier wandered through, we find a Trap Pro.

The triangles indicate where a trap is located. The closer a victim is to it, the faster it spins. You want them to be right on top of the trap, otherwise they'll most likely avoid it.

Took me a while, but I got 'im. The ninja, I forgot to take screenshots of. She was pink, though. A pink ninja. Sheesh.

I'm so kind. So with some more innocent travelers killed, I think I'm ready to move on with the story.
But that'll have to wait until next time.