Part 8

If you have the Fantasia soundtrack or something similarly whimsical, now would be the time to play it.

What the...

This is weird. Maybe the character description will help me out.

Gee, thanks.

Hello there, little boy. Are you lost?


It's the Monty Python gag for you brats! Well that was an easy chapter.

Oh fucking hell.

Waaait a minute. That room used to be locked. This is getting very weird.

But at least the ant didn't have anywhere to escape to.

Hmmm. None of these things have souls. Interesting. I wonder what tiny thing I'll have to kill next?


This thing is a huge pain in the ass. She shoots dwarf stars at me while not walking into traps.

She avoided and blocked my best traps! I hate her.

My billionth trap actually manages to work.

I pray to every god and demon in the universe that you never come back. I hope that's it for crazy soulless monsters.

Ah ha! The titular old magician!

Considering this is the room every one of those critters came out of, I can guess where he's going to be.

No you're not, I am. I killed the masked guy and took his ring and everything.

Sure. You're standing around in a tiny room, sending out ants to get caught in bear traps and I'M the deranged one.

Wizard stick to magnet.

Free mask!

You're right! I didn't die. You did, you senile cock.

Does ANYONE in this house understand how anything here works?!

This little fact will be touched upon at a later time.

Right now, however, I have to take care of someone who is digging holes in my precious floors.

I'm sorry, what? I can't understand what you're saying.

No, seriously. You'll have to take off that helmet, then we can talk.

He then throws a tantrum.

There's only one thing that can calm down an angry digger:

A bucket.

You can just lay there and think about what you've done, young man.