Part 9

"I checked the dungeons, the servants quarters and even the pig pen! Who'd have thought you would be in your room?"

It's not enough that you killed me and took my throne? You have to take my girl too? Yurias, you dick.

"By the way, on my way here I fed an orphaned baby to a puppy then set the puppy on fire. Ahhh, good times."

15 minutes later...

And the Grand Wizard goes off to form a lynch mob.

Hey, that's convenient.

(According to my...)

Yeah, send Gilbert! Who's Gilbert?

Now where did I put that milk?

Egads! A girl!

No, I killed Norman and wear his skin like a suit on the off chance I could briefly confuse any royalty that strays into this house.

And then Fiana just sort of vanishes inside me.

Might as well show Fiana my room.

Aw, come on. You'll get used to the infinite space mirror and unspeakable terror within the third night.

For those curious, evil feels like that feeling you get when you drink juice after brushing your teeth but for your whole body.

Next on Fiana's tour: The Power Room.

... How did we not notice a giant man in armor following us?

I didn't think there were that many ranks to gain above general.

Put 'im out like a cigarette.

Ah, here is a new feature! I now have the option to save the corpse for use in monster making.

It'll take more bodies than this to make something, so I'll just save onto him for now. Once you collect a body, a little coffin icon will show up on the screen. You have to drag the coffin into a prison room. Why? I don't know.

Yeah, the decomposition will do that.

HOW ARE YOU EVEN TALKING!?! Argh. Forget it. Let's just go back to the Power Room.

Rawk. I got my girl back and another evil relic.

Today was a very good day.