Part 15: Tonight Theres Gonna Be a Jail Break
s Gonna Be a Jail BreakSo you guys remember the Monk I talked about earlier, right? Well, for a while, we were doing a sort of DM rotation. The one power gamer was still the main DM, but occasionally he couldnt make, so one of the rest of us would sub in. Even I volunteered at one point.
So at this point, the players had just won themselves a keep out in the middle of somewhere, probably the Sword Coast since thats where everything happens, apparently. I decide that one of their new neighbors comes over before too long, and hes got a problem. See, his captain of the guard decided to perform a coup detat, and he figures a bunch of adventurers would be perfect for getting back into power. Thing is, I also made him come off as unbearably arrogant, so the players would have to think about which side to support. Plus, just to make things interesting, the lord tells them he wants his men alive, since he knows theyre mercenary enough to not care who they work for and good help is hard to find.
They follow the lords directions and sneak into the kitchen, after which comes my favorite moment of the session. After silently dealing with the cook, those who can roll Move Silently and move into the corridor outside, where they had previously peeped to see a guard stationed at either end. Thing is, they forgot to roll Hide, so I tell them, They see you.
What?! But I rolled a 28! You didnt even roll!
They SEE you.
And this would be why every version of the game after 3.5 combined the two skills.
Yeah, but I thought it was hilarious at the time. They tried to argue that (naturally) their characters wouldnt have made such a mistake and they should roll Hide anyway, but it was so funny I made them live with it. Plus they were just hiding from a bunch of mooks, anyway. I didnt even stat out any of the guards, I just determined that they mostly succeeded at whatever they were doing and rolled some dice to make it look convincing. The real point of the infiltration was figuring out ways to get past the guards without killing them; the only real combat was with the guard captain and his lieutenants.
Oh, and when they finally reached him, it turned out that the guard captain was also unbearably arrogant, so it was really more of a coin toss for which one theyd support. They could support their employer and get a fun fight out of it, they could get the same money for supporting the guard captain (and the lord would have been so screwed by this, he didnt have any backup), or they could go Fuck it, kill them both, and take over for themselves, if they thought of it. In the end, they went with the original plan, kicked some ass, and went home just a bit richer.
One other thing. After the session ended, I let it slip that the guards were nonentities. The rules lawyer in the group seemed to get offended by this, and he said, You cant do that.
My response? I just did.
Rule #0 of any RPG: When in doubt, the DM is always right.
If Hals done, Id like to get started. We were just about to start the first level of the Temple of Elemental Evil itself.
Oh, thats right, my notes say we found some Elemental robes in the cathedral. Which kind should we wear down?

Even if youre going the Evil route and helping out the Elemental Temples, the Temple is absolutely bursting with combat. As the party moves across the southeast areas of the first floor, they face gnolls



and lets not forget the gray oozes and gelatinous cubes!

Theres harpies to spare

more ghouls sprinkled through with ghasts

Well, if it doesnt take too long, I suppose you could level up right now.

Youre wearing those Earth robes, so they think youre with them.

Those gnolls were just ornery.

Much like the skeletons beyond the gnolls, in fact. The many, many skeletons.

Their story is a bit simpler: their caravan was attacked by ghouls in the night, and when they came to, they were here. Morgan is willing to join if youll have him, though.

And now, back to the ghoul stomping.

That was the last one. Now, you may remember Zelda was hit earlier in the combat, but shes still just barely hanging in at -9 hit points. Did you guys want to heal her back up, or maybe dismiss her and get a new (and effective) Animal Companion for Meleny?

Later on, the party enters a room stuffed with goblins and a single ogre. They turn out to be ineffective against Glitterdust.

Then the ogre goes down to a Tashas Hideous Laughter. Josephus made this a bad day for the ogre in general.

Beyond the goblins, there was a giant viper which Meleny charmed. Unfortunately, giant vipers are too big to fit through most doorways and move at maybe one-third speed, so dont expect to see it around much.

The next area is full of cells with zombies, presumably the bodies of the former prisoners. All of the cells are full of zombies. All except one, that is

Not two minutes later

Wonnilons equipment. And before any of you get excited, no, Im not telling you what it is, only that its nothing you couldnt buy or craft for yourselves. Plus, like I said, plenty of experience to be had if you give it over.

Next time, then. And maybe youll meet the head of the Earth Temple by then, too.