Part 14: Fuck This Dungeon, For Real
This update will have to wait on the noir, at least for a while, because the Patrof Tunnel is seriously that ass. Oh, I'm sure you don't think it's that bad. It can't be worse than the preceding hard dungeons. Well you're wrong. Dead wrong.This dungeon is a gigantic ball of poisonous red ass. Any sane person would give up on things right here. Seriously, I won't blame you if you leave this thread and don't continue. But just in case you decide to, be forewarned: This is just a little taste of what is coming.
Boss Fight - Duel vs. Kamil
A word on this part of the game. The Apprentice who betrays Patrof is not necessarily always the same person. It's not clear if it's randomly assigned or if there's a list for each character, but the Patrof butcher will always be one of the Apprentices that isn't with you. Therefore if I'd wanted to spare Kamil's life, I could have recruited him and dumped Olvan, although this means Olvan would have been fair game. It may not be possible to engineer a particular apprentice here, but if there's someone you hate or at least don't care about, it doesn't hurt for them to show up here.
Apparently, Lux and Esuna can't be the Patrof Apprentice. I'm not sure if there's any logical reason for this, but something that was suggested is that because Lux SPEAKS IN CAPITALS and Esuna is a woman, it would be a waste of time for the programmers to have put in extra dialogue to refer to the Apprentice as "she" instead of "he" or to give Lux a special version of the dialogue. If anyone has ever gotten one of the two at Patrof let me know. Incidentally, you'd hate it if either were the one because they're both hard as hell to fight.
Oh, and a general note on Apprentice battles: Each and every one of them can heal. Yes, even Wilme, Lejes, and Lux, who aren't supposed to have healing spells.
With Kamil's death - and yes, Kamil is now dead and will not be in the game ever again, big loss - the people of Patrof are liberated. Also I jacked the Star Rune, which doubles defense like a B Defense when used in battle. It's awesome, needless to say.