Part 26: Mountain Climbing Excursion
Update 25 - Mountain Climbing Excursion

Alright professor, calm down a second. We have some stuff to take care of before heading to Amatsu.

First we need to stop by the inn at the research department. The inn is actually comprised of the inn, the stores, and the storage room.

Gotta get some cat food, 'cause you never know when you'll run into a hungry cat.

While we're here, we may as well call everybody up.

The next order of business is located within Fueno Forest.

There's a few new enemies roaming around here, with a real orange theme going on. Vicious Hooters and Noble Musketeers aren't anything special, and Giant Shrooms can cause Sick.

And bringing in a music reference is the White Snake enemy.

Since Professor Daiouji just joined us, let's check out his Friend Skill. It's super boring, because it's the exact same as Haru's down to the name. Disappointing.

Both Leroy and Lara get chocolate from Mutsumi at the Valentine Circle. They both just radiate charisma, so I guess Mutsumi can't resist either of them.

One last thing before we head to Mount Amatsu. There's a new film in the projection room, and Lara gets to watch it because she didn't pick up any extra characters except Misato. This film shows off "missing people," including characters you haven't gotten.

Alright, onto Amatsu we go. Since the train line to it has been fixed, we can just head straight there.

Mount Amatsu... is kinda a boring dungeon. It's big, sometimes I get lost, and it's mostly just a bunch of purple caves.

More shrooms and more music references with Utsuho Shrooms and Bee-Bee Kings. Also joining the shrooms are Mountain Mandrills.

There's also some pests around, with Utsuho Dragonflies and Man-Eating Dragonflies.

I know you all love caves as much as I do.

The gimmick of this dungeon are the pitfall rooms. If you look closely, you can see parts of the floor look different and will drop you to the floor below if you step on them.

There's even more enemies to find inside the caves, including Dark Sunflowers, Rocketsauruses, and Deadly Spiders.

As well as Armoured Whales.

If you make it to the top of the mountain, you can gaze out over Utsuho's forests. Nothing but trees out there.

After wading through water on the lowest level, we finally make it out of Amatsu.

And go right back into dungeons.

We run into Elephriends (who are not my elefriends) and Ur-Mandrills.

As well as Giant Cats.

Speaking of giant cats.

With that, we've now gotten every party member in the game. Nothing like a party with a giant cat, alien starfish, ghost, and robot.

I see the Public Safety Committee has expanded into acrobatics now.

The sign above the door that Daiouji was referring to reads "Amatsu Resonator Stone Factory" backwards.

The room begins to flash...

Until the two disappear in the light.

Oh, hello there.

The robed man switches on the conveyor belt.

Please Naga, your lisp is too annoying for you to be a good reoccurring villain.

Naga's underling snatches the ID before anybody else can grab it.

Naga may be elite, but he isn't creative because this battle is exactly the same as the one from last chapter. Done and done.

Sorry and bye-bye! That's the last we'll see of Naga.

We still have to worry about getting that ID, though.

Beatrice storms up to Leroy and pushes an item into his hands.

Beatrice and her Public Safety goons leave, dragging the Subterra members along with them.

Will they succeed in using the combined power of the Evil Regulations to take over the school? Or will Leroy and friends, with an unusual task thrust upon them by the Public Safety Committee, somehow manage to turn the tables on Subterra? Meanwhile, the students of Hourai gathered in the Assembly Hall for the imminent class representative meeting... The time for Hospo's final battle with Subterra has come.

The evil, creeping hand of the Subterra Society attempts to usurp the school. In order to defend and protect the three values beloved by Hourai's founder, Hokita: liberty, friendship and irresponsibility, we of Hospo have decided to fight our way into the meeting in the Assembly Hall where the final regulation is due to be ratified!
I was looking forward to Valentine's Day so much, and now it's all gone down the drain. This isn't some kind of joke. Hey, Subterra! Give me back my Valentine's Day!
Come! It is time for all students to unite under my banner and fight Subterra!
And now for a special after-chapter event...

As I decided at the beginning of the game, Leroy's birthday is in February. When it's your birthday, Hospo will celebrate and you'll get either items, stat upgrades, or both depending on which month it is. Because Leroy's birthday is in February, he'll get a 6-point upgrade to all of his stats.