Part 6: Greed is good
Part VI: Greed is good
This is Gaius Goonius, and he'll be starring in the side playthroughs. First up: merchant.

Merchant is arguably the easiest background for beginners, as you'll rely entirely on dialogue skills and won't get a sniff of combat if you're smart.

I'm getting good vibes from Linos.

Remember Gracius, the merchant with the map who ended up dead? Linos was behind it.

Oh, well if that's all...

We're transported to the Boatmen of Styx guild. It's nice to see someone who enjoys their work.

I invested some points in Trading since we're a merchant. It'll come up a lot.

I didn't know Stalin existed in this universe. Time to see our buddy, Feng!

He's his cheery self, as usual.

He's also the sass dispenser. Time to show him the map.

Our Streetwise/Trading is high enough to know Feng's bullshitting us.

This sounds familiar.

Time to squeeze Feng a little.

Nice. We'll deal with Cassius right away.

Instead of shanking the doofus, we'll convince him to leave town.

We tell Feng the news, he gives us the ring, blah blah blah.

Something I didn't show off in the main playthrough: there's a trader outside the inn we can bilk. It's easier if we have the merchant background.

Ah, there's nothing like shaking down hapless citizens. Puts a smile on my face.

With that out of the way, we go back to Linos.

I imagine Linos bathing in a pile of gold every day, like Scrooge McDuck.

Linos sounds like Mr. Burns in my head.

By the way, the Zenon we referenced earlier? He's right here.

Q & A time!

The Commercium operates much like the mafia, it seems.

Great. Sounds like Strabos is another unbearable, power-hungry tyrant.

Linos, Strabos and Athanasius could form a comedy team. Call it "The Three Sociopaths."

Thanks for the SP, Zenon.

I dunno; the Commercium is less of a hen and more of a viper.
Off to the palace. We talk to the preacher along the way, but things go differently...

Instead of asking about the Gods, we can go on an ego trip.

A major ego trip.

We need a charisma of 9 to pull off this next bit. Luckily, we do!

Yes, we convinced this man we're the fucking Messiah. How many games let you do that?

Huh, this is different. Thank god we don't have to waste time with Dellar.


Back outside we go. Looks like we have to complete Dellar's missions after all. Before we leave...

Aw, poor Dellar. Sadly, his training is wasted on this character.
At the bandit camp...

I told you Trading would come up a lot.

Boy, people will tell you anything when you've got god-like charm.

Pay attention to this next part.

Back to Dellar!

Oh come on! I went through the whole negotiation for nothing?

Back to Esbenus!

God dammit, why do I get pushback on every plan I propose?

Back to Dellar! Again!

Yeah, it looks like Esbenus held up his end of the bargain.

We could keep the money, but, uh, that seems like a bad idea.

And he gives us the power module for keeping our word. See? It pays not to be a backstabbing douche, Cassius.

From here, we activate the smelter like we did in the main playthrough.

You'll notice we can do something else at the control panel, but our Crafting is too low. We may find out what it does later...

We show Antidas the map and he goes through his spiel.

Remember when we asked Antidas about his House and he shut us down?

So, Daratan was king of the hill until the war against the Qantari almost wiped them out. Then a prophecy said Antidas would rebuild the Empire and, being a stuck-up noble born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he swallowed all of it. Yay!

Uh oh.

Hilariously, Cassius spots it's a fake immediately. Time to shit on his expertise.

Eat my entire ass, Cassius.
Next time: Subterfuge, forgery, and windbags