Part 13: I'll take that. And that. And that. And that...
Part XIII: I'll take that. And that. And that. And that...

Our final side playthrough is as Gaius Impuratus, Forty Thieves member and all-around scoundrel.

Oh boy, Cado's our boss. I can't wait!

I wonder how many times Cado had to tell us this.

No no, prostitution is the oldest profession.

Climbing the wall seems safest.

There's the map. While we're here...

It takes a level 3 lockpick skill and a level 3 steal skill to get everything.

Sure, we could fool Cado, but we get a better reward if we hand over everything.

Like an increase in lockpicking!

Before we leave, we should chat with the other guild members. First up is the guy to our right.

Thanks for the dagger we'll never use, Lucius.
Next is the guy at the bar.

Kleitos functions as the guild trader.

okay fine, sell me on your weapons of death

I buy a standard crossbow from Kleitos, even though I plan to avoid combat.

Finally, there's this dude.

Personally, I think the Forty Thieves are in a more precarious position than everyone lets on.

Oh, you're an enforcer. Got it.

Time to see Feng.

On the way I steal this merchant's purse, because why not?

I also break into Feng's house.

He's not even all that mad if you get caught -- he just wants you to come back with money.

Stealing from the blacksmith...

Stealing from the inn...

Stealing from random merchants! It's great when you don't have to buy anything.

We have a new option in the woman/mercenary encounter.

So, is the mercenary just standing there with a dumb look on this face during this?

Anyway, we break into Thessalos's place (remember him?) and take everything not nailed down.

He's loaded! And he has poor taste in ancient erotica.

Also burgling the house of the noble lady with the pretty gems. After selling everything, I'm swimming in roughly 2000 gold.

If you're part of the thieves' guild, there's an extra option for dealing with the raiders holding Tiberius hostage.

Good to see the Forty Thieves graduated from the "pay me first" school of friendship. We're going with the "Steal" response since it's our highest skill right now.

We'll try the window. Seems like a safer bet.

Good thing I put points in traps this time!

The goblet is likely in the chest, so let's explore first.

Got it! Back to Cado.

Looks like Livia's here.

Why are you calling me "sugar," like a 50-year-old aunt?

Thanks for the impersonate training.

At least act glad to see us, Cado.

I did that so you'd have a new wine cup? Whatever.

Cross that off the list.

As for the mine, we sneak in like in the main playthrough, but with a different outcome in mind.

RIP everyone.

We can add "industrial saboteur" to our list of traits.

Our next job for the Forty Thieves involves making an ore shipment disappear.

Talking with the gate guards gives us a variety of options.

Maybe we can ask Cado for help.

Remember the part in the merchant playthrough when Cado tries to trick us into giving him our signature? Instead of Gaius Goonius as the sucker, it's Zenon, and he signs.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Cado.


All in all, we have four options:
1. Bribe the guards
2. Steal the mandate from the Imperial Guards when the shipment arrives.
3. Talk to Flavius about his debt
4. Forge a mandate with Feng's help
Ordinarily I'd leave the decision up to you lot, but I'm going with what I think is the optimal path.

First, we need to talk to Flavius.

We'll pick the lock.

Very clever, Kaeso.

So what will we do now?

See Feng, of course!

Iron Tower should make a game starring Feng.

The next day...

Are you shitting me? Did I do all of that just for Cado to change his mind at the last second?

Let's use our big brainy brain and come up with a different plan.

At the Commercium HQ, we find some guy in blue standing in the hall.


Here's your damn ring.

Sudden merchant outfit.

Good thing Livia taught us how to impersonate a rich douchebag.

The trick is the sneak requirements get higher as you take more crates.

Level 5 in Sneak will get us every crate.

Off to Maadoran, then.

Let's say our goodbyes.

Thanks, Lucius.

Thanks, Aziz. I think.

Jesus Christ, not another complication.

We need to make our way to the main gate, but there are a bunch of people blocking our path.

Let's go for a diversion.


Oh, right, the gate guards.

No dice.



To hell with it, time for stabbing.

With that, we leave Teron for good.

Apologies for the massive update, but I'm eager to return to Octavia, which is what we'll do next time!
Next Time: Seriously, didn't you read the above sentence?