Part 10: Entry 3/31/10-10
Entry 3/31/10-10
We'd defeated our own regrets, and looked on as it melted before our eyes.
RECORD- "The Keys of Time"

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And then finally burst into a shower of butterflies.

And then it all faded away.

But it was...

Persona-users are supposed to beat Shadows, right?

Don't tell me you've been fighting them this whole time without knowing...
Metis had a startling revelation for us.

Shadows are the lower parts of the psyche everyone has... Suppressed human thoughts given physical form.
When people are unable to face their darker selves, they break loose, free from all control.
But sometimes, humans with special awareness can tame their Shadows...
Those are Persona-users.

You can't stand to see time move on... You don't want to accept your loss of someone precious...
It was by each of your wishes that time stopped moving forward...
And as a result, you became trapped here.

We won. That should solve all this, right?

If we return to the dorm, we may be able to go outside.
Something strange appeared in each of our hands.

Once you make it outside, the Abyss of Time should disappear on its own.
> Obtained Key of Time

Geez... I'm glad this didn't end up taking another year.

The door probably won't open unless all eight are used at once.

Those words...

Then let's get the hell outta here!
Uh... So are we just gonna waltz out through the front door?
And that's when things started to go wrong. Because there was another option.

The main entrance, or that door... It's one or the other.

I just assumed someone had locked it.

If we open it, won't it just connect to another past?

If you go through the entrance, you'll return to the present. But that door leads to the past.

But this time, the Abyss will disappear once you go through the door. You'll be in the true past.

If you don't believe me, then why don't you try leaving through the entrance?

That way... I'll finally be able to save you from this cursed fate...
To be honest, that's all I care about.


This is way too heavy to decide right here...

The past or the future... We could only choose one. And we were short on time...
RECORD- "Showdown In The Shattered Dorm"

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It should last a little longer, but we don't have much time.
If the fault extends to the door, we may not be able to leave even with the keys...

We gathered to discuss what would be done.

Why do you think he died?
They never figured out the cause of death at the hospital, right...?

In other words, we were saved because he gave up his life.
He gave everything for us... So it doesn't seem right to undo all his work on our own...

We've all seen what kind of resolve it takes to face death...
That resolve, and what it brought about...
There's no way we can cancel that out on our own whims.
Even if it hurts, we have to deal with it and accept the present.

I mean, you say it all the time-- "You gotta look forward!"
But things were not going to be easy.

When I thought about how he protected us, I kept telling myself that I have to keep looking forward...
That's why I started going to cram school, and spending less time goofing off.
But... I can't lie to myself.
If there's a way for him to come back... I'll take it, no matter what.

After all the things we've gone through, you're just gonna throw in the towel in the fight against yourself?

If you really thought something was that precious to you, you'd want to protect it no matter what.
Don't you understand!? We can go back and fix things!
Are you seriously just gonna let a chance like this go!?
Things were getting hurtful very quickly.

Nothing in the past was a waste... You're just making excuses.

Are you saying the person who saved you all didn't just... leave?

But I definitely see what Akihiko-senpai is tryin' to say.
When you get down to it, though... I hate to say this, but I'm just too scared to do that battle over.

Are you saying you're scared to die, but it's okay if he does?

Going back to before that battle means we'd have to fight Nyx again!
Did you ever think about what might happen if we lose this time!?
Yukari had no such fear, though.

All that talk about accepting the present is because when you get down to it, you only care about yourselves!

So if no one gives in... we'll have to settle this another way.

Yukari-chan... you don't mean--!?

That'll work too, right?

These keys represent each of your strength of heart...
Metis had a worry.

The person with my sister's power died of unknown causes, didn't he?
Did any of you ever stop to think that maybe the same thing could happen to her!?
I came to protect her... but I...
I won't make another mistake. I'll do whatever it takes to save her!

I can't decide right now which is more important, the past or the present...

Just like the day we said our farewells to him, and you were the only one who didn't show up.
You got to hear his last words... You even made him a promise... But here you are, still running.
Why were you the one who inherited his power when you can't even make up your mind?
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to lose to someone like you!

A fight with my friends...

And I've... made my decision as well.
I'm going to stand with Yukari.

Heh... I know you well enough to tell your mind's made up. All right.

Follow me... I'll lead you to a place suitable for battle.
If we fight there... no one can appeal the result.

How had it come to this?

> The friendship has been split...
> How will you make your final decision...?
The battle lines were being drawn...

I... I want to go back to the past. I want to save him...
So I'll get those keys no matter what!

We fought alongside him for an entire year... I don't want all of that to go to waste...
So I can't go back to the past... I won't hand over my key!

All Metis cares about is Aigis... How can we trust her?
Even if we did, we're supposed to just accept that taking this mysterious key will kill her? What a load of crap.
The time we spent with him means a lot to me, and I'm not letting anyone waltz in to undo it!

Why are we fighting!? We've helped each other up 'till now every step of the way! What about that, huh?
You guys better talk this over, cause I ain't letting anyone use the key until we're all agreed on what to do.
And if anyone's a sore loser about it, I'll kick all your asses just to calm you down!

We'll depart once Sister is prepared. Let me know when you're ready.
The worst was yet to come.