Part 11: Entry 3/31/10-11
Entry 3/31/10-11
The air was thick with tension.

I think we should let his actions stand as they are, and worry more about getting out of this alive...
Aigis-san, you're teaming up with Metis-san, right?
Well, Akihiko-san seems to feel the same way as me... so I'm planning on fighting alongside him.

But who would we be changing things for? Him, or us?
His death was no accident. He knew what he was doing.
That's why I can't let anyone undo the past...

Even if your time's running out, we can't move on if no one's gonna back down.
I mean, this is a one-time deal... If you don't like the way things are going, what else are you gonna do!?
So we've gotta collect all the keys until everyone just calms down!

> Koromaru is studying Junpei closely...
> It seems he's going to help Junpei...

I'm not going to let that be my last memory of him!
I'm going to take my chances... and I won't let anyone get in my way!

I agree with Yukari on some points. Furthermore...
No matter what, we'll have to face you and Metis.
I won't concede... so there's no need to hold back.

But if I take your side, the others will be my enemies... What am I supposed to do...?

I assume that your ordeal is not yet at an end... am I right?
If so, then the best thing for you would be to face your frustration.
Only by mastering yourself can you move forward without regrets.
This is what you must do to find the answer to life that waits for you...
It is the only way to reach the "end" that is in store...
It was time to go.
RECORD- "Match One"

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Once we leave here, I'll have everyone go separate ways.
You won't see the other teams until it's time for battle...
Are you ready?

A new door had appeared in the Desert, leading to 'Colosseo Purgatorio'. Through it was a waiting room surrounded by an endless field.

You see the big door up ahead?
There's an arena past that door. You'll be fighting them there.

But this is a real battle, and there will be consequences if they lose.

I'll protect you. No matter what happens... I'll protect my sister.
Metis had something to tell me.

But now, I feel like this is what I was meant to do all along.
I can't explain why...

A vast arena waited on the other side of the door.

Akihiko and Ken entered from the other side.

Helping both sides, encouraging my friends to fight each other... I won't do such a thing.

If you can't choose, side with Aigis.
Her life could be at risk, right? So it's only fair that she gets a handicap with you.

I can't fight against...

And so the first battle began...

Boss Battle: Akihiko and Ken
Here's the first of our showdowns in the Arena. Both are immune to Lightning, which sort of sucks. Akihiko can Counter physicals, and Ken has a skill that lets him evade them sometimes. Akihiko of course uses a mix of Zio skills, debuffs, and physical attacks. Ken mostly does the same, though he's also got his signature Hama skills and I think he can heal as well. We're going to take Ken out first to negate this possibility. For all of these fights your best bet is to keep Aigis in a Persona that gives you a solid defense and good healing abilities. Metis should have Akasha Arts by this point, which when combined with Power Charge does absolutely crazy damage. This is definitely the easiest of these battles for me because I've got Aigis completely insulated from physicals thanks to the Black Stone from Chernobog and Kohryu's Null Slash and Null Pierce. Oh, and these battles have one of the best battle musics in all of Shin Megami Tensei, Heartful Cry. They're worth watching for that alone.
It was then that I learned exactly what Metis had meant by there being 'consequences'.

They haven't died.
But... they won't return to their original forms until the true key is formed.
You can no longer avoid fighting...

What were you thinking!?

...We need to hurry, Sister.
The battle had suddenly gotten deadly serious, and it was all Metis' fault.

No matter what, I will protect you... Sister.

> To revive your defeated friends, you must see the fight through to the end.
> You decided to return to the lounge.
It was just Metis, Fuuka, and I in the lounge.
RECORD- "Match Two"

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I'll protect you... Sister...
No matter what...!
I-I... don't care if you turn against me...
It's nothing compared to seeing you die...
I was so angry with her, though, I didn't really listen to what she was saying.

When we returned to the Colosseo, Junpei and Koromaru were already waiting for us.

But y'know, no matter which way this turns out...
I just don't think Aigis can win against Yuka-tan right now. Sorry.
Then again, I don't think Yuka-tan's got it right either.
Even if we go back to before the final battle, if we're still squabbling like this...
I dunno, do you really see us being able to pull off a miracle and do things better than he could?
Me, I think this is somethin' we've gotta take care of on our own.

If neither side will give an inch, well, sometimes that's how things are gonna be.
Right, little sis?

You better not throw this fight!
Once again I was forced to fight those I'd sworn to protect.

Boss Battle: Koromaru and Junpei
Our second battle has the potential to be a little more serious. Both Junpei and Koromaru are immune to Fire, and use powerful Slash and Fire attacks. Koromaru will also use Mamudoon and Evil Smile to fear your party, and Junpei will use Tentarafoo to Panic you. Observant people may notice I had more money than I had a use for before this fight and bought 99 of every single status restoring item because why not. Koromaru is way dangerous thanks to his Mamudoon so take him down first. Both of them are vulnerable to being Shocked so if you've got Thunder Reign it will utterly destroy them. Magic is more reliable than physicals on this because both of them can Counter your attacks. On a more personal note this is in its own special way the hardest fight in the game because beating up Koromaru and Junpei is literally like kicking a puppy.
It was all too much...

Our bonds were so strong... And yet...

If we win... there will be no one left who can take your key.

I can't stand it any longer... This is wrong.
I can't accept either meddling with the past or proceeding blindly in the present.
It scares me too, to think about dying...
But does that justify hurting the ones who are precious to you?

I'll end all this by giving my key to Yukari-san and Mitsuru-san.

And I won't accept your input on this. It's my decision.
I was on the verge of making a very terrible decision.

I wasn't hiding who I am... I really don't know anything about myself.
About a month ago, I woke up here all alone...
You asked me about when I discovered my emotions, but I don't have any memories...
I only knew two things when I woke up.
First, that I had a sister somewhere in the world who understood me...
And second... a strong premonition that if I didn't do something, that sister would die soon.
At first, I thought it would happen because of the Abyss of Time.
But that wasn't it...
I understand now... The power you've gained comes at the cost of your death...!

The answer... to life...

That's why I made up my mind. I'd do anything to protect you.
Even... even if it meant you'd hate me for it...
You're all I have in the world...

There was a time when I felt the same way about someone...
But I still can't hurt the people who gave me my heart.
Even if the end result of this power is death.
But even if I'd given up, Metis refused to.

If you end up losing your key... I'll give you my life.
I don't want you to die and leave me behind.
I'd rather give my life than be alone... That way, I can always stay with you.


It's okay... I'm sorry. I won't leave you.

You show me so many things that I had let myself forget...

There's no easy way out.
If I gave up without making a decision, I'd be running away from the pain my friends must still face.
I think... I was running away from life again.
In that moment I had an idea. I knew what we needed to do.

Fuuka-san, there's something I want you to hear.

> But the time has come when you are forced to face the truth, and make your
> ......
> You decided to return to the lounge.
With new determination, I prepared for the final battle.
RECORD- "Match Three"

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You're right... I understand now how it would feel for someone important to you to die...
And yet... I tried to eliminate everyone when this started...
I'm sorry... I'm... so sorry...
> Metis is crying.

The way you chose... I think it's the best one.
Now that we'd made a choice, it was time for the ultimate showdown.

Yukari and Mitsuru were the only ones left.

Well...? Have you made your choice?
Tell me that you didn't defeat the others without a clear objective...

There was something crucial that I hadn't known...
But my sister revealed it to me.
To care about someone dear to you, to strengthen the bonds of friendship...
That doesn't necessarily mean that the pain of living will stop.

I, too, have something important...
That's why I'm willing to fight you two now.

You sound like you're back to your usual self again.
Y'know, I have to say, you've been a little out of it lately...
It was kinda disappointing, because you were acting all mechanical, like when you first got to the dorm.
But now... I'd say you've got more life in you than ever.

I'm not gonna lose this battle... no matter what!
Neither of us would budge now.

Boss Battle: Yukari and Mitsuru
Yukari and Mitsuru are probably the hardest of the three fights. They use powerful Wind and Ice attacks, and Mitsuru will Mind Charge hers. They have Angelic Grace, which lets them avoid magical attacks, and of course Yukari can heal. Mitsuru has Sexy Dance, which is a group Charm attack that can really mess you up. Stock up on Dis-Charms beforehand. Unlike both previous fights, they don't Counter. Take advantage of this to pound them down with things like Akasha Arts. Popping Orgia Mode for Metis when it's just Mitsuru left should end the fight in mere moments.
We'd won. It was over.
RECORD- The Last Door

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The others' keys flew out of the torches, and united in my hands.

> Obtained True Key.
And in a flash everyone was back.

So, what are you going to do with that key?
That was a nice speech back there, but you still haven't made a real decision, huh!?
Then give it to me...! Gimme that key!

I promised that I'd try my best to change this world, so that people would stop wishing for the Fall...
It wasn't like yours... It was something I promised myself while I was holding his cold hand...
That's why I decided to put the past behind me, and look forward...

I wanna see him... I don't care about anything else! I just wanna see him again!

It's painful to face, but if you don't, your wounds will never heal.

Eventually I'll forget all about him, or stop caring?
Like that's ever going to happen!
No one knows that better than us!

...You're right.
But... can't we be there for you, when things are at their worst?
...The way you were there for me last year?

But even now, I consider your being at my side last year as one of the most cherished moments of my life.
That's why... when we lost him without being able to thank him, I swore deep down...
If something ever happened to make you suffer, I'd put my own feelings aside and stand with you.

You have us with you. Isn't that the whole point of forming such bonds?

Ever since I was born, I have spent all my time thinking about him...
So... I suggest we see it. To find out once and for all... what he left for us.
We still don't know the real reason behind his death.
Without knowing that reason, I can't decide what is right.
That's why I would like to see the past again, before using this key.
To see the truth of what happened... the moment he used his power.

But they all disappeared... There aren't any left.
The only way back to the past is the door to his room... and we know we don't want to use the key on that.

If our wish is strong enough, we should be able to use that door to look into the past.

How about it, everyone?

Metis seemed unhappy, though.

And... I'm sure none of you would want me along...
I did some horrible things to you...

We all got ourselves into this mess! You don't have to be so hard on yourself.

It's a real lifesaver, huh?

Now that you mention it... That is strange...
Once a door's purpose has been fulfilled, it disappears...
If that door's purpose is to prepare for battle, it should have vanished once the battles were over.
Our fight afterward was just bickering between ourselves.
There was a moment of silence as we considered what Metis was saying.

If that door's role is to allow us to prepare for battle, and it hasn't yet disappeared...
Doesn't it follow... that there's still an enemy left to defeat?
Our feelings are the reason for all of this...
And what Aigis proposed relates directly to the core of our pain.
We should probably expect to encounter something unknown.

There was no turning back now.

> You decided to head for the door leading to the past Paulownia Mall.
It was time to see where the door would take us.

We passed through the door, and found ourselves once again in the Desert of Doors. But this time, there was something... new.

What is this...!?
A huge black door loomed in the center of the Desert. Darkness poured out from beneath it.

We should come back here once we've prepared for battle.

No matter what the truth is... We'll finally get to see it with our own eyes.

> The answers you've sought for so long wait beyond.
> You should take all possible measures before confronting it.
> ......
> You decided to return to the lounge.
Everything we'd done had led to this point.

We probably really will see Nyx there.

Another huge Shadow?

Now it was time for the truth...