
The Banner Saga is a strategy game that was Kickstarted nearly two years ago, and finally saw its release at the beginning of 2014. Survive through battle, tenacity and difficult decisions in a world inspired by Norse Mythology while being beset by traitors, monsters and starvation. Almost all of the game's art is hand-drawn frame by frame, and the music is by Austin Wintory, the genius behind the soundtrack of the 2012 game Journey.
How this thread will go down:
- I'm going to try to update every Monday and Thursday. It's a bit slower than my usual pace, but there's a lot going on in this game (and I may occasionally have to redo a battle multiple times to get past it), so I'm aiming low. If I'm feeling good about my pace, or if I have to do a smaller update, I may increase the pace.
No spoilers in the thread.
Not even behind spoiler tags. Not even hinting smugly at events yet to come. No spoilers no spoilers no spoilers.
- There are a lot of choices in this game, some trivial and some crucial to how events play out. I'll be glossing over the simple choices, but leaving the more important ones - plus some decisions about how we manage our caravan - to a thread vote. These will always be on a 24-hour timer, so that I have time to put the update together.
- As with my previous LP, any vote accompanied by related fanart you drew yourself counts double.
- If you already know the outcome of a particular decision, either by reading spoilers or playing yourself, don't vote on it.
Table of Contents

Day 0: Nobleman
Day 0: Departing Strand
Day 2: The Dredge

Day 4: Skogr Attacked
Day 4: Evacuation
Day 5: Distraction
Day 5: Hridvaldyr
Day 9: Hogun & Mogun
Day 9: Arrival at Frostvellr
Day 11: Ekkill

Day 13: Departing Vedrfell
Day 13: Bersi & Yrsa
Day 13: War
Day 17: Dredge Army (First Half)
Day 17: Dredge Army (Second Half)
Day 18: Fasolt
Day 19: Denglr
Day 20: Reinforcements
Day 22: Approaching Ridgehorn
Day 23: Arrival at Ridgehorn
Day 23: The Tower
Day 23: To Grofheim

Day 51: Frostvellr
Day 51: Ekkill Revisited
Day 53: Journey to Wyrmtoe
Day 59: Wyrmtoe
Day 59: Marek
Day 67: Collapse
Day 70: Burra Pass
Day 76: Bellower

Day 77: Juno
Day 77: Defense of Einartoft (Day 1)
Day 78: Defense of Einartoft (Day 2)
Day 79: Defense of Einartoft (Day 3)

Day 80: Departure from Einartoft
Day 82: Pursued
Day 84: The High Pass
Day 87: Dundr
Day 93: Ingrid
Day 95: Arrival at Sigrholm
Day 97: The Wait
Day 98: Onef
Day 104: The Road to Boersgard
Day 106: Bjorulf
Day 112: End of the Road
Bonus: The Map

Day 116: The Situation in Boersgard
Day 116: Seige (Day 1)
Day 117: Seige (Day 2)
Day 118: Seige (Day 3)
Day 119: Seige (Day 4)
Day 120: Stravhs
Day 121: The Slain

By Akogare Zephyr

By tomanton

By yokaiy