Part 5: 2-3: The Road Not Taken
UPDATE 5: THE ROAD NOT TAKENBy unanimous vote, we decide to intervene on behalf of the brothers.

Oh dear. Where'd Alette go?

Hogun and Mogun are identical twins and have virtually identical stats. Mogun (the scarred one) is more attack-oriented, and Hogun is more defense-oriented. But it's barely a difference. Especially because of their class.
Both of them are "thrashers," a sub-class/kit of the raider class. Meaning they get the shield wall passive (+1 armor to adjacent units.)
Their active ability is "bloody flail," which seems to've been significantly improved in this version of the game. It's an interesting ability. At melee range, you randomly do either strength or armor damage, 4 times. The final hit will do +1 damage based on however many allied adjacent units you have.
The damage when I last played was just 1 for each hit, so your bloody flail would do 4 points cumulative of armor or strength. Not very useful, though if you get lucky and hit 3 or 4 of the points in strength, you can weaken a heavily-armored target off the bat. Also nice in case Hogun or Mogun get maimed--the damage you do is independent of your own strength, so a 1 strength Hogun can still do potentially 4 points of damage to something.
It seems like rather than the FINAL hit being boosted, though, that ALL hits are now boosted by adjacency, because Hogun and Mogun ripped off some hilariously strong bloody flails in this battle. It also means enemy thrashers are a lot more dangerous than I thought, though I already had a habit of killing them early because nothing is more frustrating than getting bloody flailed for 4 strength points early in a fight.

Again, not sure if I got lucky here or if they patched down the difficulty of this fight. It was always winnable, but I'd usually get someone wounded. Now, though...there are 0 archers on the board. Iver is gonna run roughshod over these clowns.

As always, my first move is to stick Egil out to draw fire. An enemy thrasher uses bloody flail on him, and his "stone wall," which cancels up to 3 damage per hit, just completely trivializes the attack.

The most dangerous enemy unit on the board is the "backbiter," who spawned away from the rest of the dudes. There were some of those in the opening fight way back in the first update.
But Oddleif makes too tempting a target for the AI to ignore and the backbiter spends most of the fight trying to attack her and instead running headlong into her rain of arrow traps.

Mogun is next to both Egil and Iver, so his bloody flail does some pretty strong damage here. The battle is well in hand at this point.

Iver runs a backbiter through and becomes promotion eligible.

We finish off the fight with Rook using mark prey so that 3 units can get credit for a kill.

This was the correct choice, inasmuch as this game has "correct" choices. Had we sided with the villagers we'd have gotten a whole lot of nothing.
Instead, we get 2 hero units (who apparently don't suck anymore), a bunch of clansmen, a handful of fighters, some supplies, and a ton of renown.

Alette's fine, by the way. She just didn't want to be part of the fighting.

Oddleif has gathered up the long banner from the caravan, and smiles warmly as she passes it to Alette.

Before you can comment, she departs.

MUSIC!Just listen and ignore the intensely silly video

You're both quiet for a moment, while Alette unfurls the banner.

You nod. On the banner has been sewn the story of the families who have lived in Skogr throughout the years, just as is done on every banner in every town.

The section of banner about your family is short, but Alette has been sewing in colorful designs.

Editor's Note: This is one of the best questions in the whole series. You...don't.

Alette smiles at this, then her face sinks again.

She hugs you. You spend the rest of your time together, sewing new verses into the banner. For better or worse, the story of Skogr is your burden now.
There is an achievement, "innocent," for finishing the Saga without Alette harming a non-dredge unit. We...probably won't get it. It's possible, though!

Oddleif said to go see her, so let's go do that.

These options matter a bit insofar as Oddleif's opinion of Rook.

You're not sure what to say. In the many years you've known the chieftain's wife this is probably the most you've ever talked.

She puts her hand on your shoulder as she heads back to the camp.

Well shit. If Oddleif is wise enough to see that she can't lead effectively because of patriarchal bullshit, and strong enough to step aside, I can make sure the rest of the Skogr crew is just as strong. Egil gets these 2 points in armor break.
You'd think it'd go in armor, but with stone wall I want him to have low armor so that he's an appealing target for enemy AI that thinks they can do strength damage.

Rook levels to 3 and puts his points in exertion. Now I can break 6 armor my first couple of turns.

Almost immediately upon getting back on the road, this pops up. We see them off with extra supplies. There's really no reason not to, and Rook isn't really in charge enough to keep them here if I wanted to.

We lose 8 fighters (permanently; the implication is that they don't find family and end up getting killed themselves) but gain 10 renown in the bargain. That's well worth it.

That drunk guy is causing trouble again, and this time it can't be laughed off quite so easily. We choose to punish him physically.
You're considering your options when Oddleif appears out of nowhere and doubles him over with a gut shot. "Endanger everyone again and you'll get more than a cracked rib!" she shouts, leaving in a huff. The others go back to their business, satisfied with the outcome.
Caravan morale goes up slightly, and Oddleif really should be the fucking leader.

He...didn't learn his lesson. Moron. We let our clansmen deliver justice.
A swift and brutal beating befalls Rafnsvartr, one that leaves him begging for mercy. The next time he is offered mead, the man shies away in fear. As for the rest of the caravan, everyone seems pretty satisfied.
I guess "beating up the town drunk" is the best option here, as it improves morale slightly.

We approach Frostvellr, where our chieftain said we'd be safe thanks to the strong walls of the town.

Indeed, those walls look pretty impressive. But so does the encampment...outside the town? That's not good...

Oddleif finds you amongst the many refugees.

There's nothing of particular value in the store. The jarl's seal gives +1 willpower per turn, and I thought about giving it to Egil so he can just use stone wall forever. But I thought better of it. Very few supplies available, which makes sense given how crowded the town is.

There are branching paths here. And the decision you make in Frostvellr matters fairly significantly. However, the first LP of this game took one of the paths so we're gonna take the other major Frostvellr decision. That plan Iver had? "I'm a fucking giant varl; fuck your gate?"
It sounds good.

Archers up on the walls make it clear that nobody will be getting in. Men and women below intermittently call for mercy and reason, when they're not flinging stones and curses.

Then, unbelievably, the doors start trembling. The archers shout, more to those inside the walls than out. The creaking becomes louder, then a crack. Then the doors part, slightly. "Help him!" you shout to the rest of the caravan.
When you look back again you see that nearly everyone has thrown in to push. The gate finally succumbs under your combined effort, and you find yourself face-to-face with dumbfounded guards. You bark at the mob to attack!

There's no opportunity to set your battle party here; you plunge right into the fight. Fortunately I wouldn't change my lineup anyway. The only other character we have is Alette, and she doesn't want to fight humans.

That enemy archer is gonna be a pain in the ass if I can't get to her, but fortunately she was only able to reach Egil this turn.

Iver has 4 armor break. Couple that with his exertion and he breaks the shit out of the enemy thrasher's armor. If Rook can get in position for a mark prey, Iver will autoattack and do a shit load of damage.

It doesn't quite turn out that way, as Rook has a chance to kill the enemy archer instead, but Iver nevertheless gets the last laugh against the thrasher.
Sorry I'm not showing how the whole battle unfolds, but really there's just not much to these. Basically it's a bunch of:
1.) Figure out ways to make the enemy waste turns attacking Egil.
2.) Break the shit out of enemy armor with Rook and Iver
3.) When opportunities present themselves, mark prey and have Iver maim people
4.) Maintain shield wall since with 3 units (Hogun, Mogun, Egil) on the map that can boost armor, I can keep pretty much everyone safe.
5.) Use Oddleif as a decoy with rain of arrows.

I fucked up here and mislicked. My plan was to have Rook mark prey so everyone but 1 of the thrasher brothers would get credit for a kill. Instead, Hogun hogs the final kill.

We could've done lots of things to get into the city. Such as:
1.) SEWER LEVEL! (Iver's too big to fit into the cistern so you have to fight without him)
2.) Wait for a supply cart from the city to come out and negotiate with them to be let in
3.) Wait for the supply cart from the city to come out, murder the supply cart's crew, and come back into the city in it
4.) Nothing at all; just make camp outside.
But Iver offers a direct approach.

The man orders his guards to get the doors closed again before more refugees notice.

He eyes Iver and shrugs with exaggeration as if simply stating the obvious.

This would ordinarily be a vote, but we're intentionally going with options that differ from the previous LP.

Ekkill has already shouted to his men, who stare daggers in return. They had just finished closing the massive doors.

You pass again through the gates of Frostvellr, wondering if you just threw away your best chance for survival.

And on that note, chapter 2 ends. Whatever happens to Rook and the Skogr refugees will have to wait, we're POV switching back to Ubin/Hakon/Ludin next time.