Part 34: 19-1: Destroyer
Alright, you voted to let Folka handle the Ravens.

As Folka expected, the warped come. Bolverk is nowhere in sight, but you can't shake the feeling he's watching.
This was the correct choice (for this branch, anyway). Folka knows how Bolverk thinks and knows what the Ravens are capable of. You can't avoid this fight, but you can prevent yourself from starting in terrible position and with a bunch of really powerful enemies right in your face.

I never really got a chance to show off Kivi.

So, this is him. The sculptor's tools aren't a good item. +1 armor to everyone around you seems good, but now that we're facing things that can do 18+ strength in an attack, it's kind of meaningless.
By the way, I edited the savefile to get him into the game. I don't feel bad about it either since I preordered on PS4 and they forgot to enable him or something. Maybe it's fixed now; I dunno. But anyway, as rationalizations go I think this one is completely kosher.

As with the Arberrang crew, I want to get everyone to at least level 9 so we can start thinking about taking a vote on participation and heroic titles. Oli will be the rare character who takes "exploit" instead of "divert" as his armor break talent. He's a ranged character and should not have his armor attacked ever. He's not an archer, though, so getting a chance to Puncture is really good on him.

Krumr is being modeled after Iver. +3 talents in dodge strength, dodge armor, and critical hit.

Neither Kivi nor Oli are really necessary here. I just think this is a particularly good lineup.

Well...I guess. We knew it was coming...

Pretty decent map, too. Nothing with > 20 strength, and the warped bear is waaaaaay back in the turn queue.

Same routine as usual: Apostate starts casting umbrage, Krumr uses forge ahead to get him to essentially instacast.

Iver gets his armor loss patched up by Eyvind. Krumr didn't even lose any armor--the "divert" talent lets you escape armor damage, and I guess they never thought about the prospect of spell-based armor damage. In other words, Krumr just got +5 strength over cap for free.

There's just not a whole lot to show here. With my 2 giants and 1 stoneguard at "one-hit an enemy" levels of strength, and dodging armor, the battle quickly becomes a slaughter.

Wave 1 goes down with no difficulty, and I don't even bother with reinforcements. Not when my units in the field have like 30 strength.

Wave 2 fares a bit better because I do something stupid, but in general they all get absolutely wrecked. Like this poor slob. First he gets warped by the darkness, then he gets crit for 40 strength by Krumr.

This is the dumb thing I did: I moved Eyvind (who has no armor left; he can't mend himself) closer so he could use the Valka Spear and do arc lightning.

Forgetting that the spearman was loose and could mangle Eyvind. Which he did. I would have saved him had Oli connected on 2 straight axe storm throws, but it's a 90% chance to hit followed by an 80%. So a 72% of Eyvind not falling.

It didn't help that I forgot he was impaled and I essentially suicided him, but he was going down anyway.

Making up for his botched toss, Oli does a 5-hit axe storm, which at (.9)^5 only had...a 54% chance of working?

At some point Krumr got hit by something that gave him a "warping" effect. He takes 1 damage per turn, just like poison, and it turns him purple.
That doesn't matter much when you have ludicrous amounts of strength. He ends the fight.

We get this thing, but at level 12, nobody can use it right now.

Folka comes stomping back toward you and Juno, flicking smoldering black ash from her shield. She doesn't look happy.

Juno's expression betrays no emotion.

Steam plumes from Folka's nostrils like an angry yox, swirling through the cold air.

That settled, we approach a light in the darkness. We're essentially retracing all the steps of Hakon's chapter in Banner Saga 1, meaning we're going from Vedrfell to Ridgehorn. That'd make this...


A golden glow greets you, the first warmth you've felt since entering the darkness.
Disheveled women and children huddle on one side of the godstone, while a dredge sits on the other. The dredge has arranged a circle of obsidian stones around itself, and just outside that lie the bodies of a couple dead men.

His grin turns to a frown.

The matronly woman's face falls as she gets a better look at you.

She points with an accusing, shaking finger toward the stonesinger.

The stonehurler stands within its ring of stones, warbling loudly as you approach the godstone. The old woman recoils in disgust.

The old woman rejoins you again after a heated battle of whispers with her kin. She clears her throat.

She gestures rudely at the stonehurler. It makes a hissing sound like escaping steam

She snatches something shiny from the hands of one of her kin, waving it in front of you.

Pretty obvious to see what'll happen here. Do we:
A.) Recruit the slinger into our party, and forfeit the item?
B.) Kill the slinger and gain an item?
C.) Ignore both for some reason because we want to make an obviously stupid choice.