Part 16: Blackwell Unbound - Update 2
Update 2
Last time, Lauren and Joey were looking to investigate a couple of possible leads for ghost cases. Both cases can actually be investigated entirely separately, with no crossover required. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from swapping to the other when you get stuck in one, but effectively both cases function as stand-alones. This is in sharp contrast to, say, Day of the Tentacle where the individual characters require objects and actions from the other characters to proceed. We'll focus on the two cases separately in this LP.
First up, we'll head to the Roosevelt Island Promenade, where reports of strange music have been heard at night.

Lauren and Joey arrive at the promenade, but don't immediately notice anything.
Lauren: Looks like another bust, Joey.
Joey: Yeah, maybe. Or maybe not.

Suddenly, the soft drone of a saxophone floats through the night.
Joey: Wait, you hear that?
Lauren: I think so.
Joey: Let's get closer.

Lauren and Joey walk out onto the promenade as a ghostly saxophone becomes visible. Soon enough, a full ghost is revealed.
Taking a closer look:
Lauren: He's playing a saxophone, totally enraptured. I don't think he knows we're even here.

Joey, meanwhile, is busy looking closer at Lauren instead

Before engaging the jazz playing ghost, Joey and Lauren decide to talk things over first.
Lauren: This is one of thse "don't know they're dead" spirits, huh?
Joey: Yeah. Another dead guy that's brain dead. We have to convince him that he's dead. He won't move on, otherwise.
Lauren: I don't think he even knows we're here.
Joey: Yeah. I don't like being ignored. There's gotta be some way to get his attention.
Unbound is pretty good at clueing the playing in whenever something needs to be done, usually by continuing to talk with Joey. In this case, if we chat further:
Lauren: This guy is totally oblivious.
Joey: Lost in his own little world.
Lauren: We've got to get through to him.
Joey: Don't worry. I'll crack him. I just gotta figure out how.
The clue here is for Joey to be the one to talk to him, but we'll get to that later.
Joey: So what do you think of our guy?
Lauren: Him? I don't think he wants to be saved.
Joey: Really?
Lauren: Look at him. He seems peaceful enough. I say we just leave him.
One other thing that happens from Unbound forward is that Joey and Lauren/Rosa have a lot more to say to one another. If you enjoy their dynamic it's an enjoyable change, though it will mean this thread will be fairly text-heavy. I'll usually summarise anything important said if you want to skip their conversations, though obviously I recommend that you don't since the writing is usually of a high standard.
Joey: You know we can't do that, sweetheart.
Lauren: Yeah, I know. I'm just cranky and tired.
Joey: Is that right? It's hard to tell, with you.
Lauren: Be quiet.
I really love how Lauren and Joey just tease each other the whole time

Joey: If you got to haunt a place, I can't think of a more perfect spot.
Lauren: I don't think he's paying attention to the view.
Joey: Hm. What a waste.
As I said before, these two have a lot to say.
Joey: Looks like our night won't be so easy after all.
Lauren: Disappointed?
Joey: Nah.

Finally, Lauren and Joey run out of conversational topics. Most rooms won't have quite this much dialogue, but I guess Gilbert wanted to show off in the first few locations.

Lauren decides to approach the ghost, but he's not very responsive.
Lauren: Hey. Mister? Yoo hoo! I'm talking to you. Hello?
Joey: He's not hearing you, kid.
Lauren: Nice tune. You write it yourself?
Lauren: I'm Lauren Blackwell. What's your name?
The ghost never even looks up, and just continues puffing on his saxophone.
Lauren: What're you doing here? Kind of late to be out, don't you think?
Joey: The dead don't keep normal hours, dear.
Lauren: I think I've forgotten what normal hours ARE. Aw... forget it.
This is going nowhere. Joey decides to step in.

However, the ghost is no more responsive to Joey.
Joey: Ah. The talkative sort, are we? Well, we'll soon sort THAT out.
Joey: Pay attention, you fat chump. I'm TALKING.
Lauren: That's your idea of intimidating?
Joey: Quiet, will ya?
Hahahaha, this is so perfect because Joey's voice strikes that perfect balance between kind of intimidating but not really

Joey is really damn stubborn, and will just keep trying to get the ghost's attention.
Joey: Sooo. Nice night, huh?
Joey: That's a pretty nice instrument you got there. Mind if I have a look?
Joey: Hey, do you feel... restless? Like you've got somewhere to go, but don't know where?

Even Joey is starting to get annoyed by this point.
Joey: Can you even hear me?
Joey: Hey, you got a cigarette? I could sure use one.
He'll even bring Lauren into the conversation.
Joey: Hey, d'ya know where the Guggenheim museum is? The wife and I have been trying to find it all day.
Lauren: The wife?
Joey: Shh.

Ghost: You let go!
The solution is for Joey to grab the saxophone and literally snatch it out of the ghost's mouth. Note that Lauren is unable to do this, because the saxophone is part of the ghost so she can't touch it.
Joey: I'm Joey. Pleasure to meet you.
Ghost: I don't care WHO you are! Nobody interupts my set.
Joey absolutely drips with false politeness here.
Joey: I need to ask you a few questions, first.
Ghost: Not NOW, man. Can't you see I'm in the middle of something? Get off the stage!
Joey: Stage?

Furious at Joey's interruption, the ghost smacks him upside the chin with his saxophone, much to Joey's dismay.
Ghost: THAT's how we treat your kind at Johnny Ivory's!
Joey: Johnny Ivory's? What are you talking about?

Joey: Oh, we're dealing with a REAL sharp tack, here.
But the ghost has already returned to playing his saxophone, oblivious to Joey's questions. The pained, frustrated sarcasm in Joey's voice is glorious here

Not one to take a beating lying down, Joey grabs the saxophone again.
Ghost: I said let go of that!
Joey: I'm gonna talk to you, and you're gonna listen. Or so help me I'll take this sax and shove it right up your-
Joey: Just what are you doing here?
Ghost: What am I doing-? What do you THINK I'm doin'? Get AWAY from me, man?
The ghost will once again belt Joey with the saxophone here. Joey actually has about ten different "ouch!" reactions to this scene, as Gilbert apparently really enjoyed the animation of Joey getting smacked upside the face. I think the game will also keep track of how many times Joey gets hit with the saxophone and report it to us at the end, hahaha.
Joey: Who or what is Johnny Ivory's?
Ghost: What're you, kidding me? You're crazier than you seem!
Sure enough, Joey gets hit with the saxophone again. So, to answer Glazius' question, Joey is looking less like a bruiser and more like a bruisee every minute. Finally, he decides that he's had enough and floats off.

Joey: Who knows, with spooks like that? Probably doesn't even know where he is, half the time. Is "Johnny Ivory" a name? Never heard of a name like that.
Lauren: Dunno. There's always the phone book.
So we have a ghost, and we have a lead, such as it is. Johnny Ivory's sounds like the name of a club or something. Time to head back to the apartment to look it up.

Upon arriving home, however, Lauren finds the phone already ringing. Answering it, she hears the voice of her brother Jack on the other end.
Jack: Lauren. Lauren. It's Jack. Lauren, I KNOW you're there. I'm your brother. For God's sake, talk to me.

Not knowing what to say, Lauren eventually slams the receiver down and immediately takes a big puff of her cigarette to calm herself down. Joey is smart enough not to comment about it at all.

Lauren can actually call Jack back, though she still won't speak to him if she does.
Jack: Hello? Hello? Lauren, is that you? Sis?

Just as quickly, Lauren slams the receiver back down.
Lauren: Jesus.
Joey: Now why'd you go and do that for?
Lauren: Just back off, okay?
Joey: All right. All right. This is me. Backing off.
Lauren: Good.
Lauren is really forceful with her "Just back off" line. It's very clear that she struggles greatly with not wanting to burden her brother with another family member going crazy, but is also tortured emotionally by ignoring him. Even Joey is quick to bite his tongue on this topic.
It's a subtly powerful scene because it shows Lauren as being both very determined, but also very vulnerable. She's a very flawed character for a number of reasons.

Alright, let's do what we're here to do.
Lauren: Johnny Ivory's Jazz and Cabaret. It's on Bleeker and Seventh Avenue. You up for some jazz, Joey?
Joey: You mean we finally get to listen to some real music?
Lauren: Call it my special treat.
Joey's love for the music of his era (and distaste for other music) is nice little character bit.

With that, a new location has opened up, allowing Joey and Lauren to continue following the leads of this case to see where they end up.
Tomorrow we'll head off to Johnny Ivory's and see if we can figure out what the deal is with the jazz-playing ghost on the promenade. Join me then!
Bonus Easter Egg
Lauren can look up Russell Stone, the protagonist in The Shivah, and finds an entry for him.

Russell: Hello?
Lauren: Ah. Yes. Hello?
Russell: What can I do for you?
Lauren: Ahh. You know, I'm not sure.
Russell: Gevalt. Then call back when you DO.

Lauren: I don't know. His voice sounded kind of familiar though.
This last line is a reference to fact that Abe Goldfarb was the voice actor for Rabbi Russell Stone, as well as Joey Mallone. Doing this in the Steam version unlocks the achievement "Shivah Call".