Part 34: Blackwell Convergence - Update 9
Update 9After the drama of the previous evening, Rosa and Joey find themselves at a bit of a loss on how to proceed in their search for answers about the Countess's reappearance.

Josie mentioned the Meltzer foundation as being the financial backers for the Park Gallery. It's a long shot, but perhaps they'll know something?

This guy looks and sounds pretty annoyed at being interrupted. He's yet another character voiced by Gilbert.

Hahaha, I like how he has an annoyed portrait, and then an even more annoyed portrait

Paul, on the other hand, is clearly the PR guy for the company.

A family business, apparently. Paul's "office" is literally just the other side of the room.

Charlie is immediately unlikeable, while Paul is charismatic in that life insurance salesman sort of way.

You know, if I was Paul, I'd stop trying to get Charlie involved in these discussions. It can't be good for business.

Risk-free? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

Ah, so presumably you have to make a business case first.

Rosa decides to scope these guys out while she's here, and receives the canned speech from Paul for her trouble.

That is pretty generous, actually. I guess that's why Charlie has the whole angry vibe going, he's got to play the bad cop to Paul's good cop.

Rosa goes through the usual questions from her notebook. You'll notice I've barely shown the notebook this game, since it really is only used for providing dialogue options.

This is a fairly random question from Rosa. I guess you could draw a really long bow... Frank was murdered by the Countess, Claude painted a picture of the Countess, and his painting went on display in the Park Gallery, which is funded by these guys. But at this point I think Rosa is just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.

Not much more to be done here, it seems. Unless Rosa wants to ask for a grant for her novel writing career?
As Rosa leaves the room, Paul calls over to his brother:

Hahaha, poor Rosa

Joey overhears them, and sticks his head back through the door to listen in.

Charlie comes across as a real antisocial creep.

Joey can stick around and eavesdrop, but really, what's the point? There isn't any info we want out of these guys at this point. If we change our mind later, we can always come back.

Rosa, however, wants to keep drawing that long bow.

Well, what do you know. They actually did have something to do with Frank after all. Huh.

We've already looked Meltzer up, but let's see what we can find out about the CubeStar itself.

Not a lot of information there. Next, Rosa looks up info on the Water Under The Bridge film.

The film is a worthy attempt by CubeStar Films, but it unfortunately cannot escape the by-the-numbers plot or the unfortunate tragedy of Lyons' real-life death.
Apparently the film wasn't very good, despite the hype. Note the name of the actress - Rebecca Chen. This is a bit of nameplay by Gilbert. Rosa's two voice actresses were Sande Chen and Rebecca Whittaker. It's not the first time he has used the name of cast members in the Blackwell games and it won't be the last.

Still no good leads, but it is a tiny bit suspicious that the Meltzer Foundation just happened to sponsor two organisations that have employees with links to the Countess. Rosa and Joey chat a bit about them.

Let's check out their card.

Yep, Paul is the PR guy, like I thought. Makes sense.

Let's talk to these guys again.


Let's try asking about their relationship with CubeStar...

Their latest film certainly did well enough, despite apparently being a critical flop. Rosa airs a concern, though...

That's a very thinly-veiled accusation. Odd coming from Rosa, especially as we have no real evidence to think Meltzer would be involved.

Rosa obviously doesn't trust the Meltzer Foundation, but with nothing to actually accuse them of, she decides to leave.

After Rosa leaves, Paul continues chatting with Charlie. Considering we effectively just accused him of being happy about having profited from Frank's death, he doesn't seem at all bothered.

Joey decides to float on inside and see if the brothers say anything interesting.

Paul and Charlie will chatter randomly, though they cycle pretty quickly through their dialogue options.

Charlie sounds like an exciting dude.

Suddenly I don't blame Charlie for being looking so sullen and frustrated. Paul must be insufferable to work with if he carries on like this all the time.

Joey checks out the scenery. Seriously, he's absolutely obsessed with views in this game.

There's another Tomo reference...

Paul is laying the internet thing on a bit thick, now. Between that and Rosa having commented twice on his Bmail account, I guess the game is hinting that we should try to hack into his emails and see what's going on.
Again, there really isn't much reason for us to be suspicious of the Meltzer Foundation, other than them happening to have backed two companies with minor links to the Countess, so this all seems a bit weird, but we'll go with it. Of course, we don't know actually know Paul's password, so we'll need to figure that out somehow.

Joey keeps floating around the office and checking out various items...

On the filing cabinet next to Paul is a wireless modem.

Getting Joey to interact with the wireless modem has him move in to inspect it closer, which interrupts the signal.

Moving away again, the signal returns.

Now, bear with me here, because the Adventure Game Puzzle Logic is pretty ridiculous on this one. We want Paul's Bmail password, but he's not just going to say it out loud. However, by interrupting the signal from his modem, it causes his email to log off, and he has to sign back in again.

And, fortunately for us, he completely forgets his password and has Charlie say it out loud. I guess even if he did remember it, Joey could have watched his keystrokes. Still, this is probably the most unintuitive puzzle in Convergence, particularly since we have no good reason to actually be spying on these guys to begin with.

Well, anyway, we got the password. Let's use it!

Frustratingly, the password is case sensitive. The first time I did this, I typed in "tennis53" and it wouldn't let me log in, and I had to go all the way back and repeat the wireless scene

Bingo! We're in. Let's see what Paul's been up to...
FROM: Josie Park
Hi Paul!!
Just a quick letter to let you know that everything is going great! Our new artist is fantastic and I can't wait for the opening tomorrow. You will come, won't you? After all, you made this possible!!
- Josie Park, Park Gallery Curator
I guess he never came. We certainly didn't see him when we were there. Also nice to see Josie is just as hyperactive in her writing as she is in real life.

FROM: Charles Meltzer
I'm going to be out of the office next week to meet with the Sharming Widow. Could you do me a favor and check my email while I am away? If I get anything important, give me a shout.
I'm pretty sure the Sharming Widow is a reference to The Shivah, though I'm not sure since I never actually played it.

FROM: Charles Meltzer
What do you mean you don't remember my password? I picked it specifically so both you and I would remember it. I'm going to drag you screaming into the digital age if it kills me!
Apparently Paul has a serious blind spot when it comes to passwords.

I guess Paul wasn't kidding when he said he was getting emails about Tomo.

Oogle "Artists" in order to learn how to talk to them? That sounds retarded.

FROM: Charles Meltzer
The password is that silly name you called me when we were kids. If you've forgotten, I'm sure as heck not going to remind you.
That's all of the emails Paul has in his inbox. Nothing really notable there, but perhaps Charlie has something more for us?

This seems a logical username, given Paul used paulm... and sure enough, we get asked for a password, so it is a valid username. But no sensible guesses - Chuck, Chucky, Charlie - let us in. We'll have to figure this out later.

Let's Oogle artists. As you may have already guessed, this is going to be part of an annoying puzzle soon. The article goes on to say:
"I like the colors" - yours is a subjective opinion. Ask the artist why the color choices were made.
Many viewers are tactless when it comes to an artist's work. I hope this will help you avoid many of the pitfalls. Good luck!
This article could probably have been shortened by simply writing "Artists are huge pricks."
On that note, I'll sign off for today. I know it's been a couple of slower updates over these past two days, but things are just about to pick up pace in Convergence!