Part 53: Blackwell Deception - Update 12
Update 12We rejoin Rosa and Joey as they continue trying to figure out what happened to Tiffany. She met with Gavin, and obviously something happened there. But she was also head-over-heels in love with a man named Ken. Time to do a bit more investigating!

Rosa and Joey head back to Tiffany's apartment to see what she has to say.

She's a bit touchy about her work. This adds credence to my theory that STP, the company threatening to call the police if she doesn't stay away from their clients, is her temp agency.

Joey approaches the subject of Ken, and it is immediately clear that Rachel wasn't exaggerating. Tiffany is intense about him, almost euphoric.

Suddenly, she hesitates.

I know I've said it before, but Tiffany seriously has her defences way up. I wonder what has happened to her to make her this way?

It sounds like people didn't approve of her relationship with Ken, or at least, that she felt they didn't.

"Tell him more lies"? Something definitely happened here. She doesn't seem to have any issues talking about it though, so my first reaction is that it has nothing to do with her death. It would still be worthwhile trying to find this Ken, though, just to see if he can tell us anything else about Tiffany.

Tiffany has nothing much more to say, so Joey heads back out to a playfully sarcastic Rosa

We're at a bit of a dead end on the Ken front, so Rosa tries figuring out what STP stands for. Again, we use the clue combining mechanic to "figure out" that STP is a temp agency, even though I kind of already made that connection.

I love it when Joey gets all stroppy about modern technology

STP has the Park Gallery theme as well, making it the fourth location so far to use the track. Gilbert got plenty of milage out of that one!

This swank-looking man is voiced by Gilbert, and it stands out like a sore thumb, as usual. Between this guy, the Minetta bartender, a famous reporter, and the Devil himself, I get the impression Gilbert sees himself as a pretty damn cool dude

It's taken three games, but Rosa has finally reached Lauren-esque standards of interacting with people. I like the way she basically throws any comment right back at the person she's talking to, just to make them a bit nervous right off the bat

Rosa ignores the obvious hint for her to leave.

Now that he's nice and annoyed, Rosa tries asking about Tiffany.

Confidential, hey? Let's see what we can do about that.

Again, Rosa goes with this angle. Is this a common thing in America, or something? I wouldn't have thought confidentiality disappeared when you died.
His response is telling, though.

Presumably, this has something to do with the "client" mentioned in that letter.

No, that's pretty much exactly what you said.

Before leaving, Rosa checks out the guy in charge. Joey is no more impressed than Rosa is.

Let's see what Tiffany has to say about Sterling.

She's not happy with them, that's for sure.

She's fired up about them, but she doesn't have anything more to tell us. Still, at least we've confirmed that they fired Tiffany, as opposed to her having left of her own accord. We'll have to keep pushing Sterling for more information.

I love the way these two have some different banter each time Joey comes back out of the door

At this point, it's safe to bet that the complainant was Ken. That would explain why Tiffany is so negative about STP, and why she believes that people are "telling Ken lies" about her.

Rosa smells weakness, and goes in for the kill.

Unfortunately, she can't quite seem to figure out how to take advantage of this.

The solution to this puzzle, much like the mailbox puzzle, is also pretty obscure.

We need to use the press pass that we stole from the City Post a long while back to convince him that we're a journalist. The logic here is that if we're a journalist, we're in a position to give him negative publicity and ruin his reputation. Of course, this is only "sensible" in hindsight, and the press pass has been sitting in our inventory for most of the game. Even worse, it would be extremely easy to miss the press pass altogether, since it's only a little blob of pixels in a room we've had no reason to revisit after retrieving Jeremy's notebook. Between this, the two clue combining solutions, and the glow-in-the-dark business card, the whole Tiffany case is kind of poorly designed from a puzzle standpoint.

Ooh, bad move, Sterling.

Rosa voices this perfectly. She's calm, but very clearly intimidating as well.

Rosa has become quite adept at this.

Rosa stays silent long enough that Sterling finally caves in.


We'll chase up Ken tomorrow, but for now, Joey and Rosa have a quick discussion about what they've seen so far.

I thought you were always talking about the "rules" for ghosts, Joey.

Hopefully he'll be able to tell us something about Tiffany to help us figure out how to get her to acknowledge her death.

Rosa continues to rub in how chuffed she is with her smartphone


Last thing to do before heading off to speak to Ken is to find out where he works.
Notice the second name on the last line there. Cecil Sharpe, the piano player from Unbound. Presumably Ken is a relative. Gilbert sure loves his tie-ins!
We'll go and check out Sharpe Sound tomorrow. Hopefully we can learn about what happened to Tiffany and tie this case up. See you all then!