Part 60: Blackwell Deception - Update 19 (Part 1)
Now that we've all had out chance to settle on our feelings for yesterday's happenings, it's time to see where this all leads!Update 19

The game has changed very suddenly here. Gavin has been revealed as some kind of psychic vampire, and has captured Rosa after shooting her with a tranquilizer gun. Yikes.

We are in serious, serious trouble here.

Rosa regains consciousness in a small storage room, tied to a chair. She's alive, but things are looking very bad. Given that Gavin buzzed Lisa after he shot Rosa, it's a reasonable guess that she's in Lisa's house somewhere.

Joey looks helplessly around the room.

Rosa tries struggling against her bonds, but it's no use.

Rosa is pretty frustrated with what's going on, and finds herself glaring at Joey.

With Joey unable to actually touch anything, Rosa figures she had best fend for herself. In desperation, she calls out.

After yelling a few times, Rosa hears a muffled voice from the other side of the tell. It's Lisa.

Fat chance of that. Rosa keeps yelling.

Rosa then tries appealing to Lisa's better side.

Rosa is pretty damn disgusted with Lisa, and lets it be known.

I suppose Gavin having left was too much to hope for. It's an understatement, but we're in trouble.

Lisa clearly just wants to wash her hands of all this. I guess she's still frightened of Gavin, and with good reason, since he's apparently some kind of monster.

How much does Lisa actually know?

It's pretty clear she isn't going to help us. We're on our own here.

With Rosa unable to move, and Joey unable to touch things, we're at a bit of a dead end. In desperation, Joey heads out of the room to see what he can find.

He glares furiously at Lisa.

Joey heads downstairs where, sure enough, Gavin is hanging around. In fact, he seems to be on the phone.
Gavin "spoke" to Joey before, but it was fairly clear that he was just calling out blindly. Gavin obviously knows that Joey exists, but I don't think he can actually see Joey, or sense him in any way.

Joey is therefore able to sidle right up to the earpiece and listen in on the conversation. Gavin is speaking with a very proper-sounding lady.
And you are absolutely sure this is the Bestower?

If she is, you are welcome to her. But if you are mistaken...

Presumably, the "Bestower" is Rosa.
Then I hope you are correct. You know the havoc they cause.

Just be discreet, is all I am saying.

Something I don't quite get here... this lady talks about Rosa like she's a danger to their group, and I can understand why. Being able to question Gavin's victims after their death means she has a unique ability to track him. But yesterday, Gavin said that Rosa's abilities were a commodity he intended to use. How can he use them? Surely it would be safest to just take her out?

The lady on the phone also asks after Lisa.
Can you be sure of her loyalty?

Then you understand what has to be done?

That's bad news for Lisa. She's living on borrowed time.
Take care of it once the Bestower is in custody.

Wait... "In custody"? We're already in custody. Gavin just tied us upstairs after shooting us with a damn tranquilizer. I think he might be intending to go behind his organisation's back in some way.
Then I leave it all in your hands.

No, I think we're done.

Gavin's question about whether he must go over it another time is there because if Joey just floats around in the middle of the room, he only hears Gavin's lines, which obviously don't make much sense in context. In order to give us another chance to hear the full conversation, Gavin will keep repeating it until you move Joey in to the earpiece.

Afterwards, Gavin sits down on the couch. Doesn't seem like he's in any real hurry, even though he already has Rosa in custody.

In a fit of frustration, Joey huffs and puffs and blows the photograph of Danny off the table and onto the ground.

Gavin immediately cottons on.

Joey obliges by blowing the photo under the door into the next room. There is no immediate reason to be doing this, and amusingly, if we head to the next room and try to do it again, Joey comments that the photo doesn't need to move any further, even though there wasn't any reason to have blown it under the door in the first place. We'll revisit this later on.

All of this blowing on things reminds me that Joey actually can interact ever so slightly with items. Heading back up to the storage room, he blows a glass off the shelf, where it shatters over a chest.
That broken glass could be useful in allowing Rosa cut through her ropes, but Joey isn't able to blow the shards in her direction, and even if he could, Rosa can't reach the ground to pick one up. So how are we going to get the glass to her?

The solution is actually kind of clever. Joey can't physically interact with Rosa in any way other than via his tie. He hands it over to her...

...and now he can tow her around! He should be able to drag her over to the broken glass in no time. It's a pretty good idea, actually, but it has one flaw.

Dragging the chair and Rosa's weight over the floorboards causes the room to creak, alerting Lisa.

The last thing we need is for her to rat us out to Gavin and have him come in and anchor Rosa's chair leg, or worse, just shoot her with another dart. We'll need to get rid of her first.

Of course, it's in Lisa's best interests to make herself scarce too, since Gavin clearly intends to kill her. Rosa calls out to Lisa.

Lisa is not entirely convinced.

Rosa is sick of dealing with this shit. She can either tell Lisa that she doesn't:

She can appeal to logic:

Or she can just tell Lisa to go and shove it:

Whichever way we choose, the message gets through.

Rosa has a couple of ideas.

Seems like escape is the only option Lisa will consider.

Good enough for me!

Unfortunately, as a final "fuck you" from Lisa, she just pegs it and escapes by herself, leaving Rosa at the mercy of Gavin. Bitch.

Still, without her listening in, Joey is able to pull Rosa around.

With Joey moving her up against the chest, Rosa is just able to grab one of the jagged shards of glass.

Freedom, here we come! Rosa works on slicing the ropes...

...and soon enough, she cuts herself loose.

To the fire escape!

Shitballs. Rosa and Joey leave the storage room, only to find themselves face to face with an angry Gavin.

Rosa decides she isn't going down without a fight.

Damn, Rosa's developed some serious balls over the course of this series. Fortunately, Gavin doesn't take her up on her offer.

Begrudgingly, Rosa takes a seat.

Hahaha. "Bestower" is a reference to a game Gilbert made in 2003, Bestowers of Eternity, which the Blackwell series is based on. It has the same start as Legacy, but ends as Rosa meets Joey. Gilbert intended to continue it, but never did until he made the Blackwell series. I guess he still liked the name, so he brought it back here. Certainly sounds grander than "medium".

Never supposed to exist, huh? That might explain why Joey never received any guidance from "anybody up there".

Even with a gun one yard from her head, Rosa still has the guts to antagonise Gavin

So Gavin sees himself as simply picking the carcass of those who don't want to help themselves. I guess going back 200 years, or even 50 years, people with chronic depression were usually viewed as simply being unwilling to be happy. His attitude is, in some sense, just a much more extreme version of that same mentality.
However, Rosa has a very good question.

Apparently Gavin was instructed to shoot Jeremy. Obviously he was going to expose more than just Lisa's candle scheme.

So Lisa's dead. To be honest, it's not much worse than she deserves.

Gavin stands there, but doesn't make a move. It's as though he's waiting for something... but what?

With nothing else in his arsenal, Joey tries breathing down Gavin's neck, earning us a "Blowey Mallone" Steam achivement

(Continued next post...)