Part 77: Blackwell Epiphany - Update 8
Update 8Last update, Rosa had just finished pocketing the key to Lia's house, and reading through Emil's inbox. Among other things, she learned two important pieces of information from the emails. First of all, Kendra liked to play an online game called Trollgate. Secondly, Lia had installed a parental control program called "Parental Eye" on Kendra's computer to keep watch over her emails. We'll look to take advantage of both of those insights now.

Sure enough, Rosa is thinking of that software mentioned in Emil's emails, though she wonders about the morality of it.

Fair point from Joey. Still, it makes sense to do it again here. If Lia did install the software on Kendra's computer, we might be able to access her emails and figure out what happened, or at least learn something else about her to help her move on.

Rosa heads out from Emil's office and asks to buy a copy.

Rosa looks at the box.

Sounds like it's set up so that only certain computers can access your stuff. We won't be able to use this to spy on just anyone.


Rosa's first thought is to take the software home and try it there. However...

Gah. Oh well, at least she got to take her earmuffs off for a moment.

Before heading back out, I check Rosa's phone to see she has received this game's token Nishanthi email! Sounds like she's having a good time

Alright, this plan makes a bit more sense. Lia would have configured Kendra's computer to broadcast only to Emil's computer, so this is the computer to install the software on.

Let's fire it up!

However, upon logging on to the email retrieval system, Rosa finds there are no emails in Kendra's inbox. She must keep her inbox clean. That makes things tougher.

Guess that's a bit of a dead end, at least for now. Rosa and Joey chat about what to do next.

Yes, that was the other lead we got from Emil's emails. Perhaps we'll be able to find her profile on there or something.

Joey is not impressed, it seems.

Fortunately, Trollgate is free to download. Rosa eats into her monthly data limit...

...and prepares to fight the galloping hordes of Shenoya!!

Hahahaha, adorable

However, it looks like Trollgate is going through some technical difficulties. I love that the three guilds in Trollgate are "Shenoyan", "Elmaleh" and "Whittikans", very obviously named after voice actress trio Shelly Shenoy, Sarah Elmaleh and Rebecca Whittaker who have been such large parts of the Blackwell cast

We can't play the game, but we can still log into the chat logs.

It would be ideal to log into Kendra's chat log, but we have no idea what her username is. Rosa makes a couple of sensible guesses, but nothing sticks.

Figuring they may have more luck working out Kendra's username at her home, Rosa and Joey pack up and head back to Lia's house.

Arriving at the house, Rosa uses the key from Emil's office to enter.

I've linked the alternative version of Kendra playing the Trollgate theme here. It's much closer to the actual theme, but doesn't really sound like a kid is playing it. It's a bit too precise and mechnical. It sounds more like one of those automatic pianos. I guess I can see why Gilbert had Regin do a new version, complete with pauses and misplayed notes.

Upon arriving, Rosa immediately feels a chill go down her spine.

Something is not right about this house. I'm sure if it was just the presence of a ghost child, Joey would be familiar with it. Something bad has happened here.

Rosa decides to go and speak with Kendra herself, though she looks around the room first.

Her computer, hey?

It would be easiest if Rosa could just use the computer and access Kendra's information that way, but it appears to be broken. Or maybe the power is out?

Aha. But wait - how long has it been out? The whole time that Kendra has been dead? That sounds a bit ominous.

Joey is really spooked out about this house.

This is getting kind of creepy, to be honest.

Rosa sucks up her concerns and introduces herself to Kendra.

Unlike Joey, who is filled with gentle warmth as he speaks to Kendra, Rosa seems kind of uncomfortable and wooden around the kid. She does her best to reach out to her...

...but it doesn't really go very well.

Rosa tries namedropping Joey...

...but Kendra isn't buying it. She was more open with Joey, that's for sure, though even with him she was obsessed with practicing. Perhaps she can feel the unnatural cold in this house too, and is trying to shut it out with her playing?

Next up, Rosa tries a namedrop of a different kind.

Finally, Kendra is interested!

The Whittikans! The Whittikans, Rosa!!

Ouch. That didn't go so well, either. Poor Rosa.

Joey tags in to help out.

Unfortunately, he doesn't really make any forward strides either. Joey tries to leave her with some comforting words.

We're not getting anywhere here.

Deciding to look around instead, Rosa heads to the basement.

Suddenly, Rosa spies the fusebox.

Okay, something is definitely going on here. We've seen "spiritual activity" causing computers to short out before, but even then the lights stayed on. What on earth is happening here?

Rosa then checks out the kitchen.

Wait, humming quietly? So the power is still on for that? But not for the lights, or the computers? I don't understand any of this.

On the fridge is a drawing, presumably by Kendra, of "KayKay the Troll!"

I think I've just figured out what Kendra's Trollgate username is.

Let's give this a try...

Bingo! But wait, we don't know her password, either.

Fortunately, the "Forgot password?" option has a security question we happen to know the answer to. That should send her new password to her email, which we can snoop on via Emil's office computer.

On the way back out, Rosa quickly nabs the key to Emil's apartment. We might need that later, and if not, well, at least Rosa can add to her never-ending list of stolen items from her cases!

Sure enough, back at The Wired Abacus, Rosa finds one new email waiting in Kendra's inbox.

"Fabri" is named for either Martinus Fabri or Thomas Fabri (I'm not sure which), both famous composers of their days. Gilbert has the puzzle randomly assign the password to one of several musicians, to help make it harder for people to "cheat" past this area by knowing the password before they're meant to. Awesomely, one of the "famous" musicians that can be assigned as Kendra's password is "Regin", a reference to Epiphany's own composer Thomas Regin

May as well! Rosa doesn't even bother leaving Emil's office.

After logging in, she has access to Kendra's chat log...

...where she fortunately still has some saved messages, both sent to her account, and from her account. Looks like she spoke to this "Trollmo" often.

One of Kendra's real life friends makes a nuisance of himself/herself. This is all looking pretty non-informative so far.


Now, this is a bit more interesting. Apparently some kind of construction work was occurring in Kendra's basement, but when we were there it looked pretty bare. Given that Kendra most likely sends a lot of messages, and this is one of the most recent, it would have been from very shortly before her death. Very strange.

Another uninformative message here.

Okay, this is definitely not matching up. A big hole in the wall? That just simply wasn't there when we looked. Sounds like Lia had gone off the deep end, too.

Pawpy sounds like a bit of a brat.

The last message from Kendra indicates that the hole is behind the shelf. I guess that could explain why we never saw anything, although I'm frightened to think what we might find in there

Rosa quickly fills Joey in.

Joey mulls over the new information.


Back in Lia's basement, Joey stares at the shelf.

Well, if it's covering up a big hole, Joey's the one to phase through and find it.

However, when Joey tries to approach it, he is sharply repelled.

Oh geez, there is some kind of supernatural activity at work here. I don't like this one bit.

Rosa tries next. She grabs the shelf, but it won't budge.

However, suddenly...

...a panel on the wall opens, revealing a... television monitor?

Oh Jesus Christ. We've found Lia - she's hiding in the hole in her basement, and has apparently gone to enough expense to have a television communication system installed and everything. But she's not at all happy to see us.

If the television seems like a massive non-sequitur to you, that's because it is. Gilbert's explanation is that he really wanted the player to see Lia's facial expressions during this scene, but that wasn't possible while she was in her hidey-hole. The security screen was the best compromise he could think of. It's a little out there, but let's go with it.

Thinking quickly, Rosa alludes to her connection with the police. If Lia was a police officer, hopefully that will earn some kudos.

That didn't work. Rosa tries the next best option.

That... might actually be the case.

One more thing to try. George knew who we were, and about "Bestowers". Perhaps Lia does, too?

There is silence for a moment, as Lia considers what Rosa has just said.

No, he didn't get a chance

Oh, geez

Lia is again silent, until Rosa finally speaks out again.

"Close towards the end" seems like a strange way to describe someone you spent the last several years dating. Or maybe Lia was single for a long time and they only got together recently, or something? More important than that is the fact that Lia seems to be fully aware of what happened to George. It sounds like she knew in advance that he needed saving, to prevent whatever did happen from happening. How could she know? How did George and her know about "Bestowers" at all, for that matter?

Specially sealed against spiritual harm? What the hell? Lia clearly knows something or someone out of the ordinary.

Poor Lia sounds like she doesn't know whether to be frightened or sad here. Rosa tries to steer her back on track.

We're not sure who Cory is but we know the other two names. But wait a minute. Did Lia just say "we're" safe in here? Who else is in there with her?

Oh, my God. No. Rosa is silent for a moment before announcing the truth as gently as she can.

Lia is then quiet for a while herself, before responding softly.

Oh, no, no, no. How long has Lia been hiding in that bunker with her daughter's body?

This is just awful

I can't even begin to imagine what Lia has been through, here

Suddenly, the horrible alternative springs to Lia's mind.

Unsure of how to respond, Rosa tries telling a white lie.

Lia suddenly hardens up, her voice gaining resolve.

If Lia knows about Bestowers, then presumably she knows that Kendra's ghost sticking around is a bad sign.

This scene is absolutely gutwrenching

"It's what I do" / "That's what I do" seems to have become Rosa's catchphrase this game. I guess after several years, she's really embraced the whole medium thing. Cases like this must make it seem really damn hard, though.

Rosa tries to get Lia to fill in some of the many blanks we have, but she's not willing to cooperate while Kendra's soul is still at risk.

I don't even want to speculate on who "they" might be. Somehow I don't think this is the "them" from Deception. Gavin's spiritual vampire group fed on positive energy, but there doesn't seem to be anything positive whatsoever from being frightened for your very soul. This all just seems really awful.

Since Lia is willing to leave her bunker, Rosa offers to bring Kendra down to her, but Lia immediately rejects that plan.

This would all be easier if Lia would give us some information...

...but given what's at stake, I don't blame her for keeping mum. Given what she's had to deal with lately, she deserves all the understanding Rosa and Joey can afford her.
Things have gone from simply depressing to extremely dark and quite disturbing, here. I guess we know what the next step needs to be. We have to help Kendra to move on, and then hopefully Lia can help fill us in on what has happened.

With things quite bleak at the moment, let's have a bit of a lighter Word of God update today. As I mentioned in the first Word Of God update, Gilbert's favourite ghost of the whole series was Jeremy Sams. Rosa clearly cared about him, and seemed more motivated than usual to figure out what had happened to him. This was transmitted to the player who also felt a greater inclination to do something.
However, the question was raised a couple of times in the Deception LP - did Jeremy actually have a crush on Rosa back when he was alive? It was never really addressed in the game since Gilbert wisely felt that having them say nothing in their final scene together was more powerful than any words could be. Was Rosa someone that Jeremy had thought about in the years since she left the Village Eye? Or was it just a case that he somehow "knew that she could help him", as was also suggested by Joey?

Gilbert confirms that, yes, Jeremy did have a crush on her from their time working together. This is backed up by Jeremy's dialogue where he remembers that Rosa "spoke to him, sometimes" even though, in Rosa's recollection, they barely spoke at all. It also explains why he has a photo of her lying around, since as a ghost he really couldn't have dug it out of an old memory box or whatever when he "needed" her. He must have had it out from before he died.
However, Gilbert also says that ghosts tending to find mediums (or "Bestowers", I suppose) when they need them is one of the themes of the series. From Alli just happening to turn up at the dog park as Rosa walks by, to the chance encounter with Monique that lead to Frank Lyons, and hell, in some sense, even George Ostin could be placed in this basket.
So I guess the answer to the question is - both! Which is generally the most satisfying answer anyway, I feel.