Part 14: 7 Days, Part 5: Tryst By My Crypt
Seven Days, Part 5: Tryst By My Crypt

Last update, there was a perfectly reasonable discussion about how I couldn't possibly have been killing people. This update starts with Angela accusing me of killing people, because that's logical, I guess.

This is sensible, though given past precedent I wouldn't be entirely surprised if a prisoner was allowed to overrule his captor. It would make more sense than some of this update.

Also, this is probably the worst line in the game. Somebody brought up the fact that, if Yahtzee actually had explained all of the space physics I bring up, the entire game would be filled with stilted sci-fi talk. Yahtzee somehow found a way to have the awkward speech of hard sci-fi with all the space wind and space gravity of soft sci-fi. Written by third graders.

The Pulitzer-quality writing continues.

Two people have been murdered and you hear a loud noise behind you. This shouldn't even be a voluntary action; looking behind you would be perfectly reasonable. Also, it's not as though John's trying to distract you so he can walk through those laser gates unnoticed.

Thus ghost Barry, staring into the audience's soul, killed Angela. And nobody was sad.
The way these screenshots are taken is pretty awkward; it looks as though the bars were turned off and then Barry turned them on, when actually the opposite happened. To explain, we need to discuss some reasons this prison is a horrible design.
First of all, metal bars are a very good idea, while laser bars are energy inefficient and probably extremely dangerous. They probably suck a lot of power from that engine that isn't working. Rather than leaving control of prisoners to one person who would have a key, space prisoners can be let out by anyone who feels like doing so within 30 feet.
Secondly, there are few amenities provided. Pointing out the lack of a toilet is pretty nitpicky, but Yahtzee actually put bathroom doors in all the residence areas even if you can't enter them, so he clearly tried to avert this before deciding not to try. That long white bar immediately behind John is the infamous towel rack, absolutely vital for a cell without towels, a shower, or anything else necessitating a rack. It's basically just a way for prisoners to get a blunt object with which to threaten guards or each other.
Finally, those lasers flicker. This screws up screenshots and makes the prison seem less menacing. A crucial flaw in the design.

A lot of people, including me, liked the sense of danger in the bathroom during 5 Days. As a result, Yahtzee added more danger in this one, like being able to die in space or have your neck snapped in an awkwardly drawn picture. Everyone complained, including me.
Yahtzee called this hypocrisy, I call this not understanding where tension ends and annoyance begins.

This part isn't too bad. Luckily for us, Angela's first reaction upon being attacked while holding a gun is to throw said gun completely across the room, leaving it for us. Unfortunately, it's a stun gun that lasts for about five seconds, so we get to run away. Barry will follow us from room to room, so we need to get rid of him permanently. Wait, I have a wondrous idea!


So, instead of getting an obvious weapon, locking Barry in the cell, luring him into space, or any number of much more sensible options, we get to use this towel rack. First, hide in the shadows until Barry comes in and, not seeing you, decides to stare at the glowing engine that's making a lot of noise despite not working. Then walk up to him, thankful for his nonexistent peripheral vision and inability to hear, and hit him into the bottomless pit that clearly exists on the lowest floor of the ship.
I know I've already mentioned this article, but there's a reason games like this aren't fun.

We now get to reassure the other two whole survivors. Adam decided the best way to evade a killer was to go into a tunnel and huddle against the far wall with no way to escape.

There's no in-game clue as to where these people are hiding, by the way, just like there was no way of knowing to use the towel rack or even that the rack could be added to your inventory. There's a reason why every single person in this thread who's defended the game design has still felt a need to clarify, "even though I had to use a walkthrough a few times", apparently unaware of the contradiction therein.

This man is not suspicious. Avert your suspicions.

This is a line from Halloween, showing that Yahtzee is just as bad at referencing pop culture as he is at referencing Goethe (or Marlowe, I guess). Yes, we can probably refer to a male captain as him. Continue speaking like natural human beings would upon having half their ranks wiped out in less than a week.

Presumably, you should now be getting a concussion from banging your head into the nearest wall. There is absolutely nothing about this conversation that makes sense, from the fact that Barry is dead being treated as an afterthought to the way the onboard sensors detect "life" but apparently not something like, say, movement.

The first two murders were one thing, but a third? Now I'm moderately disturbed.

Not suspicious at all.

In case there's a medical emergency, we'll be ready to go immediately after several hours of setup and maintenance. Provided the patient lives long enough to get on the escape pod, we'll launch him somewhere and hope he lands near some place with penicillin.

So, a supernatural force is killing people off but can be subdued as long as someone keeps their wits and a towel rack about them. Rather than work through the "night" to be able to escape, John resorts to the Chzo protagonists' classic "Let's do it tomorrow" strategy, which has worked brilliantly in the past. What should they do in the meantime?

If you guessed something logical, deduct ten-thousand points from your score, because you're clearly not seeing the pattern. If you guessed that everyone should split up and sleep in different rooms, congratulations, you have what it takes to go to space.

This escape strategy is just a masterwork of good planning

Email is easily transmitted to unexplored areas of space.

And now we get yet another read Yahtzee's mind puzzle. This depends on so many idiotic coincidences and is so unbelievably contrived (I'm so glad the key was recoverable, a shame nobody else knew the password, thankfully the computer explicitly tells us how long it is, good thing he got that email in space, thankfully Barry made his password be his birthday instead of "123456" or "729154", etc) that my easily broken suspension of disbelief is mildly impacted. Thankfully, it's just a matter of simple subtraction, a leap of logic, and remembering that this game uses the British date system despite measuring in yards. We then discover that Barry's birthday was

The top option shows that Yahtzee's just as good at subtle foreshadowing as ever. Now we get to go down to William's room and...

Look at that, he's helping out the killer. I'm so moderately surprised.
Next time, the game continues not being good.
Creator Commentary
How I would work out puzzles when making these games was I would start with the end objective and add phases in between it and the beginning. Hence:
Defeat zombie Barry
- Wait for Barry in reactor room
- Push Barry off bridge
Somehow that didn't seem like enough for the main puzzle of the day. So I thought about what the character would have close to hand and would conceivably grab as a makeshift weapon.
Defeat zombie Barry
- Wait for Barry in reactor room
- Take towel rail from cell (FUCK ME AM SAMRT)
- Push Barry off bridge
I honestly forgot to make the machete go away, but what I should have done at this point was restrict the player's access to the rest of the ship. Make it a slightly more desperate chase around the engineering deck. Establish that the player could engage the monster in hand to hand combat if necessary (like pushing away the Scissorman in Clock Tower) but that some kind of edge was needed. Any edge. Make it more tense, rather than a casual pottering about the ship.
Incidentally the monster at this point was originally going to be a misshapen experimental flesh-thing implied to be a preliminary attempt at the Welder's new body . But that would have meant more animation duty, and I've already established I was determined to get through this with a bare minimum of effort. Hence just the re-use of Barry sprites with slower animation speed and red pixels smeared up his arms and torso. And while we're on the subject, by Christ is that towel rail swinging animation dodgy.
And of course there could have been a much better reason given as to why the escape pods couldn't be accessed yet. Maybe someone sabotaged the mechanism and Adam needed time to fix it. The three survivors would agree to stay together in the escape pod room until the job was finished. But the work would drag on into the night and finally Dr. John would let his eyes close for a second... possible space for a nightmare sequence... then he wakes up a couple of hours later to find himself alone again. Next job is to find the others, and that's when we find Adam claiming to be looking for William, and the blood coming out from under William's door.