Part 24: Trilby's Notes, Part 7: Not Quite Through Peck's Stages
I'm actually resuming a once-per-day update schedule, if only briefly, since I don't want to do the entire ending in one update. What follows is a lot of text without a lot of action, as I feel that putting it all in one post would be a bit excessive.
Trilby's Notes, Part 7: Not Quite Through Peck's Stages

Post-flashback, it appears that Siobhan felt that being stalked through a dark and oppressive world with giant castles wasn't really all that bad. As such, she decided to walk through the entire hotel and check out the bar before deciding whether or not to leave. When weighing her options, she seemed to consider Abed's death as a reason not to bother leaving and instead crawl through dark holes in the ground into narrow caverns with only one exit. Best case scenario, she's trying to find a thief who lied to her, knocked her out, dug through her stuff, and then left her on a(n evil) roof after a few sentences of conversation.

Trilby's character gets a bit derailed around this point of the game, in case you couldn't tell.

I have to say, I really like this element. Coincidences are much easier to accept when it's really obvious that they're far from ideal, and openly acknowledging the problems with this setup goes a long way towards excusing them.

Time for a bit of plot analysis. This body/mind/soul divide comes up a lot, and it's been foreshadowed a few times already. For example:

These pictures are the Tall Man's Body, Mind, and Soul. The first is Body, and the other two represent one or the other, up to our interpretation according to the commentary. If you want, you can be boring and pretend the middle one is the tree at night.

The Prince is Chzo's servant, and Chzo wants Trilby to destroy parts of John DeFoe. Note how this doesn't really tie in to what's been happening at any point in this game.

Again, incredulity goes a long way. Unfortunately, Yahtzee's going to fall into the trap of throwing so much against the wall that it doesn't really work when you try to piece it all together. He also fell into the trap of including cultish ramblings on the same piece of paper as notes from Lenkmann, giving away the twist somewhat.

First, though, some competence.

Followed by the framing device completely falling apart. I'm pretty sure that, even retrospectively, nobody would write this.

A knife wound to the stomach would be incredibly painful and debilitating, but I'm pretty sure this (passing out and then being unable to control any part of your body) is slightly exaggerated. It gets worse.

So, in a plot twist that should surprise nobody, Lenkmann is a crazy cultist. However, he doesn't seem to actually know anything about his religion, since he's basically trying to manipulate Chzo and the Prince in a manner that has no religious precedent but while aiming for a result that has a precedent of mass murder. I'm also not sure why they need to be "guided to their destinies" considering they know full well exactly what they need to do (Lenkmann will lecture us about it almost immediately).

Trying to not let Lenkmann succeed at... something is your overall goal in this puzzle, which, as I've mentioned, is very good. It does, however, force a pretty big story/gameplay divide as you realize the implication that Lenkmann is as bad at this as everybody else.

A lot of this is easy to miss, since it depends on you asking questions, but there's plenty of time to do it. As always, I'm editing it into a more complete block of text for easier reading.

There's no reason for the idol to be down here except to expedite a later cutscene. Really, gathering Cabadath's soul and calling Cabadath on the day Cabadath kills people who even look the wrong way at his soul doesn't seem incredibly sound in any degree. And I had such high hopes for this villain when he cut to the chase and just stabbed me.

Something snapped three feet above where I was injured due to the strain of talking. Lenkmann went a bit overboard for intentionally stabbing to wound.

I'm not going to spoil 6 Days too much, but it's based in part on the idea that a 300 year gap between DeFoe's body and soul being destroyed is close enough to "conjunction" to basically count. Also, you have to respect blatantly cherry-picked fundamentalism.

Lenkmann is pretty much the worst evil cultist ever. "An ancient druid tried summoning a god with some of the most powerful magic out there, but I'm pretty sure I'll have more success as long as I kind of wing a ceremony with whoever I happen to have on hand."
Agony of the mind is rather appropriate, I'd say.

Somebody mentioned that the reason for Trilby to be declared MIA was because Lenkmann gathered the notes up. However, it directly points out that they were retrieved later by a different group, which also makes you wonder about what connection Lenkmann actually has with the government. Either a crazy member of a cult was able to pass the background checks to enter an organization trying to stop the goals of said cult, or Trilby just blindly accepts the word of anybody who says they're a coworker.
On an unrelated note, however, time for the best puzzle solution in the game. We need to spoil Lenkmann's plans, but we can't exactly... do anything. The answer is directly told to us about ten times, but there's still a lingering sense of doubt that this is the right answer. It's a great way of playing with the player and I love it.

Again, though, Lenkmann taunting you by directly saying this doesn't really work when you consider he wants the exact opposite to happen. Gameplay-wise, though, no complaints.

Yeah, that went about as well as anybody sensible would expect. Alas, poor villain who had the potential to be moderately effective.

Most of this scene was added for the Special Edition, but it pretty effectively foreshadows what will become a big part of 6 Days. It also makes the final cutscene even longer; typing "die" is the last piece of interactivity in the game.

I love this line. It's basically Yahtzee just flat out admitting "Shit, I made way too much work for myself by setting 7 Days so far after this". Backpedaling from 7 Days is about half of what the series consists of from this point on.

Next time, the second half of the textdumps. Let me know if the marginally less critical tone I had in this update worked any better than what I've done in the past.