Part 32: 6 Days, Part 3: Prelude to a Better update
Note: This is the final section of the game where things are incredibly boring. Starting immediately after, the mindscrew gets kicked up a hundredfold. Also, this is a short and not particularly amusing update due to me doing it as a way to not have to pay money.
6 Days, Part 3: Prelude to a Better update

This chapter is about convincing other people to do your work for you. Most adventure games could have all of their puzzles negated by a crowbar; this game would have all of its puzzles negated by working arms.

I do like the way this hall gets progressively worse; it's a nice touch. Less backtracking would have been a nicer one, but hey.

Here we have a weird cross between the three Trilby personalities we've seen thus far. It's a bit odd and doesn't fit in with anything.

[Words about memories]

As I alluded to earlier, all of these Trilbies have different personalities past the first two. There's no reason for this, given that they seem to have the same memories. I guess somebody retrains each of them to have no emotions and be an uncaring guard whenever that becomes necessary.

Thanks for telling me about my death right next to a skeleton of me and a bloodstain from me. It helped me immensely.

You can barely see a flask icon next to the door, which looks more like an RPG potion shop sign. Trilby could apparently open this door through sheer force of will.
File: The Clanbronwyn Hotel incident took the soul of the Bridgekeeper away from us, and delayed the coming of the King for hundreds of years. But at the same time it brought the prince to us, with the solution already in hand. The prophecy in the Books of Chzo demands that the Guide assists the creation of the Bridge. Obviously he could not do that if he was long since dead of old age. But the sample of his blood provided by the Prince was more than enough to ensure that the Guide would exist for more than long enough to fulfill his destiny.
The Guide is Trilby. The Tall Man carrying his jacket ensured that enough blood remained to clone Trilby so that he could get around to destroying DeFoe any day now. Then the Tall Man started killing his clones because he changed his mind. It was very kind of him to intentionally sabotage his own plans for the sake of a sequel.

Those vats are where they make the clones, and they apparently have a few dozen more in storage based on how many will start popping up before too long.

Trilby seeks for answers by standing perfectly still staring at different walls.

This hat acts as a clue that there are more Trilbies, a function also provided by the two other Trilbies we've seen and the note about other Trilbies. There's another note here.
File: And the Prince was much displeased, for the Prideful Acolyte would in his arrogance interfere with the destiny of the Guide, and so he threw down the Prideful Acolyte, and the Prideful Acolyte became the Puppet, and knew the name of the King. And with great fear did the Guide take up the Soul of the Bridgekeeper, immune to its influence for the Bridgekeeper was also greatly fearful, and he hid the Soul of the Bridgekeeper away, to a place where it would meet its final destiny. And the Prince and the Puppet took their message to the Order of Blessed Agonies.
In this case, "immune to its influence for the Bridgekeeper was also greatly fearful" means "immune because he got someone to wrap it in a shirt." Remember that John DeFoe (Bridgekeeper) is still afraid of things.

[Canning evades questions and says nothing about the area becoming a dungeon or other mysteries]

This will be hammered in a bit later as always, but the complex is John DeFoe's mind. There's very little reason except, as always, the need for sequels.

Spoiler: Yahtzee doesn't either.

Ah, good, I was worried I might need to use my brain to figure out something rather than a built-in walkthrough or a moon logic book.

Never mind, you have to call a dead person to figure it out. I guess the moon logic did come in handy.

It's never explained who that was or why they gave you a code. Anyway, we can now call Janine.

I only robbed her corpse because I care.

So, let's do some more counter-intuitive camera things, finding some fully-intact ruins in a basement several dozen feet below ground.

I don't know why proving that there's nothing interesting in the hub should encourage you to try entering the hub. Presumably you weren't supposed to think about it too much. Like everything else in this game.
This is a short update because I'm dangerously close to my Toxx clause deadline (Beat it by 10 minutes). The other reason is that next update contains a string of the three worst parts of this game, which seem to work well together. The next update, which is essentially part 2 of this one, will come shortly. That sentence is probably untrue.