Part 4: Dilemma 2
Reign of King Harald V, Dilemma 1, Resolution
Vote Results posted:
Votes Aye, spends 4 Power(s), spends 7 Coin(s)
Votes Aye, spends 2 Power(s), gains 4 Coin(s)
Votes Nay, bets 3 Power(s), gains 0 Coin(s)
Votes Aye, spends 1 Power(s), gains 3 Coin(s)
Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 3 Power(s), gains 1 Coin(s)
The Ayes have it!
Vote Outcome posted:
The first symbol is quite easy: Influence gets a positive +2 push. The second symbol on the back of the Dilemma card means that we are going to open one of the 75 sealed Envelopes from the box. Each one of these has an 1 Outcome card, that progresses the story and may award a bonus to the signer; and 3 Dilemmas that get mixed into the Dilemma deck. From now on, we may encounter consequences for our decision to assign the bulk of this Red Iron to the army. If we had opted to side with the merchants instead, we would have probably opened a different envelope, with different consequences!
Envelope opened: 61
Well, looks like House Pinchay was able to recoup a good chunck of their costs! Not all Outcome cards have mechanical consequences, but the big decisions tend to have them more frequently. Blastinus gets to sign the law and get the bonus for their House.
Resources and Stability change:
The Influence tracker on the board was already showing its white side, meaning it had Positive Momentum. This means that A) it moved 3 spaces instead of 2 and B) it now has a Momentum Marker added to it - meaning that it'll move 2 extra spaces next time it receives a +X push. A negative push (-X influence) will immediately stop the Momentum and flip the token to its black side instead. Note that the Stability marker has also moved up 3 spaces.
Reign of King Harald V, Dilemma 2

- Sitting Councilmember: Phelddagrif (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: Omobono
- Treasurer/Navigator: Jossar

- Sitting Councilmember: Sighence (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: TravelLog (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: megane
- Treasurer/Negotiator: Bellmaker
Dilemma2 posted:
We have a new icon: a negative Chronicle Sticker. Chronicle stickers represent long-term ongoing effects triggered by your decisions. They can either be Positive (with a white title bar) or Negative (with a black title bar).They are attached to the Chronicle Area in the row with the Resource symbol:
When a vote has a Sticker has a part of its outcome, it means that the people of Ankist will remember this decision because it's particularly popular/unpopular. They will also remember the House who signed the decision (the Leader of the Aye/Nay vote that has generated the sticker). This has no immediate effect during the current king's reign, but it has a couple of important legacy effects! Every Sticker will (depending if it's positive or negative):
- Increase/reduce the starting position on the Tracker for the corresponding resource at the start of the next reign(s).
- Add/remove 1 Power for the House that signed it at the start of the next reign(s).
- Assign positive/negative Open Agendas related to the resource on the sticker. The people are quick to move on, though, so only the most recent sticker for each resource will generate an Open Agenda and each House can have a maximum of 2 Open positive and 2 Open negative Agendas at the same time. A House that manages to get that resource first or second in the tracker during the reign where they have received a Positive Open Agenda will receive additional Agenda Points
(+3 or +1), while Negative Agendas detract points if the resource is last or second to last (-3 and -1). In case of a tie, all tied Resources give the same bonus/penalty.

A 48h voting window is now open!
- Sitting Councilmembers can send me a PM/Email with their final decision. Please consult the OP if you need a refresher on the rules!
- Treasurers can now start bribing. Please consult the OP if you need a refresher on the rules! Remember that a public agreement supersede the secret vote if they are different.
- Senators are free to discuss the Dilemma and provide their feedback. Don't forget that every choice could have consequences that are not spelled out outright on the front of the card! Also, please remember that during this phase the thread is the main discussion platform - the Sheet is only to be used when discussing items on the sheet itself.