Part 161: Brief History of the Kingdom of Ankist, Volume I - King Harald V to King Blythe II

Royal Historian
Since there's quite a lot going on at the moment, I figured it might be prudent to put together a chronicle of everything that's happened so far. I'll leave the petty squabbles of house politics to our other chroniclers, and focus only on events which have affected the kingdom as a whole. Some of these events fall under multiple storylines, so it can be a bit hard to separate them.
Red Iron/Enkhali
- RE1: Skaram smugglers offered to provide large quantities of 'red iron', a metal stronger than steel. The council voted to reserve the red iron for the army, and the smugglers gifted the king a marvelous red iron sword named 'Scarlet Tide' in thanks.
- RE2: The chief doctor of the royal army requested the prioritization of red iron for the creation of medical tools, instead of weaponry. The council voted in agreement with this request, and the resulting medical tools brought great improvements in medical knowledge.
- RE3: A rich Codenian merchant took an interest in the Scarlet Tide, and offered a huge amount of money to purchase a replica, but the army protested the devaluation of its symbolic value. The council voted to decline the request, and the army gained an even greater appreciation of the Scarlet Tide as a result.
- RE4: The kingdom lost contact with the Skaram smugglers. At the risk of sparking a conflict with the mysterious Kingdom of Enkhal to the North, the council voted to send a military contingent to investigate. Only a few survivors returned, telling a tale of how they found a wrecked bandit camp before they were ambushed by a handful of supremely skilled warriors with red iron weapons and armor. They also reported a massive fortress reinforced with red iron plates known as the 'Crimson Keep'.
- RE5: The potential military threat of the Kingdom of Enkhal is starting to worry the people, and many believe the border guard should draft more peasants to patrol the unclaimed lands. The council votes to send a delegation of diplomats to the Crimson Keep instead, where they are coldly but respectfully welcomed. The Enkhali prove to be a militaristic and competitive society, but they claim to be honorable warriors who will not attack if not provoked.
- RE6: A disgraced Enkhali clan leader named 'Guttlab' approaches our diplomats with a deal - if Ankist provides military support, he will overthrow the current King of the Enkhali, Keisar, and ally publicly with Ankist. The council votes to denounce this plot to Keisar instead, and diplomatic relations with Enkhal greatly improve as a result.
- RE7: To celebrate the alliance, a marriage is arranged between Edgarn, brother of the Duke of Coden, and Laera, daughter of Keisar. Most of the Enkhal approve, but some of Ankist's more devout members are perturbed, for the Enkhal abhor the concept of religion - their ancestors once fought against a 'Sun Empress' who declared herself divine.
- RE8: Rioting zealots in Duin, incensed at the engagement between the duke's brother and the 'godless princess', have been repeatedly delaying the wedding. The council votes to 'escort' them to the dungeons till the wedding is over, and it proceeds without further interruption. Over time, more weddings between Ankist and Enkhali nobility are arranged, and the Enkhali soon become an integral part of our kingdom.
- RE9: Some people fear that Ankist traditions are being watered down as a result of all this intermingling with Enkhal, and wish for the council to limit intercultural marriages. The council votes not to do so.
- RE10: The council votes to implement 'Askadar', the training regimen of the Enkhali warriors, as an official training program for the Ankist army. Askadar proves to be a very punishing regimen, and many of our soldiers do not take well to it.
- RE11: The Kingdom of Enkhal requests funding for a compilation of their epic songs into a tome for all scholars to study. The council refuses to fund it, but does not forbid scholars from assisting with their own expenses.
- RE12: A partial transcript of a song is unearthed as a result, telling the tale of the ancient Enkhali king Thurn the Indestructible, and his battle with Ommad and his Eight Bloodless Shades. The song ends with the destruction of Thurn, and the conquest of Ommad as he forces his conquered lands to worship The Mother.
The Golden Map Expedition
- GM1: A rich merchant came to negotiate a trade agreement. Among his goods was a female slave, who allegedly came from the hidden temple of the legendary Golden Map. The council voted to force the merchant to free the woman, which compromised our relationship with the southern desert lands, but proved popular with our people. Our scholars quickly began putting together an expedition to take her back to the Golden Temple.
- GM2: The Golden Map expedition was threatened by desert raiders. The council voted to send troops to support the expedition and drive off the raiders. The expedition made it to the hidden temple safely as a result, but the woman died from travel fatigue along the way. The ruined temple appears to be a lost temple of the Sand Priestesses, an ancient cult of the Mother. Our scholars dub the temple 'Chalice Peak'.
- GM3: Our scholars managed to decipher an ancient text on a wall at Chalice Peak, which suggests that the Mother waged war against a legendary Sun Empire to free the world from corruption, but accidentally gave birth to a cursed black eclipse in doing so. The council voted to investigate further, and the scholars researched the matter in the royal library. No further references to a 'Sun Empire' were found, but many instances of a black eclipse bringing about an end to powerful societies.
- GM4: A huge collection of golden items and jewels is discovered in a secret chamber in Chalice Peak, including the Golden Map. Some people fear the treasure might be cursed, but the council votes to carry back all the treasure anyway. The Golden Map is not easily interpreted, but the scrolls near it speak of an ancient 'Sun Empire', long before the era of Ommad, the First King.
- GM5: With the abundance of riches from the expedition, the Guild Mistress announces the institution of the Coin, a new great Central Bank for the kingdom. The council votes to fund the Coin, and is offered a seat on the board of directors in return. Investment opportunities in the Coin's business ventures open up.
- GM6: An artist named Floriando is inspired by the ongoing immaterial transformation of wealth, and develops a new abstract painting style, which unsettles the common people. The council votes not to ban the new style, and the queen is so incensed by this decision she dies. Ultimately though, the new art style proves very profitable in the long run.
- GM7: The council votes to send the expedition to investigate a narrow mountain pass on the Golden Map. The mountain pass in the Nebula Mountains turns out to be actually quite safe, and offers an impressive view. The expedition trades with many exotic tribes and learns much about their new surroundings on their way.
- GM8: An ancient glass musical instrument was discovered in the Nebula Mountains, which appeared to cause depression in all who hear it. The talented musician Raliesi requested to perform a public concert with the instrument to see its effects on a large scale, but the council voted to deny this request.
- GM9: The route is blocked by a gigantic fortress bridging two mountains, inhabited by a small community called 'the Gatekeepers', who demand an exorbitant amount of food to allow the expedition through. The council reluctantly votes to accede to this request, and the Truthkeepers allow perpetual passage rights in exchange for a steady supply of food. The fortress has a hall decorated with a large golden sun, and appears to be an ancient Sun Empire outpost.
- GM10: The expedition reaches a deep jungle, and eventually find a gigantic shining temple, coated with thick plates of the finest gold. The temple is abandoned and in ruins, but the walls are inscribed abundantly with ancient text. A safe route is established, and scholars from across the kingdom are invited to visit the temple.
- GM11: Enthused by unsubstantiated rumors of more golden cities to the south of the Golden Temple, the council votes to launch another expedition into the unknown. This is a doomed endeavor, not a single member of the second expedition ever returns.
- GM12: With the funds gained from the control of the Golden Temple, the council votes to spend the money to upgrade old military equipment, boosting our army's combat effectiveness.
- GM13: The Librarian Chancellor suggests relocating the mosaics from Chalice Peak to Lybra, so that they can be studied without requiring long travel. The council votes to approve this decision, despite the high cost and the complaints of those bemoaning the desecration of a sacred place.
The Mystery of Lorrain
- L1: The famous historian Haret is performing research on Ommad, the First King. He requests permission to enter the oldest monasteries, where males are usually forbidden, to locate documents that date back to the time of the Mother. The council votes to approve his request.
- L2: While conducting his research in the ancient monastery of Lorrain, Haret discovers a hidden chamber. The chamber is covered with incomprehensible text, and a mysterious fresco appearing to depict the Mother in the process of devouring her eight daughters. The scholars start working to decipher the text over the protests of the monastery's High Priestess, Sister Celestina.
- L3: Haret and his research team disappear without a trace. The council votes not to arrest Sister Celestina, lacking any concrete evidence, but that does nothing to suppress rumors of her sinister powers.
- L4: The King becomes moody, withdrawn, and uninterested in running the Kingdom. He spends most of his time writing long letters to an unknown recipient. When pressed, he eventually admits that he's been debating theology and philosophy with Sister Celestina.
- L5: A thief named Magpie claims to have acquired a particularly compromising letter between the King and Sister Celestina. She requests an exorbitant sum in exchange for turning over the letter to the council, instead of making it public. The council reluctantly accedes to the request, and Magpie hands over the letter. The letter is just as heretical as claimed - the King appears to doubt the very divinity of the Mother, and suggests that she was merely a powerful ruler of an ancient empire.
- L6: One of Haret's former assistants begins selling unauthorized copies of the fresco found in Lorrain's monastery. The Holy Attendant is outraged by this heretical depiction of the Mother, but the council votes not to prohibit the sales, and soon the image of the 'Mawther' becomes common knowledge.
- L7: The King comes to the council with a strange request - a "dear friend" of his knows a ritual that will make him immortal, but she requires time, seclusion, and eight young girls. The council votes to deny this request, and the Chamberlain soon finds out, to not much surprise, that Sister Celestina was behind the request.
- L8: Celestina's heretical sect, the Sisters of the Unending, begin causing havoc in the realm. They seem to be particularly focused on acquiring medical instruments like saws and scalpels, as well as kidnapping young girls. Some members have been captured, but all refuse to give up any details on their master plan.
- L9: A naked corpse is found in a swamp near the monastery of Lorrain, with a sun symbol branded on its skin. The council votes to investigate the matter, and the Librarian Chancellor finds clues regarding the sun mark - it is associated with a power said to rise after the brightest sun, capable of restarting time itself. The investigation appears to scare the culprits, and no other corpses are discovered.
The Truthkeepers
- T1: The people of Three Trunks, a small village to the north, claims that a witch is living in the nearby Hedgehog Woods. The council votes not to send the army to investigate the matter, and as a result a band of religious vigilantes calling themselves the 'Truthkeepers' descend upon Hedgehog Woods, conducting a brutal search for the witch.
- T2: The Truthkeepers have been burning many fields in Northen Dualak because of their suspiciously colored grain, and the fires are now spreading to Tiryll. Many farmers have lost their entire supply of crops as a result. The council votes to compensate the affected farmers.
- T3: (Current Dilemma) A woman arrives at the court, claiming to be the "witch" of the Hedgehog Woods. She claims that she has no real supernatural powers, and merely uses her intellect to solve problems. She requests court protection from the superstitious peasantry hunting her.
Ash bread/War with Mhuir
- AB1: An unprecedented drought hits Tiryll, driving up the cost of bread to the point that many are unable to afford it. The Kingdom of Mhuir offers to sell Ankist a batch of suspiciously cheap wheat, which would save many from starvation. The council votes to import the wheat to feed the poor. The wheat is ash-gray and bread made from it tastes terrible, but the poorest are glad to have anything to eat.
- AB2: The council votes to spend extra resources to acquire proper food for the army, instead of mixing in ash bread. It's a considerable expense in times of drought, but the army appreciates the care taken for their well-being.
- AB3: Thieves empty a granary full of gray wheat, and brand a symbol of a stylized sun into the front door. The council votes to send more guards from the merchant quarter to patrol the granaries. No further theft occurs from the granaries, but the rich are outraged by the loss of protection.
- AB4: The disreputable Mhuirian scholar known as 'Eucletius' claims that the ash bread is toxic, spooking the people and convincing them to burn it in large quantities. The resulting fires generate thick fumes that pollute the fields with the same malady as the gray wheat. The council votes to forbid this practice, but many wheat fields have already been contaminated, forcing more people to consume ash bread to survive.
- AB5: People who have been consuming ash bread regularly start developing sickly grayish spots, and become known as 'Ashers'. Many claim that the Ashers are prone to violence and marked by strange old gods, but the Ashers claim they are just discriminated against.
- AB6: Our spies discover that the gray wheat disease was caused by an experimental fertilizer invented by Eucletius, and the Kingdom of Mhuir decided to hide that truth from us. The enraged queen declares war with Mhuir, and the council votes to send an assassin after Eucletius to demonstrate our convictions to Mhuir.
- AB7: A battle with Mhuir begins, and Ankist wins with ease.
- AB8: Another battle with Mhuir begins, and this time Ankist loses.
- J1: The royal marshal proposes a joust, and the council votes enthusiastically in approval.
- J2: The council votes to back the People's Champion, Yubert Gildar, who ends up thoroughly crushing the candidate backed by the Merchant Guild, Traven Milner, with his trademark pickaxes.
- J3: The royal marshal proposes another joust, but this time the council declines.
- J4: The royal marshal proposes yet another joust, and the council approves this one.
- J5: The council votes to back Victor Silverskin, the renowned tactician. He manages to easily dispatch Clelia Shieldheart, the People's Champion, before outmaneuvering the gigantic Kara Stonetower with ease to claim victory.
Other events
- E1: Three windmills were set on fire along the Golden Harbor road. The council voted to fund their reconstruction. An unknown alchemical substance was detected at the arson sites.
- E2: The nomadic tribe of the Iksurs requested to join our kingdom, but our people were fearful of their barbaric ways. The council voted to turn them away.
- E3: The soldiers start purchasing large quantities of an alcoholic beverage from the nomadic Skarams, made with fermented goat milk. The Guild Mistress suggests the kingdom import it, but the council votes to ban it instead, forbidding soldiers from drinking it.
And here's every event in chronological order:
King Harald V: RE1, E1, GM1, RE2, E2
King Blythe I: RE3, GM2, GM3, RE4
Queen Ilysia I: AB1, J1, J2, AB2, GM4, GM5, T1, GM6
Queen Hypatia I: AB3, RE5, AB4/5
King Cleon I: GM7, L1, L2, GM8, E3, GM9/10, J3, RE6/7, L2, L3/4
Queen Thymeris I: GM11, AB6, T2, RE8, GM12, GM13, L5, L6
King Blythe II: RE9, RE10, RE11/12, J4, J5, AB7, L7/8, L9, AB8, T3 (current dilemma)