Part 163: Drafting Hidden Agendas

- Every House has 48h to decide if they want to follow the guidelines or nominate a different Sitting Councilmember(and/or treasurer) for the 1st Dilemma. This can be changed at a later moment, but I'd need to know who to address for the initial Dilemma
- During the same time period, once the Sitting Councilmember has been selected, I will need a PM/Email from them putting all the 6 Hidden Agendas in a scale from Tier 1 (want most) to Tier 6 (want least). This is cause the Hidden Agenda is normally selected with a draft. You will get assigned the highest tier available Agenda based on picking order (one is removed at random before starting the draft). Once Agendas are divided, I'll update every House Sheet to let everyone know their own House's Agenda for the reign of King Harald V.
- If i get a confirmation for both the Sitting Councilmember and the Agenda priority tier before th 48h limit has expired, I'll proceed with the next update then.

Hidden Agendas

Resource Goal
The Resource Goal rewards you for keeping a certain number of Resource markers in specific areas of the Resource Track. The interaction between the differing interests generated by these goals will encourage you to support or compete with the other players to keep the Resource markers in the position you desire. A specific player may be your ally during the current Voting Phase, but strongly oppose you during the next, depending on their personal interests in each specific moment. Try to read the intentions of the other players and deduce their Secret Agenda to gain an advantage during each Voting Phase. NOTE: certain Agendas grant a larger Prestige Points

Money Ranking Goal
The bottom of each Secret Agenda card also lists the number of Agenda Points

Picking Order
The House with the least Prestige

- First Pick: House Gambol, Dukes of Solad (2)
- House Cyfoeth, Dukes of Coden (4)
- House Daucus, Dukes of Olwyn (5)
- House Pinchay, Dukes of Gamam (7)
- Last Pick: House Lethe, Dukes of Natar (12)
By the way, since not everyone may be familiar with the way Google Sheets work, if you want to have a look at all the comments left by your Housemates and you don't want to click around cells, you can click on this icon to see a list of all the comments in a "nested structure":

Top right corner, text bubble icon. The comments are in reverse order, with the most recent ones at the top; they are nested in a way similar to old forums/reddit, with a "master" comment being the first comment on one specific cell and all the other comments being nested as "replies" to that one.
I also suggest to clean up old comments by resolving them once they are no longer relevant, to keep things readable. I leave this to each House's self organization for my own sanity

EDIT: I'm adding all the additional rules to the section with the same name in the OP, in case you want to have a look at them later on!