Part 26: Interregnum
InterregnumQueen Ilysia, first of her name, is dead. The first monarch in recent memory to leave this mortal coil while still wearing a crown, her reign has lasted almost 25 years. Panem et Circenses has been a staple during her tenure and she has always remained popular with the masses, especially after the ROYAL RUMBLE. She was loved by the common folk to the very end - even after unscropulous nobles took advantage of her advanced age to pass increasingly unpopular laws.
While we didn't get any submission for her portrait, we do have Maestro Floriando eternal masterpiece to commemorate her:

As I discovered yesterday, Google Translate is Really Bad at Latin, but the joke should be clear

Finally, here are the current Prestige/Crave Rankings:
House Pinchay(7), Dukes of Gamam: 6x

House Daucus(5), Dukes of Olwyn: 6x

House Gambol(2), Dukes of Solad: 6x

House Lethe(12), Dukes of Natar: 5x

House Cyfoeth(4), Dukes of Coden: 5x

You have 24h to vote for the name of the new ruler and to submit your tiered Hidden Agenda preferences! Right now the choice is between:
- Queen Hypatia (2)
- King Ommad II (2)
- King Cagnaccio (1)