Part 33: Dilemma 3
Reign of King Cleon I, Dilemma 2, Resolution
Vote Results posted:
Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 5 Power (current: 12), gains 1 Coins (current: 11).
Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 11
Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 5 Power (current: 5), spends 4 Coins (current: 6).
Invests 6 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 6). Remaining Coins: 0
Votes Aye, spends 2 Power (current: 9), gains 5 Coins (current: 13).
Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 3). Remaining Coins: 13
Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 5 Power (current: 9), gains 1 Coins (current: 11).
Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 11
Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 5 Power (current: 8), gains 1 Coins (current: 11).
Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 11
Vote Outcome posted:
Envelope opened: 25
This is not disturbing at all!
Resources and Stability change:
There currently are 18 cards in the Dilemma deck.
Chronicle stickers: -
No changes.
The Cult of the Mother posted:
The Cult of the Mother is the only religion in the kingdom of Ankist and in most of the other known lands.The Mother is considered the only true goddess, and she is worshipped as a benevolent figure together with her eight Saint Daughters. However, especially in remote places, paganism is sometimes still present, but the Cult treats it as superstition, claiming that the pagan gods are likely misinterpretations of the Saint Daughters.
The religion of the Cult is based on the fact that all is created and regenerated by the Mother. When you die, you go back to the Mothers womb where you will be regenerated before being born again. Birth and death are equally important: birth cant be prevented in any way and corpses must be buried in order to go back to the Mother. The Cult claims that the Mother once walked in this world in human form to elevate humanity above the beasts, but she was not human.
This dogmatic truth has been questioned by several heretical theories in the past. A famous heresy theorized the existence of a Ninth Daughter, and claimed that the Mother was not an immortal goddess, but just the empress of an ancient civilization, part of a matrilineal dynasty where the ninth daughter would inherit command. Another heresy asserts that the Saint Daughters are as divine as the Mother: they would actually be her sisters, and the Mother herself would be the aforementioned ninth. Yet another one says that the Saint Daughters were actually the ancient pagan gods who were defeated by the Mother and submitted to her will. These heresies are all vigorously denied by the Cult.
The Eight Saint Daughters of the Mother
The Cult worships the Mother and her Saint Daughters as a unity, but commoners may ask the favor of a specific Daughter according to what they need. The Saint Daughters have a dual nature: They each represent a virtue they gifted to the world and the avoidance of a vice that could be fostered by an excess of that same virtue. In this sense, the Saint Daughters represent harmony and balance. Those who seek courage without recklessness will pray to Tilde. Those who seek strength and vigor without violence will pray to Orsal. Those who pray to Aegna will have wisdom and avoid folly. Those who seek creativity, arts, and games will pray to Lyria, who will tell them when playfulness must stop. Aire is the patron of love, but she is mindful to avoid jealousy. Those who need their business to thrive will ask Raela to intercede for them and they will be granted wealth as long as they are generous with it. Caerthas brings justice, but always with mercy. Those who seek rest or think they deserve to feast after a great effort will pray to Myhir, without ending in laziness.
Classic, non-Munchian representation of the Mother and her eight daughters.
Structure of the Cult
The Cult of the Mother only allows women to join its ranks. The priestesses of the Cult informally call each other Sisters and live in monasteries. Priestesses can indulge in romantic relationships and have children, but they usually do not marry, even if it is not formally forbidden. They can raise their daughters at the monasteries until they reach puberty, then the girls can chose to become priestesses themselves or to leave. If a priestess gives birth to a son, he will be have to be raised by his father, outside of the monastery.
The monasteries are of different sizes and shapes, but all of them, from the smallest village monastery made of only two rooms to the biggest ones which can host up to hundreds of priestesses, have a public space, where all the believers gather and assist in the rites, and a private space, where the priestesses live and perform special rituals. Only priestesses can enter this space, but while lay women may occasionally be welcomed as guests, access is never allowed to men. The biggest monasteries are lead by an elected figure called the High Priestess.
History of the Kingdom of Ankist posted:
Hall of Rulers

- Foreman/Sitting Councilmember: grandalt (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: Omobono
- Treasurer/Navigator: C...

- Sitting Councilmember: Sighence (also Treasurer)

- High Scholar/Sitting Councilmember: Quackles (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: SporkChan
- Treasurer/Negotiator: Covski

A 48h voting window is now open!
- Sitting Councilmembers can send me a PM/Email with their final decision. Please consult the OP if you need a refresher on the rules!
- Treasurers can now start bribing. Please consult the OP if you need a refresher on the rules!
- Senators are free to discuss the Dilemma and provide their feedback. Don't forget that every choice could have consequences that are not spelled out outright on the front of the card! Also, please remember that the thread is the main discussion platform for your vote intention - the Sheet is only to be used when discussing high level strategy, bargaining strategies and items on the sheet itself.