Part 42: Moderation window
Reign of Queen Thymeris I, Dilemma 1, Resolution
Vote Results posted:
Votes Pass and gather Power
Gains 1 Power (current: 10)
Gains 1 Coins (current: 14). Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 14.
Votes Pass and gather Power
Gains 1 Power (current: 10)
Gains 1 Coins (current: 11). Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 11.
Votes Pass and become Moderator
Gains 0 Power (current: 8)
Bets 2 Coins (current: 12). Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 12.
Votes Pass and become Moderator
Gains 0 Power (current: 9)
Bets 2 Coins (current: 12). Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 13.
Votes Pass and become Moderator
Gains 0 Power (current: 8)
Bets 2 Coins (current: 9). Invests 0 Coins in the Coin Bank (current investment: 0). Remaining Coins: 9.

I'm dumb, Gambol is the current Moderator and, since they are not involved in the tie, they get to decide. You have 24h to bribe them, if you want to!
EDIT: also to clarify, all three Houses have already received their +1 Coin for passing, for simplicity sake.