Part 52: Interregnum
InterregnumQueen Thymeris I's reign was a long one, lasting until her ailing health and the constant malcontent from the wealthy and powerful in the realm forced her off the throne: having financed unsuccesful expeditions in the jungle and a costly war with Mhuir, Thymeris's reign has been a red mark in a lot of noble Houses's ledgers. The war itself, after an explosive start, had turned into more of a cold one, with a lot of troops being mustered along the front and a lot of offensive posturing, but very little actual fights; for as much the Ankisti war machine was impressive, though, no one could foresee the end of the hostilities.

We still have some time to decide on the name for the new Ruler, as no option at the moment has a big advantage. It's going to be a blast from the past, no matter what!
- King Blythe II
- King Cleon II
- Blythe-Cleon I
- Harald-Blythe I