Part 72: Interregnum
InterregnumQueen Franz-Josephina's reign was a long and eventful one and another battle with Muhir kept everyone conscious that the war with the neighboring state was not over yet; to make things worse, several of her reforms were not loved by the people of the Kingdom. At the same time, two other womens were overshadowing the Queen's legacy - one in infamy and one in glory. This period in Ankist's history will be forever remembered as the time of Celestina and her dark machinations; and Hysadora and her scientific discoveries.

Google Translate is completely off the mark this time

As a partially related historical trivia, the Italian word for "sniper" (cecchino) is a moniker derived from Franz-Joseph of Austria's name. Specifically, during WW1 the Austro-Ungarian Empire and Italy were on opposite sides; the main battlefields were on the Alps, where soldiers would live for months on trenches dug into the mountainside and live in fear of sniper fire from the other side of the valley. The Italian soldiers gave Franz-Joseph the moniker "Cecco Beppe" (Frankie-Joe) and the enemy soldiers, invisible snipers on the other side of the mountain, got the nickname "Cecchini" (Little Frankies). The word is still in common use to the day.
At the moment, we don't have any proposal for the next Ruler's name so please let your voice be heard!