Part 1: Cast
Major Characters
Robert Cath (Green Car, Compartment 1): American doctor, age 29. Barred from medical practice in the U.S. because of his unorthodox methods and interest in ancient and esoteric forms of medicine, Cath has been living quietly in Paris. He and Tyler Whitney have been friends since college, and shared many adventures, but Cath hasn't seen Tyler in several years.
-Accused of the murder of an Irish police officer in Belfast, Cath received a telegram from Tyler asking for his help to inspect "something exceptional" on the Orient Express. He assumes Tyler's identity in order to discover the truth behind his friend's death.
-Has a mysterious past that Kronos knows about. Related to the "thirteenth tribe" and owner of a mysterious signet ring with a family crest.
-Wanted to travel to Jerusalem with Anna Wolff to get guidance on a manuscript, but they were separated in Constantinople when news of the war reached them.

Tyler Whitney (Green Car, Compartment 1): American freedom-fighter, philanthropist, and gunrunner. Tyler and Cath met at Yale, where Tyler--idealistic and wealthy son of Southern landed aristocrats--developed a passionate interest in the Wobblies workers' movement. He eventually left the U.S. and joined the Zapatista revolt in Mexico and Cuba, helping raise funds and run guns and munitions, before lending his support to Serbia in the 1912-13 Balkan Wars.
-Killed in the Orient Express shortly after it departed from Paris. Tyler had many contacts in the Orient Express, and Cath assumes his identity in order to discover why Tyler was killed.
-Tyler had a deal to sell the Firebird to Prince Kronos, in exchange for gold which would go to August Schmidt, who would then supply Milo Jovanovic and his comrades with weapons.
-According to Milo, Tyler was always looking over his shoulder in Paris when he had possession of the Firebird.
-Tyler was killed by the Firebird shortly after leaving Paris, as he blew the whistle during the night and in the presence of other music.

Anna Wolff (Red Car, Compartment F): Concert violinist. The daughter of an Austro-Hungarian military commander, she's been touring the concert halls of Europe and the United States, where her brilliant playing and striking appearance have won her great fame--as well as a perfect excuse to travel widely through the most influential levels of European society.
-Recognized the name "Tyler Whitney" and saw through Cath's disguise as Tyler, but agreed to keep quiet about his identity after he cured the Russian count.
-Wanted to hide something, and gave Tatiana said something.
-Her private possessions revealed her to be an Austro-Hungarian spy sent to investigate August Schmidt and his business.
-Protested innocence when accused of killing Tyler, and saved Cath's life when he was assaulted by Vesna.
-Shot Milo and attempted to stop the train before it reached Belgrade.
-Separated from Cath in Constantinople, as she had to serve her country in the outbreak of war.

Milo Jovanovic (Red Car, Compartment G): A young Serbian commander. Milo is a charismatic, self-educated rebel with a good combination of fighting skills, idealism, and practical cunning. Under the banner of General Georgevich, he fought many successful campaigns in the Balkan League's 1912-13 wars against Turkey. Faithful to his friends and fierce in battle, Milo is a good friend of Tyler Whitney's, and passionately committed to the cause of Serbo-Croatian unity.
-Assaulted Cath, believing he was Tyler's murderer. After the fight, treated Cath like a friend but warned him that nobody must know of Tyler's death or the deal he had in place.
-Explained Tyler's plan to Cath, and claimed Tyler died for the Black Hand's cause.
-Claims none of his men slew Tyler, and that he will avenge Tyler if necessary.
-Went through with the plan to hijack the train before Budapest.
-Felt betrayed by Cath after he rescued Wolff from Vesna. Shot by Anna Wolff.

Prince Kronos (Private Car, The Saturn): A wealthy and mysterious art collector. Prince Kronos's origins are obscure. Believed to have come from North Africa, he has amassed an enormous fortune. He is said to command a private army, and have a fortress in the Pyrenees, but rumors about him contradict each other. When in Europe, he travels in his lavish, eccentrically outfitted private rail car, the Saturn.
-Knows Robert Cath's real identity and troubles with the authorities, but doesn't care. Had a deal with Tyler to exchange something valuable for a "heavy briefcase".
-Believes Anna Wolff has the Firebird, and has tasked Kahina with its retrieval.
-Invited Anna Wolff for a private concert before his arrival in Vienna.
-Left the train in Vienna with his gold, but no Firebird.
-Maimed by the Firebird in Constantinople, and killed in the explosion caused by Tatiana.

August Schmidt (Green Car, Compartment 3): German industrialist. From humble beginnings, August Schmidt has built an empire from metal and arms manufacturing. One of the rising industrialists of the new Germany, he follows political developments very closely, and looks forward to prosperous times. He's also a gourmand and an appreciator of beauty in all its forms.
-He had a deal with Tyler for merchandise to be put on the train at Munich. Asked Cath (who he believes to be Tyler) to see "the gold" in exchange for this cargo, but Cath tells Schmidt they will "talk again after Munich".
-In Munich, he boarded German munitions on the train, but threatened to withdraw them in Vienna if he wasn't shown the gold he was promised.
-A letter in his compartment showed that his sales of weapons to Serbian nationalists, sworn enemies of Austria-Hungary, would be good for Germany despite its alliance to Austria-Hungary.
-After being shown (but not given) the gold by Cath, he decided to stay on the train until Budapest.
-Left behind with the other passengers after receiving the news he was doubly betrayed by Cath and Wolff.
Minor Characters

Alexei Dolnikov (Green Car, Compartment 2): Russian student. The idealistic son of an aristocratic family, Alexei left school in St. Petersburg and went to London, where he became deeply involved in the Anarchist movement. Renouncing his heritage, he dedicated himself to the abolition of the tyrannical system in which he was brought up.
-A staunch Liberal, he lectures Cath on the use of fairy tales when asked to translate the mysterious scroll Tyler had been carrying.
-Seen to be building a timer in his room. A detonator?
-Has a complicated relationship with Tatiana.
-Plans on building a bomb and exploding the train if Tatiana doesn't come with him to Budapest.
-Killed by Vassili Obolensky, he attempted to set off a bomb in the train.

Vassili Alexandrovich Obolensky (Red Car, Compartment A): Russian count. For many years an important advisor of Czar Alexander III, and his son Nicholas II after him. Owner of vast estates in the Ukraine. Old and in failing health, he remains highly religious, an ardent monarchist, and a despotic aristocrat whose one affection is for his granddaughter, Tatiana.
-He knew and respected Alexei Dolnikov's father, but believes Alexei "brought shame upon his family" due to his political leanings. Alexei, in turn, accuses Vassili of torturing and imprisoning many innocents while in his service to the Russian nobility.
-Had a seizure during the night, and was treated by Cath in a most unusual way.
-Allowed Cath to leave with the Firebird.
-In a delirious state, stabbed Alexei after he entered his compartment before Budapest.
-Strangely calm despite the events on the train.
-Killed in Constantinople by the explosion on the Orient Express.

Tatiana Obolenskya (Red Car, Compartment B): Sixteen-year-old granddaughter of the count. She has been at school in Paris and is now returning to Russia, probably to be married off to an appropriate member of the nobility. Fragile and innocent (but an excellent chess player), she still cherishes a childhood love for Alexei Dolnikov, the son of a neighboring aristocratic family outside Odessa.
-She translated the scroll Cath found in Tyler's duffel bag. It's a child's tale about Prince Ivan and a "Firebird".
-Anna Wolff gave her something to hide.
-The Firebird was hidden in her bathroom.
-Refused to leave the train with Alexei at Budapest.
-In shock from witnessing Alexei's death and the hijacking.
-In her traumatic state, decided to set off an explosion in the Orient Express using Alexei's lighter and Schmidt's munitions in order to prevent a war.

Vesna Savin (Red Car, Compartment G): At the age of 12, Vesna saw her family slaughtered by the local Turkish militia. A Croatian, she fled into Serbia and joined a Bosnian irregular fighting unit. Since then, Vesna has lived in the mountains and honed herself into a merciless fighter. Suspicious of all outsiders, she's a humorless, dedicated soldier and a loyal comrade to Milo.
-Believes Cath killed Tyler, and that Milo can't see it.
-Attempted to kill Wolff in the baggage car, but was stopped by Cath.
-Shot and killed Mahmoud, the Persian harem guard.
-Killed by Cath on a rooftop duel.

Kahina (Private Car, The Saturn): Proud and taciturn, Kahina is the last of an ancient Matabele tribe of female warriors who were defeated and driven from their Southern African homeland. Kahina owes her life to Kronos, and her loyalty to him is total and unswerving. Her command of English, French, Ndebele, and other languages makes her an ideal secretary, bodyguard, and general factotum to Kronos wherever he travels.
-Easily disturbed by Anna Wolff's dog, Max.
-Threatened Cath to return the gold he stole, or to give the Firebird to Kronos; implied she would kill him otherwise.
-Maimed by the Firebird in Constantinople, and killed in the explosion caused by Tatiana.

George Abbot (Red Car, Compartment C): British commercial agent. A last-minute addition, George Abbot boards the train at Munich, although his name doesn't appear on the passenger list. Abbot is a frequent traveler on the Orient Express as he conducts his business across the continent. Behind his garrulous, overly inquisitive persona is a sharp, capable mind; he has an odd way of knowing a great deal of private and personal information and of being in the right place at the right time.
-Seemed to know a lot about what's going on in the train before he even boarded.
-A motormouth. Terrible company.
-Cath and Abbot found each other snooping around Alexei Dolnikov's compartment.
-In actuality a "Company man", Abbot serves the British intelligence service, the Home Office. Knew about Cath's real identity and his troubles in Ireland, and offered Cath an opportunity to join in exchange for wiping his slate clean.
-Took control of the minitrain after the hijacking was foiled.
-Killed in Constantinople by the explosion on the Orient Express.

François Boutarel (Red Car, Compartment D): Precocious boy of 7. Young François has an interest in scientific experimentation and a special passion for insects, in which his father indulges him. He's no more obedient to his mother than other boys of his age, and makes authoritative comments on everything he sees--comments ignored, of course, by his parents and other adults.
-Claims to have seen Tyler's body rolling down the tracks, but his mother did not believe him.
-Traded a golden scarab whistle with Cath, which actually was part of Tyler's Firebird case.
-Found the golden scarab whistle outside of Tyler's compartment, as the whistle had mechanically crawled out of the compartment after the Firebird was activated as a murder weapon.

Madame Boutarel (Red Car, Compartment D): A practical Frenchwoman, largely and benignly ignored by husband and son. Madame B. maintains a keen sense of the proprieties and disciplines of family life, as well as her own position and ambitions in society.
-Dislikes any inconvenience and things out of the ordinary.
-Scorned for not being invited to the concert, Madame Boutarel ordered Conductor Coudert to escort Wolff's dog, Max, to the baggage car.

Claude Boutarel (Red Car, Compartment C): French geologist and engineer. Monsieur Boutarel is more interested in science and developing technologies than in politics, so he sees no problem in working for the Anglo-Persian oil company at the first oil refinery in Abadan. He encourages the scientific leanings of his son, François.
-Less than pleased to be sharing a compartment with George Abbot.
-Extremely nervous and frightened by the train's hijacking.

Rebecca Norton (Red Car, Compartment E): A young upper-class Englishwoman. Rebecca has escaped from a stifling London environment and is on her first adventure abroad with her dashing friend Sophie. Although naive and inexperienced, Rebecca is observant and intelligent; she keeps a diary and will one day become a famous journalist.
-Easily embarrassed by Sophie's flirtatious comments. She doesn't find Robert Cath "her type".
-Jealous that Sophie invited other "friends" to the island.

Sophie de Bretheuil (Red Car, Compartment E): A young attractive Frenchwoman. Sophie is a provocative, spoiled girl living a privileged and indolent bohemian life. She's indifferent to politics; only personal intrigue interests her. Her intelligence is of the highly practical and social kind; for the moment she's happy to be with Rebecca, but she keeps an eye out for other excitements. Ironically, although Rebecca is destined to become a great writer, it is Sophie who will achieve success first in the 1920s by writing a best-selling gossip book under a pseudonym.
-Seems to find both Robert Cath and Anna Wolff attractive, and coaches Rebecca on paying attention to the "small details" by using descriptive adjectives.
-Cares little for others except for how they make her feel.

Ivo Biskupovic (Red Car, Compartment H): A taciturn Bosnian Serb farm boy turned soldier. Unusually tall and broad, Ivo feels awkward in the confined spaces of the train. Like Vesna, he's fiercely loyal to Milos and a very good fighter...but he's never been in a restaurant before, and would much rather be in the hills than on a luxury train.
-Punched out by Cath.

Salko Popivoda (Red Car, Compartment H): Twenty-year-old Bosnian Serb and Ivo's shadow. During the Balkan Wars, Salko slipped across the border to Montenegro, and from there to Serbia, where he joined an irregular army unit. He and Ivo became friends and have been inseparable ever since. The little bells sewn onto the sleeve of Salko's jacket are his attempt to add a touch of splendor to his apparel, as befits a client of the Orient Express.
-Knocked Cath out with his crowbar, but was killed on a rooftop duel.

Trainmaster Vergès (Baggage Car): In 1876, at age 16, Vergès got his first job washing the exteriors of the train cars. As a pioneer of the railway, he has gradually risen in the ranks to the position of Trainmaster. A lifelong bachelor, Vergès keeps a firm eye on his nephew René, and tries to instill his own sense of responsibility and discipline into this unlikely bottle.
-Lost his master key during the Russian count's seizure.

Conductor Coudert (Red Car): Born in Algeria, Jacques Coudert came to Paris at age 18 to seek his fortune. A longtime employee of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (C.I.W.L.), his face is well-known to regular travelers on the Orient Express. Now just a few months from retirement, he has saved his money and looks forward to returning to Algiers, where he can live like a pasha on his pension.
-A Socialist sympathizer who thinks war can be avoided by uniting the workers of England, France, and Germany.
-Believes Cath stole the master key the Trainmaster lost.

Conductor Mertens (Green Car): This is young René's fifth run on the Paris-Constantinople route. Although he believes he's working hard, he's too lax to make a really top-notch conductor. His job is made more difficult by the ever-watchful eye of his uncle, the Trainmaster, to whom René owes his rapid promotion to this position.
-He has mistaken Robert Cath for Tyler Whitney and spread this error as fact, which helps Cath maintain his cover as Whitney.
-A patriotic Frenchman, René claims France will regain territory annexed to Germany should war break out.
-Believes that war cannot be avoided with a worker's strike.

Max (Red Car, Compartment F): Max (or "Maxl") is a large Siberian husky and companion of Anna Wolff. He is fiercely protective of his mistress, but can be won over if you give him respect and known where to scratch.
-Kept in the baggage car due to Madame Boutarel's complaints.
-Taken by Cath on Wolff's request after news of the war reached them.

Mahmoud Makhta (Green Car, Compartment 4): Persian eunuch. Mahmoud is charged with the safe conduct from Paris to Cairo of a four-woman harem belonging to a certain unnamed personage who anxiously awaits their arrival. The trip has been a tense and frustrating one for Mahmoud, who must reconcile the logistical difficulties of a long European train journey with his employer's strict requirement that the women not show themselves in public.
-Shot by Vesna after the Serbians hijacked the train.

Fatima (Green Car, Compartment 5): At 45, Fatima is the harem's oldest member. Though in a position of authority with respect to the younger women, she has seen enough in her life to take things in stride, and is generally willing to turn a blind eye to Hadija's and Yasmin's hijinks.

Yasmin (Green Car, Compartment 6): Age 20. The most educated of the group, Yasmin keeps the others entertained at night with stories and songs from literature and her own imagination. She is spoiled and, along with Hadija, is a little bit of a troublemaker.

Hadija (Green Car, Compartment 7): Age 19. Rebellious and high-spirited, Hadija is impatient with the tight discipline and boring routine imposed by travel. She's always inciting Yasmin to mischief, and on trips in the past has occasionally skirted disaster. However, on this trip Mahmud's vigilance subdues even her.
Alouan (Green Car, Compartment 8): Age 15. Alouan is the latest addition to the harem. This is her first time in Europe. Yasmin and Hadija tease her because she has brought her baby doll along and sleeps with it at night, but Fatima is protective of Alouan, who is really still a child.

Pascale (Restaurant Car): One of the two waiters in the Orient Express. Henri Pascale has served hundreds of travelers in his career, just as many as his co-waiter Marcel. Pascale has an extensive knowledge of wine, and he always strives to make his customers feel welcome, especially if they are young women.

Jean Jaurès (Red Car, Compartment I): Antiwar French Socialist leader. Many people counted on Jaurès to prevent war at the last minute by calling upon the workers of Europe to oppose it. On the announcement of Austria's ultimatum to Serbia on July 24, Jaurès canceled his planned trip to Vienna, calling instead for an emergency mass antiwar meeting in Brussels on July 29. Two days later, Jaurès was shot dead in Paris by a young French patriot. The following day, Germany and France mobilized for war.

Marshall Radomir Putnik (Green Car, Compartment 9): Serbian General Chief of Staff. On his way home to Belgrade from a relaxing cure in an Austrian spa, Putnik booked a berth on the Orient Express, but took an earlier train instead. Having been out of touch for some days, Putnik was surprised to find himself arrested in Budapest by Austro-Hungarian authorities--who, upon discovering Putnik's identity, and not wishing to deprive their enemy of its commander at the start of the war, apologized and sent him on his way.