
(Banner art by Renon Vesir. Click image for bloodstained version.)
For every evil, there is a greater good.
For every innocent, there is a protector.
For ever legend, there is a hero.
- The Book of Dundao 2:27
To cut right to the chase, The Mark of Kri is an action/adventure PS2 game from 2002 that makes a name for itself in this vague and crowded genre by combining the charm and art style of an animated feature film with the extreme violence of the grittiest dark fantasy tales. It utilizes a unique feature called the Focus Beam (which you may recall from the ridiculous, offensive commercial for the game) to give players control over a wide variety of combat situations, particularly grand melees in which they are greatly outnumbered. Varied gameplay, hand-drawn art, and surprising gore will be delivered in spades by this all-too-forgotten gem, so gather 'round as we unearth a legend!
Our story begins...

Ruins of Tiru: Part 1 - Part 2

Tapuroku: Part 1 - Part 2

Heiadoko: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Vaitaku: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Meifiti: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Rahtutusai: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - The End

Concept Art:

Rise of the Kasai

(Banner art by Renon Vesir. Click image for bloodstained version.)
Rise of the Kasai is at once very similar and very different from its predecessor, The Mark of Kri. It comes from new development studio Bottlerocket Entertainment, which was founded by members of Kri's development studio Sony San Diego, but hardly anyone outside of the voice cast plays the same role from the original. The story is presented in cel-shaded fully animated cutscenes that are impressive and beautiful in a way that is completely unlike the original's hand-drawn art. Most importantly, where The Mark of Kri is one of my best remembered gaming experiences for over a decade, Rise of the Kasai has been of great interest to me yet has remained a complete mystery for nearly as long. Because the controls in this game are largely unchanged from the original, I've decided to lean in to my lack of knowledge and make this a blind Let's Play. After completing each level, I'll go back to collect everything I missed and share the highlights in the videos.

Concept Art Galleries