Part 13: - Week 5
Week 5
Alright, let's keep on trucking on the campaign trail.
California: II
Kansas: II (tiebreaker)
Maine: I
Speech: III
Fundraise: II
Addressing Climate Change: II (tiebreaker)
Securing The Borders: I
Farm Subsidies: I
Don't Care Just Attack: I

First, we of course head to California...

...and attack Obama over opposing Addressing Climate Change. Strangely, this seems about as viable an avenue of attack as attacking her over Securing The Borders, but...

...we got the full 10% awareness boost from the speech and swung the vote 3% in our favor! It won't be a major thing in the long run, but every bit helps, even if it just means Obama will need to put more effort in to win California than normally expected.

Next, we head to Kansas, which I picked over Maine for the sake of having more electoral votes and being more red territory. But of course, we're not going to fundraise there, that would be a total waste of time.

Instead, following the general mood of the thread, it's attack ad time, so our first ad is a ground game ad attacking Obama over Farm Subsidies. Hey, in Kansas, that's a home run issue to run on!

And that's it for week 5. On to the beginning of week 6!

Michelle's turn is pretty simple - she flew around a bit and built another Outreach Center, in Nevada this time. She's really spreading herself out with these buildings. Also, she now gains 5 PR Clout per turn, getting fairly close to our 8. She's going to be pretty competitive with endorsements, and we can probably only afford to snipe a single one.

So in order to make it count, I went for the National Organization for Women. Abortion Rights is usually only a larger issue in liberal states, as is Supporting Gay Marriage, and in deep red states where it is also an issue, we have other issues (like Fighting ISIS) to cushion the loss it would mean in those. This would also be the endorsement that gives the most benefit to Obama, in my opinion.

Also, I had to snipe this one fast, because at the end of her turn, she would have taken that endorsement as well. Instead, she has to settle for The Environmentalist Club, which sounds like a good endorsement - after all, Addressing Climate Change is a big issue in a lot of states, but surprise, the endorsement doesn't help with that issue at all! Instead it's The Environment and Green Jobs, which are minor issues in liberal states and that's about it. Not actually all that great.

Here's another look at California to see the slight changes in issue ratings from last time - note that our lead is largely only due to our advantage in awareness. Sustaining it is the hard part.

And finally, the fucking wack-ass polls again. I assume our temporary lead in California is causing them to go even more crazy than before.
Alright, as usual, give me a State, Action and Issue to work with. Also, we either need to commit to California or get out. Halfway ain't gonna cut it.