Part 14: - Week 6
Week 6code:
California: IIIIII
Wyoming: I
Speech: IIIIII
Ad: I
Legalization of Marijuana: IIIII
Abortion Rights: I
Gun Control: I

This week, it's going to be two actions in California instead of one in Cali and one in Wyoming, and it's going to be two speeches instead of a speech and an ad. This is basically because I'm positing the question of "are we going full tilt on raising awareness in Cali or not" and the overwhelming answer was "full tilt", so we're going full tilt, which means no cross-country trips. As such, we're going to talk our ass off.

So again, don't be fooled by California turning deep red. This is all because of our awareness advantage. If Michelle closes the gap, she still wins big. Of course, there's something we might be able to do about that... I'll get to that later. Anyway, this speech was fully effective - it shifted three percent points of Democrat voters to undecided and Republican in a 2:1 ratio, and raised our awareness by 10%. Can't complain.

And then this one brings over one percent point of Democrats and two percent points of undecideds to Republicans, plus another 10% in awareness. Strong progress at the cost of doing literally nothing in any other state. But the money will be worth it, I'm sure.

Also, we get to hire our first operative! Every speech we give gives one Political Capital point, so we have enough for one operative now. Like I said earlier, I'm taking operatives into my own hands, and my first pick is going to be...

...this guy. The main reason is that I'm pretty sure our first interview is just around the corner, and we were always going to get this guy - Media Bias brings the undecideds to our side, which is always great. So that's it for week 6, let's move on to week 7.

I mean, they're right that the election still has to be decided, but that's not because the candidates are neck and neck. It's because what will happen in the rest of the campaign will have a larger impact than what has already happened for obvious reasons.

Michelle's turn is simple - a trip to Ohio to upgrade the campaign HQ there to level 2 - we're going to need to keep an eye on Ohio down the line - and then a trip to... Montana? And there she puts down an ad over her supporting Reducing Wealth Gap. But really, Montana? Fucking Montana? Montana's the state I always put my Consulting Office because it's a complete waste to campaign in. Pretty sure the only one that would be more of a waste to campaign in is Wyoming, which skews Republican even harder while having the same measly three electoral votes.

Here's this thing again. I've started keeping track of these numbers on the spreadsheet, and I'll be making some graphs out of them down the line - maybe we'll be able to see some trends? I doubt it.

And here's another look at California in detail. We're really starting to close the gap on issue scores somehow. I guess it'll change once Michelle actually starts campaigining there, but for now, we're getting close to a situation where California believes that Zodiac Killer and Michelle Obama are about the same on issues such as abortion rights and climate change. My god, we're evil.
I guess you could give me a State, Action and Issue as usual, or you could just tell me to stay in California and do the thing. That works too.