
In 1990, Toys for Bob released a simple multiplayer space battle game called Star Control. In 1992, it birthed a sequel, Star Control 2, an MS-DOS space exploration adventure of dizzying scope. Ten years later, the creators made the source code of the 3DO version available as open source. Another nine years passed, and the game was reborn as The Ur-Quan Masters, a non-commercial PC recreation of the original game for a new generation.
The Ur-Quan Masters is one of my favorite games of all time, and although there is already an LP of it in the archive, I want to put my own spin on it, and maybe introduce this classic gem to a new audience.
- This will be a mostly-screenshot LP, with supplemental video and sound links. None of them will be necessary to follow the game, but the game looks and sounds great, so please click on them.
- I will be putting a great majority of the game's decisions up to thread vote. The fate of the galaxy lies in your hands!
- As usual, a strict policy of NO SPOILERS in the thread. If it hasn't happened yet, don't post it, don't allude to it, don't wink-wink-nudge-nudge about it. If I permanently skip something, then sure, talk about it then, but only once there's absolutely no chance that I'll run into it later.
- Update schedule will be unspecified, but fast. There will be a lot of breaks to vote, which will run for 24 hours, so those updates will take at least 2 days.
- As with previous LPs, any voting post that is accompanied by fanart you drew yourself counts double.
Official 2133 Starmap. Be aware that over 20 years have passed since then, so I can't guarantee the accuracy of this information.
Table of Contents
- Prologue
- Feb 17 2155 - Return to Earth
- Feb 21 2155 - Exploring the Sol system
- Mar 17 2155 - Mining the Centauri cluster
- Apr 24 2155 - Broadcast from the Rigel system
- Jun 02 2155 - Human-Spathi negotiations
- Jun 24 2155 - Psychic Space Birds
- Jul 20 2155 - Ilwrath Territory
- Aug 14 2155 - The Vela Situation
- Sep 03 2155 - Communication Difficulties
- Oct 20 2155 - Negotiations with the Zoq-Fot-Pik
- Nov 20 2155 - Too Many Slave Shields
- Jan 09 2156 - Divine Impersonation
- Feb 25 2156 - Another Dimension
- Apr 16 2156 - The Importance of Beta Testing
- May 16 2156 - The Words
- Jun 21 2156 - Juffo-Wup
- Aug 20 2156 - The Shofixti and the Umgah
- Oct 02 2156 - The Utwig and the Supox
- Oct 31 2156 - Big Game Hunting
- Dec 14 2156 - The Crimson Corporation
- Jan 28 2157 - Of Monsters and Marsupials
- Mar 11 2157 - Talking Pet
- Mar 24 2157 - More Juffo-Wup
- Apr 26 2157 - Oh My
- Jul 02 2157 - Making Deals
- Aug 01 2157 - Aged Ultron
- Bonus: Super-Melee
- Bonus: Scamming the Druuge
- Bonus: The Great Apology
- Bonus: Thraddash Cultures
- Bonus: Melnorme Spoilers
- Sep 21 2157 - Final Preparations
- Finale, Part 1 - Suicide Mission
- Finale, Part 2 - The End
- Single elimination.
- Combat is using the most recent version of UQM, in Super-Melee. Winner is best of one match.
- Fleets cannot exceed 200 points.
- No duplicate ships allowed.
- At least one player should be tracking the time of each fight. When a fight has gone on for 3 minutes or longer, either player may call overtime.
- When a player calls overtime, both players immediately must stop using primary and secondary weapons. Whichever called overtime deliberately crashes into the planet, then the other player crashes into the planet. Continue until one ship is destroyed.
- If both players run out of ships simultaneously due to use of a Glory Device, the Scout's player is the winner.
- At players' discretion, battles can use pre-selected teams, or take turns picking ships (player 1 picks one, then each alternates picking 2 until fleets are full).
- Battles MUST be recorded. When the fight is over, upload it to Youtube to report the outcome.
- The winner of the finals will be awarded the following Orz plushie.

Join us in #sasupermelee on SynIrc to organize fights.
Roland Jones
Match A: Bluhman VS ProfessorProf
Match C: Ralphomon VS GlyphGryph
Match E: Roland Jones VS winner of A
Match F: levarris VS winner of B
Match G: Oblivion4568238 VS winner of C
Semifinals 1
Semifinals 2 (Featuring guest player Seiren)