Part 1: Prologue


Earth and her partners in the Alliance of Free Stars...
Against the evil Ur-Quan and its Hierarchy of Battle Thralls.
...and the Ur-Quan were winning...
Meanwhile, on the edge of the known frontier, an amazing discovery was made...
far beneath the surface of an unexplored, alien world...

Filled with the technological wonders of an advanced alien race, the Precursors...
Who vanished a thousand centuries ago.
But then the main Ur-Quan fleet broke through the Alliance's defensive line...
Isolating the planet, stranding the scientists a hundred light years away from Earth.
They wated hopefully for a rescue vessel...
which never came.

We, the survivors of the research mission, have colonized this world.
We continued our investigation of the underground city...
And we have discovered its purpose...
It is a factory.

But there aren't enough materials to make a complete vessel.
We can finish only the skeleton of one starship.
But that must be enough -
Because YOU must captain the vessel...
And return to Earth!

Find out what has happened over these many years...
Tell Earth of our plight!
And if the war with the Ur-Quan still rages....

So! Before we can truly begin, there are two decisions that must be made!
- What is the name of our intrepid captain?
- What is the name of his trusty Precursor flagship?
Voting will last for 24 hours.